Author Topic: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS  (Read 35597 times)

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Offline morpheus

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WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

You can't seriously mention WB in reference to crypto...

WB said stay away from bitcoin in 2015.  Bitcoin was the best performing currency in the world in 2015 up 39% against the $.

Offline wallace

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And who is going to buy back my BTS shares? At which prise?

It's in the docs under reserve pool and refund workers.

I've read it.  This does not answer my question. This buy back argument is a bull shit. Your BTS is a collateral token, no more.

you forget the most important point: BTS is the key tool for CNX to get money
give me money, I will do...

Offline yvv

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And who is going to buy back my BTS shares? At which prise?

It's in the docs under reserve pool and refund workers.

I've read it.  This does not answer my question. This buy back argument is a bull shit. Your BTS is a collateral token, no more.


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WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

You can't seriously mention WB in reference to crypto...


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Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

This is not true, and if it were true there would be no reason to hold BTS.

BTS also represents a share in the value of profit made from services provided by the Bitshares blockchain, such as exchange, transfers, etc.  Currently this profit doesnt exist because its speculative phase, but if it reached enough adoption to generate a profit, this profit would go to BTS holders by a dividend in the form of a reduction in the BTS supply, and thus an increase in the value of each individual BTS.

That's not true. BTS does not give you a share in earnings. Burning BTS is not the same as distributing it. It's just not.


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At this point the only reason to invest in BTS is Identabit, but even that is dubious. I love that no one mentioned that. The features aren't the problem, its the resources, connections and funding that are.
If you have sold a month ago, what is the purpose of op? It seems disingenuous. Also you make statements like the one quoted as if it were fact. I am excited about Identabit and wish the project the very best, but it has not yet launched. I find it curious that you would claim it as the only reason to invest in BTS....which has an incredibly powerful product launched, active network, existing community, active funding and is being actively developed.

How is it disingenuous if I actively manage a BTS position?

I say that Identabit is the only reason I'd consider holding BTS because the product as it stands is useless. It doesn't matter if the tech is good no one is using. Bitshares has little to no connection to broader financial and payment system. If you can get money transmitters then theres a different story. If you can make the entire system regulatory compliant then there's a different story. If you can get venture capital backing then theres a different story. This is Identabits approach.

The community is getting smaller and smaller by the day. I've been here from pretty much the beginning. This community is a lot smaller than you are suggesting and those that have faithfully believed in this project have lost a lot of their capital.

The software development also is slow and the team is small, both in relation to other crypto projects and those business Bitshares is attempting to compete with.

Offline muse-umum

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You still need to 'hold' BTS for another 10 months...
A reason? Why do you need a reason when you don't have a choice? Are you able to claim all your remaining BTS? NO! Goddamn NO because they are frozen, bytemaster helps you hold them. All you can do is to claim some every day or week and sell on exchanges.

Offline Riverhead

And who is going to buy back my BTS shares? At which prise?

It's in the docs under reserve pool and refund workers.

Offline lil_jay890

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I'm going to guess that the bond market is much more difficult and prone to big bugs and losses than when it was originally conceived.

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BitShares 2.0 has been in development for over a year, it was announced 6 months ago, but it had secretly been in development for the 6 months prior to that, with only the CNX insiders and a handful of project owners - some of which have subsequently pitched their project and then ditched their project - were in the know. From a shareholder perspective, I found this kind of secretiveness dubious. BitShares 2.0 was announced and it sounded good, and so I mistakenly bought more at a price significantly north of where it is now. However, the exchange portion is pretty sweet and I consider the opinions of some on here that say the functionality will be of some great use for something or somebody soon that I continue to hold, I hope that this includes some cool applications like those mentioned in this thread.

Offline yvv

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WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

Go tell about how your method can work to your clients. Cheers.

Its not 'my method', its a perfectly valid method of returning value to shareholders.

You can return value in two ways:  A Dividend, or a Share Buyback.  Many tech companies for example have stated a preference for share buyback over dividends.

BTS uses the share buyback model, not the dividend model.  Its a perfectly valid model, used by many large companies.

And who is going to buy back my BTS shares? At which prise?

Offline morpheus

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That gives an incentive to BTS holders to hold. Because just by lending it on the market they can get a return. Simple as that.

And keep in mind, its not just bts that we can lend.  I can create gold, silver, or oil and lend it out, and earn a return on my bts all without being exposed to price fluctuations.  I can target markets with the highest demand for loans with the highest yield.  In this sense, bts becomes the true sought-after reserve currency of the system.  Speculators can gain leverage in these markets by taking these loans.  I have no idea why this is not a priority.  The dex is mostly useless without this.  Of course this may be easier said than done.

Offline Akado

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If the focus is going to be stealth, then the development of gambling features should probably be right behind it or in parallel.  Then at least you can combine stealth and gambling and provide something potentially useful. 

Bonds, combined with a margin trading service similar to poloniex should be a priority.

Prediction markets (which is sort of like gambling but different) should be a priority.

While I have mostly given up, if BTS is going to make a recovery at some point, how it will happen is that at least one of these things is implemented and starts to get some use.  And then another of them, etc.  At this point I am beyond caring what order they are implemented but it would be nice to see at least one of them implemented ever.

Sad thing is it seems they aren't considered as a priority...

I am 100% with you guys.  Bond market should be the highest priority, even if it has to be done through worker proposal. 

I was almost going to sell out when I saw bm's vision post also.  In hindsight maybe I should have.  I don't care if mas is a personal pet project.  Bm is the leader of this project and if his attention is on something that is in direct conflict with what shareholders want, then it won't fly.  We are a team and we need bm to be a part of this team and share the same vision and goals as the rest of us shareholders:  to change the world for the better through a decentralized bank and exchange - that is what we all signed up for.  If you don't believe me, then put it to shareholder vote.  Most of us did not sign up for an all-purpose chain or mas, we signed up for a dex, plain and simple and bm's vision seemed to go off on a tangent.  We need bm and we need cnx and we all need to be focused in the same direction and stay the course.  Shareholders have done our market research also.  If done right, we will all have 10-baggers to invest in:  metafees, obits, maker, bond, stealth, and perhaps the biggest payoff of all:  bts.  Forget mas for now.  If I see it proposed, then I will vote it down.  My proxy is with bm right now, but that can change and I'm sure it will change with others too.

I didn't even thought about CNX doing Bonds for free without a worker proposal (even though it's listed on the site's technology section). I think that's one of the few things that it's really worth the money. That gives an incentive to BTS holders to hold. Because just by lending it on the market they can get a return. Simple as that. You got people making money, you got volume, you got utility, you got incentives for holders. What can possibly have a higher priority than that? What's so difficult to understand about that? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline morpheus

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If the focus is going to be stealth, then the development of gambling features should probably be right behind it or in parallel.  Then at least you can combine stealth and gambling and provide something potentially useful. 

Bonds, combined with a margin trading service similar to poloniex should be a priority.

Prediction markets (which is sort of like gambling but different) should be a priority.

While I have mostly given up, if BTS is going to make a recovery at some point, how it will happen is that at least one of these things is implemented and starts to get some use.  And then another of them, etc.  At this point I am beyond caring what order they are implemented but it would be nice to see at least one of them implemented ever.

Sad thing is it seems they aren't considered as a priority...

I am 100% with you guys.  Bond market should be the highest priority, even if it has to be done through worker proposal. 

I was almost going to sell out when I saw bm's vision post also.  In hindsight maybe I should have.  I don't care if mas is a personal pet project.  Bm is the leader of this project and if his attention is on something that is in direct conflict with what shareholders want, then it won't fly.  We are a team and we need bm to be a part of this team and share the same vision and goals as the rest of us shareholders:  to change the world for the better through a decentralized bank and exchange - that is what we all signed up for.  If you don't believe me, then put it to shareholder vote.  Most of us did not sign up for an all-purpose chain or mas, we signed up for a dex, plain and simple and bm's vision seemed to go off on a tangent.  We need bm and we need cnx and we all need to be focused in the same direction and stay the course.  Shareholders have done our market research also.  If done right, we will all have 10-baggers to invest in:  metafees, obits, maker, bond, stealth, and perhaps the biggest payoff of all:  bts.  Forget mas for now.  If I see it proposed, then I will vote it down.  My proxy is with bm right now, but that can change and I'm sure it will change with others too. 

Offline Ander

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WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

Go tell about how your method can work to your clients. Cheers.

Its not 'my method', its a perfectly valid method of returning value to shareholders.

You can return value in two ways:  A Dividend, or a Share Buyback.  Many tech companies for example have stated a preference for share buyback over dividends.

BTS uses the share buyback model, not the dividend model.  Its a perfectly valid model, used by many large companies. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads