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A use 1BTS create 100 bitusd, B use 1BTS create 200 bitusd, C want to use 1BTS buy 150 bitusd
the exchange is A and B , or B and C
the sell price
A:0.01BTS/bitusd, B: 0.005BTS/bitusd
the buy price
it seem like exchange should beetween B and C
but I think the exchage should been A and B,, because ,
the sell price of BTS
A: 100bitusd/BTS
B:200 bitusd/BTS
the buy price of BTS
C: 150bitsud/BTS
so the exchange should between A and C
when we are talking sell order and buy order, there is a hidden field we might miss, the target currency we want to sell/buy.
Your example here should be A and B short sell bitusd, C want to buy bitusd, but your understanding is opposite wrong.
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becuase my job reason, I usually am concerned with the system is convergen or diverge.
the Bitusds A sell is totally different with the Bitusds B sell
per Bitusd_A include 0.01 BTS , while Bitusd_B include 0.005BTS
So if C exchange with B , C buy 150 Bitusd_B that only include value 150*0.005=0.75BTS
if C exchange with A , C buy 100Bitusd_A that include value 100*0.1=1BTS
C tend to buy the Bitusd that include more value ,therefore C should exchane with A
in other way ,if there is D use 1 BTS create 10000Bitusd
if acc. to your exchange rule , D the sell price only 0.0001BTS/ bitusd ,so C should exchange with D,
but there also is E use 1 BTS create 100000000Bitusd , F ```````` or more
so this system diverge