How do you specify this? I keep having new addresses being generated. All of my donations have been at least 1PTS or greater, so I'm not worried about the decimal issue, but its getting to be inconvenient tracking all of my donations.
You could transfer your PTS to a single wallet before donating it to the AGS address. If you're talking about multiple addresses for the same wallet, I don't think it will be that much of a problem since they all share the same private key.
Regarding what Bytemaster said about allowing future DACs to determine how to interpret digit significance: I think it would be useful to have a canonical AGS distribution published by Invictus; otherwise, there might be some fragmentation in how people interpret the social contract.
To be clear - I'm not suggesting that you require DACs to award to a certain decimal significance - merely suggesting that there be an official summation per address of AGS.