Author Topic: Bitshares price discussion  (Read 1277074 times)

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Offline intelliguy

Is the prediction market actually functional as a practical matter?

Is Bitshares actually a Dex for the crypto markets?

To my limited understanding those things are hard coded into the protocol.

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Prediction Market documentation:

Example of a prediction market:

What it looks like on Cryptofresh:

What specifically was your question about prediction markets? Seems the documentation, features, and actual use of them is occurring.


With regard to your second question:

This explains how the Dex works.

I think your question more pertains to, "so can I buy some Peercoins with BTS or DASH coins through the DEX"

The answer is "yes" if a gateway provider was to offer that service.

Try this exercise:

1. Open up your Bitshares Lite wallet
2. Login to your account
3. Click Deposit / Withdrawal
4. Notice all the BTC, Dash, Doge, Eth, LTC addresses?

There's gateways that offer you to come in/out of those coins already...

BLOCKTRADES, CCEDK, METAEXCHANGE, TRANSWISER are listed as gateway providers....

This is not a fault of the code, it's just that the industry hasn't realized what Bitshares is capable of..

(See, we need more marketing, promotion, and business use of the Bitshares DEX, that's probably why you're even asking these questions -- no one reads. Everyone seems to walk around with illusions that the software isn't ready to be used.  It is ready to be used... AND PEOPLE ARE USING IT!)

See this:

Dan even wrote about how the BTS Network could work with gateways back in Dec 2014

Somehow from Dec 2014 - April 2017, very few still understand it.  Instead everyone is waiting for Dan to build it.  He already did!

But these questions don't belong here.  This is suppose to be about the Bitshares price discussion, to discuss price.

If you want to know more about what the system is able to do, let's not tie it up in the price discussion thread.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 03:37:48 am by intelliguy »
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline mr-whitekey

I am not a programmer, so I have no comment there. I also respect that Dan did more for Bitshares than a user/speculator like myself will ever do.

That said there is lots to be done. A project of this size and ambition needs a full time developelment team.

You're misusing the word development.

What Bitshares needs is more business use cases, marketing, and promotion.

People who have been following Bitshares from the Protoshares days, heard lots about development.  Bitshares and the DEX is in stage that it can be used "as is".. and do quite well at it.  That's why there's tradeable tokens, volume, etc.

The only reason we don't have more liquidity in the system is not because of programming development or features... (so please stop saying "development") -- Development in the cryptocurrency industry generally means "dev" to "dev" or "develop" the code base of the software.

Bitshares is already developed, it already runs, it already works.   We're past the early investor stage.

Now Stan has are elluded to the idea that he's working on some major business use cases for Bitshares, and I suspect other people are doing in the same.

...but all of this talk about "We need development", why isn't bytemaster doing more "development"... it's just the wrong word.

For instance, the bitshares system already is self governing.  It already allows you to create worker proposals to do XYZ to get things done. 

We have a decentralized system for a reason -- it's decentralized WHETHER OR NOT Dan/bytemaster is here or not.  It continues to run, and run well. It's working. It's in operation. It's not BETA. It's active!
Is the prediction market actually functional as a practical matter?

Is Bitshares actually a Dex for the crypto markets?

To my limited understanding those things are hard coded into the protocol.

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Offline intelliguy

I am not a programmer, so I have no comment there. I also respect that Dan did more for Bitshares than a user/speculator like myself will ever do.

That said there is lots to be done. A project of this size and ambition needs a full time developelment team.

You're misusing the word development.

What Bitshares needs is more business use cases, marketing, and promotion.

People who have been following Bitshares from the Protoshares days, heard lots about development.  Bitshares and the DEX is in stage that it can be used "as is".. and do quite well at it.  That's why there's tradeable tokens, volume, etc.

The only reason we don't have more liquidity in the system is not because of programming development or features... (so please stop saying "development") -- Development in the cryptocurrency industry generally means "dev" to "dev" or "develop" the code base of the software.

Bitshares is already developed, it already runs, it already works.   We're past the early investor stage.

Now Stan has are elluded to the idea that he's working on some major business use cases for Bitshares, and I suspect other people are doing in the same.

...but all of this talk about "We need development", why isn't bytemaster doing more "development"... it's just the wrong word.

For instance, the bitshares system already is self governing.  It already allows you to create worker proposals to do XYZ to get things done. 

We have a decentralized system for a reason -- it's decentralized WHETHER OR NOT Dan/bytemaster is here or not.  It continues to run, and run well. It's working. It's in operation. It's not BETA. It's active!

I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline mr-whitekey

Still rolling with that old chestnut eh.. I expect Stan would approve. I'd rather have seen him stick with fully developing BTS, than making like cowboy and doing a fast one. Lost of lump of money that other insiders didn't, from that same gameplaying previously.

Interesting.. you believe that BTS isn't developed?

Have you looked at the code?  It's already built.  Dan's work is done.  He built a product that works...

Why are you suggesting it's not "fully developed" ?
I am not a programmer, so I have no comment there. I also respect that Dan did more for Bitshares than a user/speculator like myself will ever do.

That said there is lots to be done. A project of this size and ambition needs a full time developelment team.

1) We could address counter party risk in all non Bitshares tokens trading on the dex.

2) We could address the prediction market mechanics making it actually usable.

3) Bitshares governance is also an issue with so few voters.

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« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 10:07:03 pm by mr-whitekey »

Offline sahkan

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Interesting day today on the BTS markets. POLO had some connectivity issues. Also trading on DEX today, I noticed that some trades were not executed or updated properly. I saw the asking price match the buy price and the trade was not happening. (about 50 minutes ago on BTC:BTS at 0.00000912)

Offline intelliguy

Still rolling with that old chestnut eh.. I expect Stan would approve. I'd rather have seen him stick with fully developing BTS, than making like cowboy and doing a fast one. Lost of lump of money that other insiders didn't, from that same gameplaying previously.

Interesting.. you believe that BTS isn't developed?

Have you looked at the code?  It's already built.  Dan's work is done.  He built a product that works...

Why are you suggesting it's not "fully developed" ?
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline blahblah7up

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How about blockpay and all the people they are exposing bitshares to on their world tour?

BlockPay was released months ago and continues to get better and better each week, yet I only see frikn ONE merchant using it so far.

Yes, I'm sure that's it.

Offline mike623317

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How about blockpay and all the people they are exposing bitshares to on their world tour?

Offline davidpbrown

Or he knows his strength lies not in long term management, but quick pace innovation.

Still rolling with that old chestnut eh.. I expect Stan would approve. I'd rather have seen him stick with fully developing BTS, than making like cowboy and doing a fast one. Lost of lump of money that other insiders didn't, from that same gameplaying previously.

Offline mr-whitekey

some speculation due to Dan leaving Steem for now. But who knows...

lol.. omg you got to be kidding! Has he failed to follow through again!?.. urgh.
Or he knows his strength lies not in long term management, but quick pace innovation.

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Offline davidpbrown

some speculation due to Dan leaving Steem for now. But who knows...

lol.. omg you got to be kidding! Has he failed to follow through again!?.. urgh.

Offline Frodo

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I suspect some speculation due to Dan leaving Steem for now. But who knows...

Offline davidpbrown there any rational explanation for the current Bitshares bull run?

And the question I still don't have an answer for is: Is it sustainable??

I haven't been watching BTS for a while.. but notice the trollbox is alive with chatter about the volume of transactions that BTS can handle.. I guess wherever there is uncertainty about BTC's ability to scale - and perhaps without all the politics, there is opportunity for another that can step up. If BTS is in good shape and other fundamentals like past agreements are seen to be still valid then skys the limit. I say that cause I can't get a clear answer from bitsapphire about the agreement to honor moonstone tokens but all those little signals provide a backdrop that then instill confidence. Would be good to see BTS jump back up where perhaps it should be. The stumble a while back where marketing and hype dominated I suspect left a sour impression on a lot of people, so need to reverse that with clear signals that BTS could replace BTC if needed.

Offline Chuckone

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I'm not exactly sure what's happening (and I won't complain), but except the general pump every alt coin has been through, is there any rational explanation for the current Bitshares bull run?

And the question I still don't have an answer for is: Is it sustainable??

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Offline intelliguy

We were already at/below the 300 satoshi range for a while. Accumulation phase is over, IMO.

The manipulation hasn't ended, and is still ongoing.

I hate to promote a steemit post I wrote here today, but it is directly related to the pricing discussion.

See SIGN)intelliguy

Or manually copy/paste this:

(I am surprised you still can't post steemit links in SMF forum)

...and the post ends with:

QUOTE: "P.S. This is why STEEM and BITSHARES don't trend as high as other coins. Just so you know."

« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 08:16:18 pm by intelliguy »
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)