Author Topic: Waves  (Read 25888 times)

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Offline Ander

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Waves is below ICO because it isnt on polo yet I think.  Bittrex doesnt have much liquidity to absorb the people panic dumping. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

after lisk, dao n waves all Ico hype has gone......will be hard to make any serious launch in the near future even if legit

I think more projects should take the same approach we took with Peerplays.... it keeps things more accountable I think... but I guess it will remain to be seen if that works out well in the end when we do our 3rd round later this year.
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Offline bitsharesbrazil

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after lisk, dao n waves all Ico hype has gone......will be hard to make any serious launch in the near future even if legit
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Offline Tuck Fheman

Do we know who are involved in waves? in what other projects have they worked? or is this another "anonymus" developers "project"? Scam demand is really high lately...
I'm really curious...

Scroll down to 'Meet our Team'. jl777 from NXT was involved as a consultant originally I believe. I'm not sure of his current involvement, if any.

Sasha and Vitalik (not involved) ...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 03:12:20 am by Tuck Fheman » - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!


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Do we know who are involved in waves? in what other projects have they worked? or is this another "anonymus" developers "project"? Scam demand is really high lately...
I'm really curious...

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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lets waint n see if they can delivered somenthing better than bitshares n ripple...... pretty hard tough....

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Offline werneo

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Wavestalk launched:

Lots of Bids at and below the ICO price, while the Ask landscape seems pretty thin:

Pretty boring trading activity at bittrex. It should get more interesting after Polo trading starts.

From the FAQ at wavestalk:
Q: What is the difference between Waves and BitShares/OpenLedger?

A: BitShares differs from Waves in two fundamental ways. First, its consensus algorithm is DPoS, meaning that only a limited number of ‘delegates’ have the power to validate blockchain transactions, as opposed to the PoS consensus where every full node is able to do it. This means that the Waves platform supports full decentralisation. The second difference is the feasibility of OpenLedger’s ‘market peg’ for its fiat assets. This is of course open to discussion, but it is doubtful that any bank or large corporation will ever be happy to trust their money to such an approach.
All current coloured coins implementations have severe limitations. Bitcoin blockchain-based tokens are restricted by the 10-minute confirmation times. In Ethereum, it’s quite difficult to create a decentralised exchange. OpenLedger is a web-interface to BitShares blockchain; it is not a coloured coins protocol.
Waves is focused specifically on custom blockchain tokens. We want to do for blockchain tokens what Ethereum is doing for Bitcoin scripting – develop and perfect it.

yadda yadda

Offline nomoreheroes7

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Well, do we hodl or just dump it? What a terrible first few day's performance. Can't believe it's not on polo.


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on a whim, I sent 0.1 btc to the ICO last minute.

last week I sold 250/276 waves for 0.15 btc.

I suck at trading, so I'm pleased with this 0.05 btc gain.

my thinking is now I'll watch what happens after it hits exchanges. if it has enough market cap to retain traction after the inevitable post release dump, I'll buy back in.

I feel like you easily could have gotten at least double that by just waiting for trading to open on polo.  And thne maybe waiting a day or two for the first pump.

I was thinking that too, but after the pump came on I realized that I wasn't going to easily be able to replace BTC for a while (if ever again) and decided not to chance it. I'd have to do battle with a flajillion other sellers and I'd probably lose.

Offline Ander

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on a whim, I sent 0.1 btc to the ICO last minute.

last week I sold 250/276 waves for 0.15 btc.

I suck at trading, so I'm pleased with this 0.05 btc gain.

my thinking is now I'll watch what happens after it hits exchanges. if it has enough market cap to retain traction after the inevitable post release dump, I'll buy back in.

I feel like you easily could have gotten at least double that by just waiting for trading to open on polo.  And thne maybe waiting a day or two for the first pump. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads


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on a whim, I sent 0.1 btc to the ICO last minute.

last week I sold 250/276 waves for 0.15 btc.

I suck at trading, so I'm pleased with this 0.05 btc gain.

my thinking is now I'll watch what happens after it hits exchanges. if it has enough market cap to retain traction after the inevitable post release dump, I'll buy back in.

Offline Ander

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(Only owned ~15% by the dev team).
"Only"  ???

Yeah I know.  15% owned by the devs is only low in comparison to Ripple. :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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(Only owned ~15% by the dev team).
"Only"  ???

dev + biginvestor probably have much more than they gain some money in ico n hold most of coins n dont need to spend a buck to deal with both sides of orderbook....
I dont expect nothing big from this...too much ico...people will see the way is down from there on short term, crypto kingdom didnt come to make all our dreams come true, but to destroy most
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Offline Chronos

(Only owned ~15% by the dev team).
"Only"  ???

Offline Ander

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Getting close to release.  Waves is the new BTS!  Lets see what it can do.

If by BTS you mean Ripple.. then I agree. :)

Well, its ALSO the new ripple, but not owned 80% by ripple labs.  (Only owned ~15% by the dev team). | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads