Author Topic: Announcing BitShares AGS & BitShares X Allocation  (Read 139157 times)

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Offline voldemort628

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In the long run, it doesnt matter.

Offline bytemaster

one question regarding the BTS allocation:

according to my understing, suppose at BTS release only 1.5M PTS are mined out, then each PTS will be allocated 2/1.5=1.33 BTS, the rest 0.5M PTS which are not mined out yet will not get BTS allocated and there will be no more 1:1 matching for PTS and BTS, right?

the same question for AGS and BTS matching, as at BTS release maybe only 1M AGS are sold out.

Correct, there will be greater than 1:1 matching if we launch before things are mined out.

same for AGS? suppose BTS will be released after exactly 100 days from now and at that time 1M AGS are sold out, will it be a 1:2 matching for AGS:BTS?

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Offline bitcrab

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one question regarding the BTS allocation:

according to my understing, suppose at BTS release only 1.5M PTS are mined out, then each PTS will be allocated 2/1.5=1.33 BTS, the rest 0.5M PTS which are not mined out yet will not get BTS allocated and there will be no more 1:1 matching for PTS and BTS, right?

the same question for AGS and BTS matching, as at BTS release maybe only 1M AGS are sold out.

Correct, there will be greater than 1:1 matching if we launch before things are mined out.

same for AGS? suppose BTS will be released after exactly 100 days from now and at that time 1M AGS are sold out, will it be a 1:2 matching for AGS:BTS?

Offline bytemaster

one question regarding the BTS allocation:

according to my understing, suppose at BTS release only 1.5M PTS are mined out, then each PTS will be allocated 2/1.5=1.33 BTS, the rest 0.5M PTS which are not mined out yet will not get BTS allocated and there will be no more 1:1 matching for PTS and BTS, right?

the same question for AGS and BTS matching, as at BTS release maybe only 1M AGS are sold out.

Correct, there will be greater than 1:1 matching if we launch before things are mined out.
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Offline bitcrab

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one question regarding the BTS allocation:

according to my understing, suppose at BTS release only 1.5M PTS are mined out, then each PTS will be allocated 2/1.5=1.33 BTS, the rest 0.5M PTS which are not mined out yet will not get BTS allocated and there will be no more 1:1 matching for PTS and BTS, right?

the same question for AGS and BTS matching, as at BTS release maybe only 1M AGS are sold out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 05:05:18 am by giantcrab »

Offline bytemaster

« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 10:43:01 pm by bytemaster »
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Offline voldemort628

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coinexplorer doesnt seem to show the correct numbers here, cos the first transaction of 500pts from some punk (well maybe not) is shown twice....

You're right. There's a bug in counting many PTS transactions twice.

no wonderrr...made me happy for a split of a sec that somehow my donation to keyhotee project got doubled hahah

Offline dahongfei

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coinexplorer doesnt seem to show the correct numbers here, cos the first transaction of 500pts from some punk (well maybe not) is shown twice....

You're right. There's a bug in counting many PTS transactions twice.

Offline voldemort628

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 coinexplorer doesnt seem to show the correct numbers here, cos the first transaction of 500pts from some punk (well maybe not) is shown twice....

Offline threepoint14

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This is really great news and I am watching in great interest.  Here is my analysis of things.

For anyone wanting to hold PTS long-term and not day trade, AGS is a far better deal anytime they receive less than 5000 PTS per day.

It looks like they are using a very aggressive bounty plan which gives me confidence that the funds we provide are being put to good use.

From where I sit, they just created a way for every one who owns PTS to fund development without losing our cut in the future.   I see almost no reason to hold on to my PTS so long as AGS is so cheap.  It will be interesting to see how many others agree.

Offline bytemaster

Sorry if this is not in the correct thread, I did look around a bit prior. I can't seem to find an answer to this question with all these other AGS, BTS, etc being announced.

Will mining PTS still be necessary after December 31st, 2013 23:59 GMT? If yes, what will they be good for? AGS? BTS?

I'm just a little confused and don't want to miss out on an opportunity. Thanks.

PTS requires mining and its social contract is unmodified.  Mined PTS is still valid for a stake in all future DACs.
Ok thank you. Also, can you clarify any deadlines for December 31st, 2013 23:59 GMT? I could swear I read something about something getting converted at that point.

That was the original planned launch data for the Keyhotee genesis block, the schedule has slipped and the genesis block will be released once we have received the final registration step from the vast majority of Keyhotee ID users.
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Offline CryptoN8

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Sorry if this is not in the correct thread, I did look around a bit prior. I can't seem to find an answer to this question with all these other AGS, BTS, etc being announced.

Will mining PTS still be necessary after December 31st, 2013 23:59 GMT? If yes, what will they be good for? AGS? BTS?

I'm just a little confused and don't want to miss out on an opportunity. Thanks.

PTS requires mining and its social contract is unmodified.  Mined PTS is still valid for a stake in all future DACs.
Ok thank you. Also, can you clarify any deadlines for December 31st, 2013 23:59 GMT? I could swear I read something about something getting converted at that point.

Offline bytemaster

Sorry if this is not in the correct thread, I did look around a bit prior. I can't seem to find an answer to this question with all these other AGS, BTS, etc being announced.

Will mining PTS still be necessary after December 31st, 2013 23:59 GMT? If yes, what will they be good for? AGS? BTS?

I'm just a little confused and don't want to miss out on an opportunity. Thanks.

PTS requires mining and its social contract is unmodified.  Mined PTS is still valid for a stake in all future DACs. 
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Offline CryptoN8

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Sorry if this is not in the correct thread, I did look around a bit prior. I can't seem to find an answer to this question with all these other AGS, BTS, etc being announced.

Will mining PTS still be necessary after December 31st, 2013 23:59 GMT? If yes, what will they be good for? AGS? BTS?

I'm just a little confused and don't want to miss out on an opportunity. Thanks.

Offline bytemaster

I apologize if this has been asked already...As a Keyhotee Founder I just found out about this AGS -- I wish there was an emailed newsletter or something.

What address do I send to and how do I specify that this is coming from a Founder address?


You send to the addresses in the OP.

I think you don't specify that they're coming from a founder ID, I think they just mean that any PTS received for keyhotee donations (founder ID purchases) count as angelshare "purchases" and so you can use those private keys will be able to redeem the shares.

I would like some clarification though, if what I'm saying is right that means we had to have kept the keys we sent the donations from even though there was no warning that we would need to keep them. If I'm wrong, then I'm just totally confused about how the first 10,000 AGS are set aside for founders.

When you give us your keyhotee ID public key (tool soon to be released) we will know how to allocate the funds.  We will then publish a list which maps your Founder Public Key to a PTS address that can be used in the genesis block.  The address you paid for your Keyhotee ID will not be used because many people sent directly from exchanges, paid for 3rd parties, or were given credit for Keyhotee IDs in exchange for services rendered.   
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