As anyone who has been following Keyhotee and BitShares knows, we are building a decentralized block chain based ID system. With Keyhotee ID you mine your own identity and the more you invest into mining your own name the more others will trust that it is not a sock puppet and the more you have to lose if it builds a bad reputation. Keyhotee ID assigns names on a first mined first served basis after the genesis block and the registration date and renewal count follow that unique name everywhere. These numbers can be used for all kinds of things as the Keyhotee ecosystem grows including: automatic filtering and ranking of posts on forums, spam filtering, threshold for account creation, and as a weighting component in a growing web of trust. long has your Brand been in business and what's it worth to you?
Every Keyhotee ID has a Born-On Date. The date it was mined into existence in the Keyhotee ID block chain. The closer to the original Genesis Block, the greater the reputation value. The more you have to lose if you ever have to start over. The more likely you joined before the Bad Guys learned what an impeccable, incorruptible reputation would be worth in Keyhotee Free Space.
Every Keyhotee ID also has a Recognition of Contribution. This is what your reputation is worth to you based on what you've invested into it. Proof that your ID is not a sock-puppet of convenience. Think of it as your personal proof-of-work. What support have you given back to make the Keyhotee ID ecosystem successful? So far, there are only two ways to build your ID's lifetime Recognition of Contribution.
And one will be lost forever before Keyhotee goes live on New Year's Eve.
1) Be a Keyhotee Founder. Contribute something toward building Keyhotee Free Space for everyone else.
2) Be a Keyhotee Governor. Contribute mining resources toward securing Free Space for everyone else.
So here is how it works: If you contribute money toward the development of Keyhotee you will receive many benefits that are not available to others. Among these benefits are:
1) First Pick of Names prior to Genesis Block
2) Your names never expire
3) You earn Investment points equal to 1 normal name renewal for every .0005 BTC you contribute. Normally it would take 1 year of constant mining to acquire about 8768 investment points, but founders start out with at least 500 investment points when the contribute 0.25 BTC or more.
4) Whenever your name appears in Keyhotee as a source or destination email address or contact it will be given special honored status.
5) Any future ways we can think of to honor the Keyhotee Founders, if you can think of cool benefits let us know and we will add them to the list.
Keyhotee has the potential to change the way we do secure communication and will allow us to send Bitcoin to a name. What name do you want?
Referral BonusThere is one additional way to acquire contribution points. Refer others to the idea. When you refer someone you get one additional contribution point for every contribution point paid for by the individual you referred. Help us build the Keyhotee Development team so we can hire a full time developer to continually improve our decentralized email, chat, VOIP, and web of trust system.