I confess to selling from ANGEL today to cover some expenses. Unfortunately, I sold just prior to the big pump
On the brighter side super33 appears to be out of BTS to sell.
You should listen to every word this scammer has to say.
20 days ago he was paid 45K USD... 'some expenses' here just means he is selling every time BTS is above zero.... as he believes it will soon not be above that.
I listen to extended unofficial recording of today's mumble... and more than a few comments were directed at me (well I could be imagining that but...hell I do not)...
As far as BM goes... well, I have some faith left (otherwise I would not have listened) that this (BTS) is not a milking cow of yours, BM. Actions speak louder than words, so we will se how it goes in reality.
I will just repeat myself but the late December actions showed the opposite (go for the money on the table, with no care what BTS needs...as long as we are going to be paid and it is not totally negative it is fine etc. etc.)
@jcalfee1 and others - If I have the tech skills to do it, I would have been doing about exactly what asshole1 is doing... and no, it is not just tech issues. so coming to CNX would not proven all of his points ( as far as I get them).
For you and
@onceuponatime it is also about a flowed system of fees. My take on it (I might be wrong but that is what I have gathered and deducted) is - if you value your token at X BTS/token....just go ahead and get X tokens for every crapcoin in your fee pool.
The last thing I want to address is
'the negativity factor' - I do believe 90% of you perceive me as the definition of that (asides from the totally baseless one like newmine). Well I have always felt I am the balancing factor against this forum's fan mob... but if you do thinks you are better off in your cloud of no- reasonable checks to your blind believes.. you will have your wishes come true soon enough.
As per Muse? AS someone correctly posted - I am out of it so I have not posted in those threads in....well, let's say I am posting like my name is Eddie.... My only question is - why do you all care? If it is a scam or if it a 'project that already targets some else's money? your actions should be the same? [btw I was at total lost with Rivers point that cob does not run the show... so fatty Eddy does it! Is he more responsive, trusted or what... ]