I am wondering why people are cuddling cob right now. Is it because you are afraid he quits the project and doesn't save your money?
You are joking, right? While making LTCgear cracks might feel good, it doesn't get us any closer to our goals. So let's recap:
- I've been pushing for greater transparency
- I made a list of specific questions I would like answered along with others
- I made a constructive criticism on how the communication of addressing the questions was handled
- I created a sample message to the community on how communication could have been improved with timelines
I don't care about LTCgear, lols or Romania, I care about my investment and those investors I proxy for. I don't care about could've, would've, should've, I care about what happens next. The community asked some fantastic questions, Cob said he would address them on Monday.
@travelasia: I really admire our patience and respect for cob. To me he passed a crucial border and he shouldn't expect any nice words at this point.
Your approach is very professional and it unmasks how naive cob really is. A German economic newspaper had a great article about peertracks some weeks ago.
They put everything in right perspective and came to the conclusion that cobs business plan isn't consistent, because it lacks basic and key features and how they shall work in regards of generating money.
Every step you make towards such guys you will act in their interest, because they like to fake a lot of progress.
There is absolutely no excuse anymore right now! First of all he needs to tell us all the information and I am confused why it takes one week lol!
Who is running the project then if he doesn't know what to reply in reaction? Isn't that ridiculous? Telling us there is PR and legal department hahahahaha.
No money left but telling us that different departments are working on the project? Are you serious???
Cob don't be a duchebag, simply tell us that there is nothing working and what your goals are for the future!