We already have micro payment channel* with NO fees.
Yes it is centralized but how much you gonna store there... for your no fee transfers? if more than 30 CNY just pay the enormous fee of 40BTS.
*It is called the tipping bot
It's fun to tip forum members and existing users but a new user will need at least 40 BTS to claim their tips.
Given the average social tip is less than 100 BTS. The median as little as 10 BTS. This makes tipping via BTS cost prohibitive & exposes how unsuitable BTS is for social tipping, gifting, donating and user to user transfers.
Exactly...social tipping is a big pile of nothingness, huge in the eyes of a few. [you obviously amongst them]. That's why I am against lowering BTS transfer fees for the purpose of catching this "no real money producing" business.
It's a user producing business
Dogetipbot has 75000 users (Probably not all uniques) and Changetip is also pretty big.
Dogecoin really has nothing to sell. They're a straight bitcoin clone with less utility. So it brings people in, but there's really little there for them that Bitcoin doesn't do better (except share memes). The fact that they're no.6 in crypto is impressive.
If BTS could get exposed to 75000 users, that would be huge for us.
We have a product that BTC doesn't have,
Currency Stable Smartcoins. (Still need more liquidity) We just need to find a way to showcase them to the hundreds of thousands of people that could benefit them. Cue tipping and cue social media. The tip, with a very lower transfer fee will get them use BTS and check it out. We will make money from those that go on to use Smartcoins from trading fees and because Smartcoins use BTS as collateral.
Right now, I doubt we have even 20 people frequently tweeting about BTS. Imagine tens of thousands mentioning BTS and Smartcoins across social media.