Author Topic: Emergency Measure - Temporary Shutdown of MineBitShares  (Read 73964 times)

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Offline hybridd

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Forwarded your post to @kuro112 on Skype, it's possible he put the wrong details on the site I'm not sure of them myself, so will get back to you.

Edit: Talked to Bunker, and this is the stratum he's mining on:
k thanks I have one more question if I want to mine bts I put just my name if I want bitusd I put USD after my name
Sha256 stratum+tcp://
Scrypt   stratum+tcp://
X11        stratum+tcp://
username oakmaster USD password x
Are there higher difficulty ports?

Will have to talk to kuro about this (seem's he's been off for the night) I'm sure he'll reply in the morning, cheers. @kuro112 - #sharebits "person" amount asset - Start tipping on bitsharestalk today!
Developer @ Freebie

Offline fuzzy

Just curious, why shut down the old pool until the new one is 100% up and running?  I don't care if payouts are manual and once a week etc... just want my cards earning bts!

hey pal dont worry the new pool has been up for over a month, why dont you just try it out for yourself

Starting next week, ill gladly run some open beta testing if we need to in a similar fashion to how we did for the ShareBot if this will help resolve this stuff.  It seems to have made a huge difference for Sharebits to have gotten so much help testing by the community...

offer is on the table if interested.
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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Offline abad812

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Forwarded your post to @kuro112 on Skype, it's possible he put the wrong details on the site I'm not sure of them myself, so will get back to you.

Edit: Talked to Bunker, and this is the stratum he's mining on:
k thanks I have one more question if I want to mine bts I put just my name if I want bitusd I put USD after my name
Sha256 stratum+tcp://
Scrypt   stratum+tcp://
X11        stratum+tcp://
username oakmaster USD password x
Are there higher difficulty ports?

Offline oakmaster

awesome sha up to that's great thank you

Offline proctologic

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Forwarded your post to @kuro112 on Skype, it's possible he put the wrong details on the site I'm not sure of them myself, so will get back to you.

Edit: Talked to Bunker, and this is the stratum he's mining on:
k thanks I have one more question if I want to mine bts I put just my name if I want bitusd I put USD after my name
Sha256 stratum+tcp://
Scrypt   stratum+tcp://
X11        stratum+tcp://
username oakmaster USD password x

Offline oakmaster

Forwarded your post to @kuro112 on Skype, it's possible he put the wrong details on the site I'm not sure of them myself, so will get back to you.

Edit: Talked to Bunker, and this is the stratum he's mining on:
k thanks I have one more question if I want to mine bts I put just my name if I want bitusd I put USD after my name

Offline hybridd

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Forwarded your post to @kuro112 on Skype, it's possible he put the wrong details on the site I'm not sure of them myself, so will get back to you.

Edit: Talked to Bunker, and this is the stratum he's mining on:
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 02:37:29 am by hybridd » - #sharebits "person" amount asset - Start tipping on bitsharestalk today!
Developer @ Freebie

Offline oakmaster

Just curious, why shut down the old pool until the new one is 100% up and running?  I don't care if payouts are manual and once a week etc... just want my cards earning bts!

hey pal dont worry the new pool has been up for over a month, why dont you just try it out for yourself
I tried to connect to stratum+tcp:// two different miners said the pool dead did u put a wrong number for stratum thanks

Offline kuro112

Just curious, why shut down the old pool until the new one is 100% up and running?  I don't care if payouts are manual and once a week etc... just want my cards earning bts!

hey pal dont worry the new pool has been up for over a month, why dont you just try it out for yourself
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline Brekyrself

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Just curious, why shut down the old pool until the new one is 100% up and running?  I don't care if payouts are manual and once a week etc... just want my cards earning bts!

Offline tonyk

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I as a total tech idiot know one thing. One of those parties is not  right.

And I will be completely honest  here - I have no clue which one!

The link seems to show a mining pool, indeed.

Bunker was this or wasn't this their job?

On a semi related note - Do you plan to do all those projects you have listed on your website [more or less whatever the whole crypto industry has ever come up with and then some] by contracting independent outside devs?  :-\
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 06:35:52 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline kuro112

I thought I was reading the NXT thread for a moment. You guys have exactly the same defense. Ouch.
Here's hoping BCL gets what he needs.

it happens to be true, he has his product, hes even mining on it... what exactly do you call that pal?

I'm just saying, the new pool has been ready for people to mine on for over a month, I mean Bunker himself has been mining on it for over a month now (screenshot of payouts db):

As kuro put it, I'm just going to let @Freebieservers handle this in terms of discussion, I just felt obligated to point out this skewed mentality of "it's entirely our fault."

were more than willing to go through any arbitration, you can keep saying get it done and claiming its not done all you want, doesnt make it true, to anyone who wants to mine on his new pool:

as you can see from the stats its been up and been mined on for a month or so.

the BTS community should be asking bunker why he wont put the software online for them
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 06:20:47 am by kuro112 »
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline donkeypong

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I thought I was reading the NXT thread for a moment. You guys have exactly the same defense. Ouch.
Here's hoping BCL gets what he needs.

Offline kuro112

Not the first complaint here

"Beware of FreebieServers LLC and their developer Michael":,20034.0.html

I'm just saying, the new pool has been ready for people to mine on for over a month, I mean Bunker himself has been mining on it for over a month now (screenshot of payouts db):

As kuro put it, I'm just going to let @Freebieservers handle this in terms of discussion, I just felt obligated to point out this skewed mentality of "it's entirely our fault."

were more than willing to go through any arbitration, you can keep saying get it done and claiming its not done all you want, doesnt make it true, to anyone who wants to mine on his new pool:

as you can see from the stats its been up and been mined on for a month or so.

i will note that we had an NDA agreement, breaching it like this makes the contract null-in-void and we will not be continuing to work on this product for the time being, we may be convinced to do otherwise though depending on how this plays out, we wish no ill will to bunker, were just confused as to why he has done nothing with the software we delivered and is now pointing the finger at us for it...?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 04:26:49 am by kuro112 »
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Thanks to everyone that PMed me with your information as requested.

Everyone who has PMed me with their info were verified and paid out today. Gave me a little nostalgia over the past half year what I did every single day for payouts to miners.

There is still many more to be paid out, so please PM me asap so we can get your paid up!

I am heartened by our miners that when given the choice between BTC BTS or other assets, we had only one choose BTC, one BitUSD, and the rest all wanted BTS! Bravo!

@kuro112 @Freebieservers have yet to take any actions to complete delivery.

@nethyb has offered to actually do a 3rd party arbitration audit regarding the work they have claimed to have been 'completed', and what was supposed to have been delivered. (sound familiar @killakem ?).

I had no plans to pursue something like this, but given the surprising polemic amateurish rantings that followed attempting to assign blame, instead of some kind of effort to deliver, I may consider it if I continue to see nothing but these shenanigans and continued lack of results and communication.

I repeat again I am not going to engage in public forum about this, and urge again to contact me directly like adults.

Get it done.
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