Author Topic: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process  (Read 133426 times)

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Offline bytemaster

I will reply when I get home.

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Offline earthbound

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I've tried sending test messages to every public key I've seen posted here, from my Founder ID and also from a test ID; I'll wait for any replies.

The public key of my test ID is:


I would be curious to know whether the private key for this can be acquired and imported into anyone elses' profile, to make an impromptu test list (shared ID).
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Offline toast

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I installed Qt5 found here. I installed to ~/Qt5.2.0 and then I ran

Code: [Select]
QTDIR="~/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0/gcc64/" cmake .

This builds fine on Debian. Replace 64 by 32 on 32 bit systems.

linux builds are working fine, problem is for osx
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Offline arcke

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I installed Qt5 found here. I installed to ~/Qt5.2.0 and then I ran

Code: [Select]
QTDIR="~/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0/gcc64/" cmake .

This builds fine on Debian. Replace 64 by 32 on 32 bit systems.
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Offline toast

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Are there OSX / linux binaries? I'm having trouble building from source

I am working on OSX binaries but am having problems with the loading of Qt Image plugins when I package it for distribution.  I have a bounty out to help solve this problem.

Not sure if this is the same problem but I had some Qt dependency issues and fixed them with

Code: [Select]
set ( CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} ";/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.2.0/lib/cmake;" )
After installing qt5 with brew
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Offline arcke

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How to build Keyhotee under Ubuntu ?

Code: [Select]
git clone
cd keyhotee
git clone
cd BitShares
git clone
cd ..
cmake .

You might need some extra dependencies.
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Offline pvaladares

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How to build Keyhotee under Ubuntu ?
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Offline spoonman

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Are there OSX / linux binaries? I'm having trouble building from source

I am working on OSX binaries but am having problems with the loading of Qt Image plugins when I package it for distribution.  I have a bounty out to help solve this problem.

Last time I tried to build something with Qt stuff I found post that it was best to use a 32bit mac.

Offline cass

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ok registration finished :)! I have registerd my founder ID! Hopefully this was correct! But how i can prove iam the owner if my registered ID!? Cause i didn't fill in the founder code? Did we get this code before!? Sry for asking!? Or should we verify this with the private key of the PTS address from which i sent the donation amount!?  Don't want to do anything wrong..

You need to enter the pts address we gave you and then it will report the usd balance of your donation. 

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ok but when try to register with my founder ID again i get message that i have registered this name before, right!?
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Offline bytemaster

ok registration finished :)! I have registerd my founder ID! Hopefully this was correct! But how i can prove iam the owner if my registered ID!? Cause i didn't fill in the founder code? Did we get this code before!? Sry for asking!? Or should we verify this with the private key of the PTS address from which i sent the donation amount!?  Don't want to do anything wrong..

You need to enter the pts address we gave you and then it will report the usd balance of your donation. 

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Offline cass

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ok registration finished :)! I have registerd my founder ID! Hopefully this was correct! But how i can prove iam the owner if my registered ID!? Cause i didn't fill in the founder code? Did we get this code before!? Sry for asking!? Or should we verify this with the private key of the PTS address from which i sent the donation amount!?  Don't want to do anything wrong..
█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline bytemaster

Hi, I created my identity but forgot to check "register", and now in the contact my profile shows "unregistered" and highlighted as yellow.
any comment on how to solve it? is it a big problem?

Also after a bit of mining mine went from Yellow to Green.  Not sure if that was related.

Any ID mining is waisted effort as you are not connected to any network.  Green means normal Keyhotee ID.... Gold "Founder" tag indicates you are a founder.  We will initialize the Keyhotee ID blockchain once we have captured everyones public keys and then launch an updated version of Keyhotee that will actually allow you to mine your ID.

Perfect, thank you.  I really only started mining because it was an option and I like to poke buttons :).  I'll stop.  Also, is the pubic key I sent you the one you need for the genesis block?  Lastly, I have gotten my first choice ID.  Can I get my second choice one as well or was it one ID per contribution.  I'm cool either way, just curious.

Thanks!  This is looking really great :).

Only one ID per donation.

No major bugs so far.... now to get that Mac executable out to everyone :)
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Offline Riverhead

Hi, I created my identity but forgot to check "register", and now in the contact my profile shows "unregistered" and highlighted as yellow.
any comment on how to solve it? is it a big problem?

Also after a bit of mining mine went from Yellow to Green.  Not sure if that was related.

Any ID mining is waisted effort as you are not connected to any network.  Green means normal Keyhotee ID.... Gold "Founder" tag indicates you are a founder.  We will initialize the Keyhotee ID blockchain once we have captured everyones public keys and then launch an updated version of Keyhotee that will actually allow you to mine your ID.

Perfect, thank you.  I really only started mining because it was an option and I like to poke buttons :).  I'll stop.  Also, is the pubic key I sent you the one you need for the genesis block?  Lastly, I have gotten my first choice ID.  Can I get my second choice one as well or was it one ID per contribution.  I'm cool either way, just curious.

Thanks!  This is looking really great :).

Offline bytemaster

Hi, I created my identity but forgot to check "register", and now in the contact my profile shows "unregistered" and highlighted as yellow.
any comment on how to solve it? is it a big problem?

Also after a bit of mining mine went from Yellow to Green.  Not sure if that was related.

Any ID mining is waisted effort as you are not connected to any network.  Green means normal Keyhotee ID.... Gold "Founder" tag indicates you are a founder.  We will initialize the Keyhotee ID blockchain once we have captured everyones public keys and then launch an updated version of Keyhotee that will actually allow you to mine your ID.
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Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline Riverhead

Hi, I created my identity but forgot to check "register", and now in the contact my profile shows "unregistered" and highlighted as yellow.
any comment on how to solve it? is it a big problem?

Also after a bit of mining mine went from Yellow to Green.  Not sure if that was related.