Author Topic: Is now the best time to buy BTS? Would you take out a loan to do it?  (Read 30157 times)

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Offline bitAndy

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Just to make everyone feel better about there own losses here, I took out a £2200 loan when the price was 1p per share, now it's about quarter of that and I've never sold. That's not including the probably other £2000+ I had invested myself before that. This was when I was just getting into crypto - originally I was diversified in other crypto's and then went all in on bitshares. I'm not that well off either, this was while working a part time job. Safe to say I regret it haha.

Man I really feel your pain, but if I can make you feel better  n have a good perspective for the future lets unfold what can happen.....

Bitshares is a top assets which is a bargain right now, no other asset has better cost for what it offers.....n this means MUCH

if starts a bull run from here, it will be epic n huge
ok it maybe go a little bit down, its possible, but will people give away their bts for a price of a shit asset? I hardly doubt! Try to play at bottom you you loose when you see it 8x from one day to you will wait for it go down again n it starts to make higher lows n you never catch it will be fast n start to worry abou few satohis that you buy for more or less does not make any sense for the long run........

when it grows like a monster try not tu dump all your bts...or dump like 50%, n try to support bts growth n development because you made some money so give some in exchange n try to make a virtuous cycle........

if bts starts his bull run right now it will be epic...if bts starts his bull run when bitcoin become frenetic something more than epic will happen.....

so please stay strong support bts, try not to dump all your coins now neither when it grows like a wise...make it happen for bitshares because certainly bitshares will make it happen for all ecosystem its up to holders, traders partners n investor, developers all of you  :D

sorry fi it appers too passionate  :-X

Yeah I want to believe we're near to our bottom. I knew when I started investing that I was in it for the long haul. I'd never sell at these prices. We're so early into the life of crypto in general that all it takes is one black swan incident like the hyperinflation of a fiat currency for bitcoin to skyrocket again, raising all other cryptos. We just need to keep bitshares moving along and in the crypto consciousness until that time.

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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Just to make everyone feel better about there own losses here, I took out a £2200 loan when the price was 1p per share, now it's about quarter of that and I've never sold. That's not including the probably other £2000+ I had invested myself before that. This was when I was just getting into crypto - originally I was diversified in other crypto's and then went all in on bitshares. I'm not that well off either, this was while working a part time job. Safe to say I regret it haha.

Man I really feel your pain, but if I can make you feel better  n have a good perspective for the future lets unfold what can happen.....

Bitshares is a top assets which is a bargain right now, no other asset has better cost for what it offers.....n this means MUCH

if starts a bull run from here, it will be epic n huge
ok it maybe go a little bit down, its possible, but will people give away their bts for a price of a shit asset? I hardly doubt! Try to play at bottom you you loose when you see it 8x from one day to you will wait for it go down again n it starts to make higher lows n you never catch it will be fast n start to worry abou few satohis that you buy for more or less does not make any sense for the long run........

when it grows like a monster try not tu dump all your bts...or dump like 50%, n try to support bts growth n development because you made some money so give some in exchange n try to make a virtuous cycle........

if bts starts his bull run right now it will be epic...if bts starts his bull run when bitcoin become frenetic something more than epic will happen.....

so please stay strong support bts, try not to dump all your coins now neither when it grows like a wise...make it happen for bitshares because certainly bitshares will make it happen for all ecosystem its up to holders, traders partners n investor, developers all of you  :D

sorry fi it appers too passionate  :-X
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Offline bitAndy

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Just to make everyone feel better about there own losses here, I took out a £2200 loan when the price was 1p per share, now it's about quarter of that and I've never sold. That's not including the probably other £2000+ I had invested myself before that. This was when I was just getting into crypto - originally I was diversified in other crypto's and then went all in on bitshares. I'm not that well off either, this was while working a part time job. Safe to say I regret it haha.

Offline nmywn

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I will not sell my motorcycle for BTS never. Riding motorcycle is so much more fun than gambling with freaking awesome crypto token...

I made little correction in your sentence. I hope you don't mind...

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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now we can start talking about this....

I have some btc to buy a little more..... but if bitshares starts to go obscene beyond down from what I expect  Im going to sell my motorcycle whitout a thought.  8)

Quoted for historical purposes   8)
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Offline okidoki

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Seems like people like loooooow tech... like Feathercoin is about to rise above BitShares... went up from 3.9 million to 9 million in 2 days...

Volume more or less the same like BitShares... but it seems like at Feathercoin there are not so many eager sellers...

Or people are switching from BitShares to Feathercoin???

Offline yvv

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I will not sell my motorcycle for BTS never. Riding motorcycle is so much more fun than gambling with freaking crypto token...
I believe bts can bring me more satisfaction  :D at least I hope...but no gamble

Dude, keep your motorcycle to yourself, and find a girl with big tits to ride together. This will bring you a lot of more satisfaction than BTS.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 02:54:46 am by yvv »

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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I will not sell my motorcycle for BTS never. Riding motorcycle is so much more fun than gambling with freaking crypto token...
I believe bts can bring me more satisfaction  :D at least I hope...but no gamble
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Offline bitsharesbrazil

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ill buy in again at 100 sats
if bts touch sub 300 I sell my motorcycle without a tought

You really are an eternal optimist around here, aren't you? But you seriously may want to step back and evaluate your level of emotional investment in BitShares. I know firsthand how it feels to be "certain" a coin will rise in the future and to be excited by "fire sale" prices. And it's bitten me in the ass every time. BTS can most certainly go down from here, and it is entirely possible something awesome does come along and propels it higher. But you really just don't know. It's a gamble.

Man if you are not optimist right now, when you will ever be?  8)

Seriously, bts is at a bargain right now...... be afraid now is not an option...... go big or go home, just my opinion when most experienced communities members are cautious, when I read too much bad things that is the time I like to get onboard :o
Im trying to do what I can to make bitshares happen, when It rocket 30x I will sell 50%, if dex get big I will keep another 50% like Im doing with drk (Im already 3x+ in my drk initial investment) for the long term because I see our tech is brand new n will take some years for somenthing so revolutionary n really needed like bts can born again, you dont see a project like bts born every year in crypto space.
I dont gamble, Im pretty much unlucky :D
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Offline yvv

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I will not sell my motorcycle for BTS never. Riding motorcycle is so much more fun than gambling with freaking crypto token...

Offline nomoreheroes7

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ill buy in again at 100 sats
if bts touch sub 300 I sell my motorcycle without a tought

You really are an eternal optimist around here, aren't you? But you seriously may want to step back and evaluate your level of emotional investment in BitShares. I know firsthand how it feels to be "certain" a coin will rise in the future and to be excited by "fire sale" prices. And it's bitten me in the ass every time. BTS can most certainly go down from here, and it is entirely possible something awesome does come along and propels it higher. But you really just don't know. It's a gamble.

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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ill buy in again at 100 sats
if bts touch sub 300 I sell my motorcycle without a tought
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Offline nmywn

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With BTS you can short dollar and it's very tempting right now. But to make short you need someone who want buy. If OPENPOS is not just bullshit and they deliver soon we have some chance. Colateral takes bts out of the market and most people shorting because they are gamblers.

All we need is huge market. Openledger doing great job working to make it happen (real work, we can see effects).

Do you even read forum? New bitcoin forum with old gang crew. They want fork and they will, because they can and are fascinated  by this idea. And they have a lot of BTC.

 They need market, we need market - what's wrong with you, guys?

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Offline bitsharesbrazil

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I love posting to BTS bulls... They defend their investment like it's their only child.

People have been screaming "rock bottom" since 30 million market cap.

and OkiDoki,  I've already divested a significant amount of BTS into other projects.  And you are probably right about bank stocks being a better investment now than BTS.  Government bonds would be better too since you won't be down 20-50% in a month (unless the world blows up of course).

Jay, to be down 20-50% thats crypto will not shot perfectly.....2014 I was down 90%  :o fucking scary

Many people here are down 90%... Many have gone bust because of getting margin called (either by poloniex or bugs that were in the DEX).

Point I'm trying to make is that bitshares is in a huge downtrend that has gone lower and will probably keep going lower than anyone thinks.  It's consistently the one of the worst performing currencies during rallies.  Lower highs lower lows.  Even Dan Larimer says there is no reason that the bitshares token should have a high market cap even IF the network gets big... I don't get why people continue to try to fight this trend and pick a bottom.  BTS has crushed so many people who have tried to do that.

This could all change if people started thinking about how to make bts a profitable company... because right now its a charity.  Maybe it starts performing better after the merger ends, but other than that I don't see any reason for the BTS token to have substantial value. 

Can someone please explain to me why it should have a high market cap (we can already see increased network usage != higher market cap)?
Man, I fully disagree with you. When bts touch 400 last time everybody saw the power of the beast
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