Author Topic: To everyone complaining about the current BTS price...  (Read 22152 times)

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Offline tsaishen

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hello , sfinder  ? ? ?

New to the community here. 
Not a sock puppet or alt for any other account. 
Not really sure how to prove it though.
Maybe look at some of my other posts?

I actually believe you, for what it's worth. I saw your posts on the "programmer" and "help wanted" threads -- you clearly know what you're talking about. I wouldn't believe you if you had just made the OP then disappeared. If this is all a ruse it's a fairly complex one. If you're just trolling, then you'd be a very persistent troll, heh.

This and BM's upcoming whitepaper suddenly have me very excited for BTS in April.

Here's to hopefully seeing something awesome in the coming weeks.

(I am curious how ATMs could tie into the whole thing though.....)

Believe me when I say I'm itching to tell you. 
If there isn't an official announce ready to roll by the 17th, I'll be back here running my own yap and just deal with any fallout.

If it is not safe to open up about it early on, then please consider keeping a lid on it until such a time when it is safe to do so.  I would prefer noone have to deal with "fallout" :)

It's relative.  Fallout here would be more along the lines of "Hey look we are going to offer x,y & z!" then finding out there was some legal or technical reason why despite having x, or y we couldn't do z.

Here is a real example and as CIO I can actually discuss this bit.

An absolutely crucial component of our business model relies on the ability to buy & sell bitUSD & other bitassets directly on the decentralized exchange.  Right now, the ability to purchase bitUSD and several other assets appears to be broken.  If it's not fixed by Friday then we will not be able to launch this thing period.

I am excited that we will be able to offer these things, but the tech needs to be in place and reliable enough to pull it off, or our business model falls down.

Offline fuzzy

hello , sfinder  ? ? ?

New to the community here. 
Not a sock puppet or alt for any other account. 
Not really sure how to prove it though.
Maybe look at some of my other posts?

I actually believe you, for what it's worth. I saw your posts on the "programmer" and "help wanted" threads -- you clearly know what you're talking about. I wouldn't believe you if you had just made the OP then disappeared. If this is all a ruse it's a fairly complex one. If you're just trolling, then you'd be a very persistent troll, heh.

This and BM's upcoming whitepaper suddenly have me very excited for BTS in April.

Here's to hopefully seeing something awesome in the coming weeks.

(I am curious how ATMs could tie into the whole thing though.....)

Believe me when I say I'm itching to tell you. 
If there isn't an official announce ready to roll by the 17th, I'll be back here running my own yap and just deal with any fallout.

If it is not safe to open up about it early on, then please consider keeping a lid on it until such a time when it is safe to do so.  I would prefer noone have to deal with "fallout" :)
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Offline fuzzy

I do not object to Newmine's posts, in the same way I don't object to Tony's, I actually welcome them. Criticism is always important, and is for a reason.
Yep, if you want to be honest, the most of what they said until now is true! Of course reality hearts most times, and we don't want to accept/face it...

Not meaning to hijack the thread, but it is important to note that actually the accuracy of what Newmine has said is negligible at best.  Some of the delegates he has called out were delegates likely needing voted out, but that does not mean that his words do not hurt/hinder the community. 

I want proof of what he says because most everything I personally see behind the scenes directly refutes it. 
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Offline betax

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Ok so on Friday we will have an official announcement :) | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline tsaishen

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hello , sfinder  ? ? ?

New to the community here. 
Not a sock puppet or alt for any other account. 
Not really sure how to prove it though.
Maybe look at some of my other posts?

I actually believe you, for what it's worth. I saw your posts on the "programmer" and "help wanted" threads -- you clearly know what you're talking about. I wouldn't believe you if you had just made the OP then disappeared. If this is all a ruse it's a fairly complex one. If you're just trolling, then you'd be a very persistent troll, heh.

This and BM's upcoming whitepaper suddenly have me very excited for BTS in April.

Here's to hopefully seeing something awesome in the coming weeks.

(I am curious how ATMs could tie into the whole thing though.....)

Believe me when I say I'm itching to tell you. 
If there isn't an official announce ready to roll by the 17th, I'll be back here running my own yap and just deal with any fallout.

Offline nomoreheroes7

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hello , sfinder  ? ? ?

New to the community here. 
Not a sock puppet or alt for any other account. 
Not really sure how to prove it though.
Maybe look at some of my other posts?

I actually believe you, for what it's worth. I saw your posts on the "programmer" and "help wanted" threads -- you clearly know what you're talking about. I wouldn't believe you if you had just made the OP then disappeared. If this is all a ruse it's a fairly complex one. If you're just trolling, then you'd be a very persistent troll, heh.

This and BM's upcoming whitepaper suddenly have me very excited for BTS in April.

Here's to hopefully seeing something awesome in the coming weeks.

(I am curious how ATMs could tie into the whole thing though.....)

Offline bitmeat

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In fact I think the lack of adoption is lack of certainty in the protocol, and it's hard to innovate if you set the protocol in stone.

Offline bitmeat

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Wow to be able to use BTS in ATM, it will need to be able to check andupdate hard forks on a daily basis... Which seems scary and risky but good luck. Hopefully bts protocol will stabilize and be able to be integrated in hardware more easily going forward.

Offline tsaishen

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hello , sfinder  ? ? ?

New to the community here. 
Not a sock puppet or alt for any other account. 
Not really sure how to prove it though.
Maybe look at some of my other posts?

Offline btswildpig

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这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline tsaishen

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quick guess: the OP is domsch and announces bithaus/nxthaus?! <very wild GUESS>

Xeroc you are good!! what a memory :)
Rumors say domach is still actively working on this even though not giving public updates .. DO consider this rumors .. not an investmend advice!

I'd never heard of domsch until now, but it looks like he's fairly keen on nxt. Latest update from him on the nxt forums just 3 days ago:

...we are right now just waiting for confirmation from our attorney to receive our Terms of Services for him - then we will be able to softlaunch the platform. We have completed penetration testing and should be good to go after we have the TOS in place :)

We will definitely try our best for PayExpo ;)

Sounds like they're very close to launch. Not sure if BTS is involved in any way though.!/360/

No I'm not dormsch, and it's not a BTS/NXT fiat gateway.  Well actually I guess it could function as a BTS/FIAT & FIAT/BTS gateway since it involves ATMs.  Not the core of the thing though, that's just a surface bit.

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I do not object to Newmine's posts, in the same way I don't object to Tony's, I actually welcome them. Criticism is always important, and is for a reason.
Yep, if you want to be honest, the most of what they said until now is true! Of course reality hearts most times, and we don't want to accept/face it...

Offline betax

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I do not object to Newmine's posts, in the same way I don't object to Tony's, I actually welcome them. Criticism is always important, and is for a reason. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Stan

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can't tell if Stan or Newmine
Definitely not me and I don't believe this shit story one bit. Probably Stan or someone who is really hurting because they kept buying more and more as the price dropped, like Ander.

How surprising of you. Who do you work for anyway? I hope you charge well for your trolling services.

Says the pretend marketeer.

Who do you work for? Some resort doing marketing because a smash and crash facebook campaign for what was it exactly? You have no marketing degree, but you think because you know what SEO means you are an experienced marketing guru. You have only been here a few months and your stake has largely been handed to you which is why we get the nonchalant attitude when price drops from the likes of you. Like the food stamper who buys lobster and cashes their welfare checks for absurd amounts of fees, you don't have real skin in the game. So it's easy for you to shrug off a loss of investment that you didn't really earn.

Quit your twitter and Facebook annoyances and pie in the sky attitude when the sky is actually and truly falling on those who spent their hard earned money on an idea that has pivoted so many times, he creators can't even remember what they were originally doing here.

Ha!  I knew I recognized this technique from somewhere!

From Wikipedia:  Magical Creatures in Harry Potter


The dementors are "soulless creatures... among the foulest beings on Earth": a phantom species who, as their name suggests, gradually deprive human minds of happiness and intelligence. They are the guards of the wizard prison, Azkaban, until after the return of antagonist Lord Voldemort.

In the Harry Potter books, dementors have a generally human shape, approximately 3 metres (10 feet) in height, covered in dark, hooded cloaks that reveal only their decayed-looking hands. Beneath the cloak, dementors are eyeless, and the only feature of note is the perpetually indrawn breath, by which they consume the emotions and good memories of human beings, forcing the victim to relive its worst memories alone. According to the author, dementors grow like fungi in dark, moist places, creating a dense, chilly fog. Although they are implied to be sentient, this is left ambiguous. The presence of a dementor makes the surrounding atmosphere grow cold and dark, and the effects are cumulative with the number of dementors present. The culmination of their power is the 'Dementor's Kiss', wherein the dementor latches its mouth onto a victim's lips and consumes its soul or psyche, presumably to leave the victim in a vegetative state.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 01:29:44 pm by Stan »
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline fuzzy

can't tell if Stan or Newmine
Definitely not me and I don't believe this shit story one bit. Probably Stan or someone who is really hurting because they kept buying more and more as the price dropped, like Ander.

How surprising of you. Who do you work for anyway? I hope you charge well for your trolling services.

Says the pretend marketeer.

Who do you work for? Some resort doing marketing because a smash and crash facebook campaign for what was it exactly? You have no marketing degree, but you think because you know what SEO means you are an experienced marketing guru. You have only been here a few months and your stake has largely been handed to you which is why we get the nonchalant attitude when price drops from the likes of you. Like the food stamper who buys lobster and cashes their welfare checks for absurd amounts of fees, you don't have real skin in the game. So it's easy for you to shrug off a loss of investment that you didn't really earn.

Quit your twitter and Facebook annoyances and pie in the sky attitude when the sky is actually and truly falling on those who spent their hard earned money on an idea that has pivoted so many times, he creators can't even remember what they were originally doing here.

Hey newmine.  Let's try to settle this seemingly endless well of anger and negativity I think you have gotten caught up in? 

Let's get you starting to attend hangouts.  You can tell everyone who you are and what you do.  Give them the story behind why you joined BitShares and then can answer some community questions like the delegates and devs do.  I think it would be very valuable for many of us to get to know the real you and how you have so much experience in crypto, marketing and pretty much everything else.  It has saddened me to a degree that you have made yourself such an outsider and I would personally like to help you overcome this so you can get back to being a part of our community who is focused on solving problems as opposed to inciting anger toward people who honestly do not deserve it.

There are better ways to do things, and I think mumble would be a far more productive place for you to speak your mind.  More would help people take you seriously.  I hope we can help you because I'd hate to see you eventually leave the community in anger that none of your opinions ever get considered...

I think the main reason none of your posts are taken seriously is because your weakest point is interpersonal communication (there is nothing wrong with this, of course, unless you want people to take you seriously).  This is a great opportunity for yourself and for the entire community to grow.  I hope you will accept it. :)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 12:53:24 pm by fuzzy »
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