Author Topic: Announcing BitShares AGS & BitShares X Allocation  (Read 138646 times)

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Bitshares 2 and all DACs afterwards, sponsored by Invictus will have a 10% PTS and 10% AGS allocation.  Only Bitshares 1 is 50% PTS and 50% AGS

This is one very likely possibility, but we only guarantee that supported DACs must have at least 10% of each.  Our position is that each DAC must be free to allocate the final 80% according to its funding needs, business model, and marketing strategy.

What makes sense for BitShares BEX will probably not make sense for BitShares LKS, for example.  They have completely different client demographics, business models, and marketing strategies.

Can I just get some clarification. The initial bitshare chain will be the first of many chains under the flag BEX yes? It's not like we get 50/50 of the first 16 assets then 10/10 for the next chain of another 16 assets. The asset exchange although encompassing multiple chains will only honor BEXshares? When referring to subsequent bitshares chains we are talking about domainshares and luckyshares and so on yes?

We are specifically referring to the currency trading chain which we expect to be the biggest and most relevant.  The other chains where the only change is a redefinition of assets will likely follow the 50/50 allocation for lack of any justification for alternative allocations.   We left the remaining 80% wiggle room merely to keep our options open in the event that AGS was a flop.  Given the success of AGS I see no solid justification for an alternative allocation without significant additional development effort invested in creating the other chains.

Our general goal is to under promise and over deliver and so while we only promise 10/10/80 we will likely over-deliver.  Please do not interpret these comments to imply that we will do anything in particular.   Invest accordingly. 

Does the Bitshares homepage not imply that anything "BitShares" will give 50% of ownings to AGS and 50% to PTS? With the branding effort to make BitShares an umbrella term, the logic seems to suggest that there would not be a 10/10/80% allocation on subsequent BitShares chains, but a 50/50% allocation.  Correct me if I am wrong. 

Offline bytemaster

Bitshares 2 and all DACs afterwards, sponsored by Invictus will have a 10% PTS and 10% AGS allocation.  Only Bitshares 1 is 50% PTS and 50% AGS

This is one very likely possibility, but we only guarantee that supported DACs must have at least 10% of each.  Our position is that each DAC must be free to allocate the final 80% according to its funding needs, business model, and marketing strategy.

What makes sense for BitShares BEX will probably not make sense for BitShares LKS, for example.  They have completely different client demographics, business models, and marketing strategies.

Can I just get some clarification. The initial bitshare chain will be the first of many chains under the flag BEX yes? It's not like we get 50/50 of the first 16 assets then 10/10 for the next chain of another 16 assets. The asset exchange although encompassing multiple chains will only honor BEXshares? When referring to subsequent bitshares chains we are talking about domainshares and luckyshares and so on yes?

We are specifically referring to the currency trading chain which we expect to be the biggest and most relevant.  The other chains where the only change is a redefinition of assets will likely follow the 50/50 allocation for lack of any justification for alternative allocations.   We left the remaining 80% wiggle room merely to keep our options open in the event that AGS was a flop.  Given the success of AGS I see no solid justification for an alternative allocation without significant additional development effort invested in creating the other chains.

Our general goal is to under promise and over deliver and so while we only promise 10/10/80 we will likely over-deliver.  Please do not interpret these comments to imply that we will do anything in particular.   Invest accordingly. 

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Offline smiley35

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Bitshares 2 and all DACs afterwards, sponsored by Invictus will have a 10% PTS and 10% AGS allocation.  Only Bitshares 1 is 50% PTS and 50% AGS

This is one very likely possibility, but we only guarantee that supported DACs must have at least 10% of each.  Our position is that each DAC must be free to allocate the final 80% according to its funding needs, business model, and marketing strategy.

What makes sense for BitShares BEX will probably not make sense for BitShares LKS, for example.  They have completely different client demographics, business models, and marketing strategies.

Can I just get some clarification. The initial bitshare chain will be the first of many chains under the flag BEX yes? It's not like we get 50/50 of the first 16 assets then 10/10 for the next chain of another 16 assets. The asset exchange although encompassing multiple chains will only honor BEXshares? When referring to subsequent bitshares chains we are talking about domainshares and luckyshares and so on yes? 

Offline Stan

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Bitshares 2 and all DACs afterwards, sponsored by Invictus will have a 10% PTS and 10% AGS allocation.  Only Bitshares 1 is 50% PTS and 50% AGS

This is one very likely possibility, but we only guarantee that supported DACs must have at least 10% of each.  Our position is that each DAC must be free to allocate the final 80% according to its funding needs, business model, and marketing strategy.

What makes sense for BitShares BEX will probably not make sense for BitShares LKS, for example.  They have completely different client demographics, business models, and marketing strategies.
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Offline Bitcoinfan

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Bitshares 2 and all DACs afterwards, sponsored by Invictus will have a 10% PTS and 10% AGS allocation.  Only Bitshares 1 is 50% PTS and 50% AGS

Offline Empirical1

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Will only Bitshares 1.0 (which will constitute 16 assets) be split 50/50 between AGS & PTS?

I.e so Bitshares 2.0 or the next group assets will have reduced allocations?

Offline bytemaster

A Noob question:

If donated several times in the last days with bitcoin qt and protoshares qt. Every time I did this, a new address was made.
So for each address that holds ags, I need to dump the private key.

When the time comes, is there a way to ''autodump'' all keys, or do I have to dump every key separate?

And is there also a way to import multiple keys at once?

Yes, we have bounties out that will simply import your PTS and BTC wallets in one easy step.
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Offline graffenwalder

A Noob question:

If donated several times in the last days with bitcoin qt and protoshares qt. Every time I did this, a new address was made.
So for each address that holds ags, I need to dump the private key.

When the time comes, is there a way to ''autodump'' all keys, or do I have to dump every key separate?

And is there also a way to import multiple keys at once?

Offline bytemaster

Play the game to maximize your stake in the genesis of all upcoming DACs.
Everything else is just noise.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean it would be wiser to leave your PTS alone since the PTS will have a stake in ALL of the future DACs (third party AND Invictus ones)

If you go for the AGS you get only the share in the "1st party DACs".

We are building infrastructure... you get a cut in any DAC that uses our code whether we release it or not.

But not with AGS if I understood correctly from the Social Contract. But it's impossible for me to know what the future will be in terms of success of "homegrown DACS vs 3rd party ones that use your code". It's impossible even for you, insiders and developers to know, but maybe you could share some insights how you think things might develop?

All of our code will be released under a software license that requires honoring AGS and PTS.  This means any third party building on top of our code will honor it.    I expect things to develop into competing ecosystems like Apple / MS ... Coins vs Shares and different code bases  Bitcoin vs Ripple vs BitShares...
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Offline Protoman

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Play the game to maximize your stake in the genesis of all upcoming DACs.
Everything else is just noise.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean it would be wiser to leave your PTS alone since the PTS will have a stake in ALL of the future DACs (third party AND Invictus ones)

If you go for the AGS you get only the share in the "1st party DACs".

We are building infrastructure... you get a cut in any DAC that uses our code whether we release it or not.

But not with AGS if I understood correctly from the Social Contract. But it's impossible for me to know what the future will be in terms of success of "homegrown DACS vs 3rd party ones that use your code". It's impossible even for you, insiders and developers to know, but maybe you could share some insights how you think things might develop?

Offline bytemaster

Play the game to maximize your stake in the genesis of all upcoming DACs.
Everything else is just noise.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean it would be wiser to leave your PTS alone since the PTS will have a stake in ALL of the future DACs (third party AND Invictus ones)

If you go for the AGS you get only the share in the "1st party DACs".

We are building infrastructure... you get a cut in any DAC that uses our code whether we release it or not. 
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline Protoman

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Play the game to maximize your stake in the genesis of all upcoming DACs.
Everything else is just noise.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this mean it would be wiser to leave your PTS alone since the PTS will have a stake in ALL of the future DACs (third party AND Invictus ones)

If you go for the AGS you get only the share in the "1st party DACs".

But I'm assuming that the number of 3rd party DACs would be greater that Invictus ones, but then again...will Invictus's be far more succesfull?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 07:56:36 pm by Protoman »

Offline Protoman

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Ok one more thing. Is it safe to send 1PTS today from the PTS wallet and assume it will bring me more than 1 AGS?

I think that is probably a safe assumption, it has averaged about 2:1 for the first 3 days.

Wouldn't it be also safe to assume that with time, there will be less and less PTS sent into the AGS blockchain?, meaning - in weeks (or until the AGS "promo" is available) there will be less PTS sent daily on average than right now when the interest is high and fresh.

We've been assuming just the opposite.  As more and more people find out about this, the competition should heat up - just like it typically does with mining as the word spreads.  Especially as we approach the release of a DAC when no sane person will be selling PTS -- leaving AGS as the last chance to get a primordial stake.  Then there's our coming marketing campaign intended to bring in outside demand for the first time.  99.999999999% of the world hasn't heard of this deal yet.  I'm converting my shares while I can still enjoy the ~2:1 premium.

However, this does not constitute financial advice...  :)

Yes, or your scenario.

Well I've sent 1PTS, hopefully I don't get less than 1AGS from this, because I only have 2 PTS total :)

Offline Stan

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Ok one more thing. Is it safe to send 1PTS today from the PTS wallet and assume it will bring me more than 1 AGS?

I think that is probably a safe assumption, it has averaged about 2:1 for the first 3 days.

Wouldn't it be also safe to assume that with time, there will be less and less PTS sent into the AGS blockchain?, meaning - in weeks (or until the AGS "promo" is available) there will be less PTS sent daily on average than right now when the interest is high and fresh.

We've been assuming just the opposite.  As more and more people find out about this, the competition should heat up - just like it typically does with mining as the word spreads.  Especially as we approach the release of a DAC when no sane person will be selling PTS -- leaving AGS as the last chance to get a primordial stake.  Then there's our coming marketing campaign intended to bring in outside demand for the first time.  99.999999999% of the world hasn't heard of this deal yet.  I'm converting my shares while I can still enjoy the ~2:1 premium.

However, this does not constitute financial advice...  :)
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.