can't tell if Stan or Newmine
Definitely not me and I don't believe this shit story one bit. Probably Stan or someone who is really hurting because they kept buying more and more as the price dropped, like Ander.
How surprising of you. Who do you work for anyway? I hope you charge well for your trolling services.
Says the pretend marketeer.
Who do you work for? Some resort doing marketing because a smash and crash facebook campaign for what was it exactly? You have no marketing degree, but you think because you know what SEO means you are an experienced marketing guru. You have only been here a few months and your stake has largely been handed to you which is why we get the nonchalant attitude when price drops from the likes of you. Like the food stamper who buys lobster and cashes their welfare checks for absurd amounts of fees, you don't have real skin in the game. So it's easy for you to shrug off a loss of investment that you didn't really earn.
Quit your twitter and Facebook annoyances and pie in the sky attitude when the sky is actually and truly falling on those who spent their hard earned money on an idea that has pivoted so many times, he creators can't even remember what they were originally doing here.