That's my point.
1.75 value of what? Company shares. O.k. What proof can you show me that the company share is worth anything at all?
I'm not trying to poo poo the ideas here, they are all great. But this is one very big component that hasn't been discussed. Like I said, this is the whole foundation to the whole system. Until this one fact can be determined without a shadow of a doubt, then it's a moot point.
How that differs greatly from BTS?
Ohh wait, they also consider income the fees paid in BTS, to evaluate the worthiness of BTS, to back its bitAssets. One more level of self chaining, IMHO.
I'm not 100% understanding your comment here, but...
what ever fees are paid,
what ever income is paid,
what ever mechanics are used in the system,
it all boils down one thing...
What are people willing to pay for BTS? Now, whether they (the market in this case), are considering other mechanical system factors to determining and valuating BTS price, then that can be argued whether it's rational or not?
Tony, your an active trader... you know that once you click BUY/Purchase on the exchanges for BTS... that is what someone is willing to pay and THAT is what brings BTS (our current BTS) price into focus. So in our current system we now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that BTS is worth "X" amount and from here, every other bitassets value can be properly established.
You pull this one mechanism off the table like I just described, then everything else is just speculative and could be viewed as "shady".
I'm not claiming that the internal DeX is useless or manipulative or can't create the value, or that this idea won't work.
In actuality, IF you.. or anyone else here, can clearly peg a BTS value (and not via it's pegged assets) with this type of system, then we have a winner winner chicken dinner staring at us! Because almost ALL of the mechanics that's been described within this post is legit, other than this one question in regards of BTS value.
Like I mentioned earlier, I to came across this same thought process of this type of system layout... but it ALWAYS boiled down to one question... What gives BTS it's value?