Prices being low is only a good thing if they are low compared to reasonable future value of BTS. I see nothing that has changed regarding the fundamental value of BTS. The are some possibilities like block pay and this new debit card that Stan was talking about, but with low volume on both and both still being speculative in their own right that only compounds the risk of BTS.
Basically we have the success of a speculative asset riding on the success several more speculative ventures.
My thoughts are, yes, it is a great time to buy, if you are convinced that either block pay or this new debit card feature Stan referred to will ultimately succeeded.
However, we still have a massive leadership deficit and has prevented me from buying more... When I see the kind of leadership that other projects have from peerplays to blockpay it makes me increasingly wonder if I have misallocated my capital in this project. I first came to bitshares about a year ago and instantly saw its potential with the Dex and pegged assets. I still believe that potential and am not so impatient that I expect returns in one year, but I do except a dedicated leadership with ideas and vision. The lack of this is probably the single largest aspect that tells me to sell much of my stake and move on...
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