Author Topic: Waves  (Read 26347 times)

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Offline Tuck Fheman

I've been planning to jump in on this on 4/12 simply because of jl777's track record of making my crypto holdings expand. - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

Offline yvv

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At the next phase of the system’s development, we will encourage real businesses to issue their stock on Waves blockchain.

And how exactly are you going to do this?

Offline Erlich Bachman

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If we really gave a shit about competing for "mass adoption" then we would 1up these waves guys by providing liquidity for their equity crowdfunder between the time their crowdfunder ends and their coin becomes liquid on an external exchange.

So that everyone is asking:

if they are the global leader in ICO UIA's, then why is their equity unit trading exclusively on the BTS blockchain? (irony as marketing buzz)

You know, steal their thunder, by using our exchange the way it was meant to be used.

You know, just like we did with Lisk (got all that free marketing buzz that helped out mass adoption):

Not a bad idea really:

1. Everyone here pledge some of Lisk (that we will be compensated for at the average selling price when Lisk becomes liquid).
2. Someone (call him the Orchestrator), creates a UIA from the total pool and builds a market in bitUSD like this:

1000 bitLisk at 0.10 bitUSD each
2000 bitLisk at 0.15 bitUSD each
3000 bitLisk at 0.20 bitUSD each
4000 bitLisk at 0.25 bitUSD each

This will create a buzz around the BitShares platform for the next three weeks that is worth it's weight in bitGOLD

This will make people try the BitShares wallet and experience the kickass-ness first hand.

Then when the Lisk is liquid, all of us who pledged Lisk, send them to the Orchestrator who sends the winners their Lisk as the owners of bitLisk redeem them for the real thing.  The Orchestrator sends us bitUSD (average selling price) for our Lisk.

To make this easier for the orchestrator we can make 1 bitLisk redeemable for something larger like 100 Lisk, so that there are not a million redeemers who want Lisk dust.

If we are lucky, those who buy bitLisk will try to resell it on the market before the Lisk becomes liquid, and we will have a fully functioning free market of Lisk/bitUSD that we can brag about and create buzz, and teach people about BitShares.

To compensate the Orchestrator, we can all pitch in and pay him like $xxx

I know that Ander said that he bought some, and I would pledge some.  Who else would pledge some, and who wants to be the Orchestrator (tell us your fee).

Overall, great idea.  All we have to do to teach the world about BitShares is to pool risk.

This is an effective way to leverage all the buzz created by the Lisk team before they become the world's largest DPOS cryptocurrency.  The best case scenario is that we remain the world's largest DPOS after Lisk launches.

What do you say guys?

Who's up to defend our first mover advantage?

But overall, it looks like a DPOS community helping another DPOS community, bringing buzz to us all!


Oh wait, I forgot, nobody here likes to get buzzed...

Not worth the risk?

Dude, what the fuk r u smoking, and can you please pass it on over!  You're obviously not getting it.  What is 700 wallet downloads worth to us right now?!  Or 200 new unique people learning how to use BitShares.  Or 20 people getting hooked on mainlining smartcoins worth?!?!?!?!  Ever hear of "marketing"??

Yes, you are correct that there is no way to prove that we are going to send the Lisk to the buyers of bitLisk.

and Yes, our "Orchestrator" can just run off with the bitUSD that the purchasers of bitLisk sent him.

But if the Orchestrator is, say for instance, Fuzzy, and we restrict the people allowed to pledge to those of us who told us their address:

Then, if anyone gets scammed here, the next BitShares road trip will be a video of me and Tuck driving to Philly and kicking soms bitAsshole's ass!!

Get it.

We leverage the trust that we have built up within our community, against the hype brought forth by the Lisk developers to create BITSHARZZ buzz!
What's the matter, don't you trust Fuzzy?

You calling Riverhead a liar and a thief?

I trust those guys.  Do you?

And what is that trust worth, and what can we use it for ?

And what can we gain by putting it to the test?

If we can't even hold a simple risk pool among our community, then how can we expect people to trust our "federation of delegates" which is the heart of our "trustless" network!

If we don't trust our community then no one will.

The trust of our community is our greatest asset, and I would have to say that it is currently underutilized.  Disagree with that statement!

Should we stop trusting Stan and Dan?

What about Fuck the Man?

The reason why there is no Lisk market currently is because there is no trustworthy group of people supporting one.  Trustworthy groups are hard to find.  and if you had a trustworthy group today, then you could do something unprecedented (create a Lisk market and get every troll on the trollbox talking about BTS)(duh?). Gee where can I find a trustworthy community....Geee let me think....If I only had a trustworthy community, then I could bring new users to BitShares..... hmmmmm...

Are we trustworthy?

What is our community's reputation worth?

Let's find out.  The higher the price of Lisk rises, the more people trust our "federation of servers" that lies at the core of BitShares

And take another step back further, what are we talking about :

a few hundred bucks for a few hundred wallet downloads?

hell, that's worth it for the exposure alone!

Hell, if Fuzzy runs off with the $400 kitty, never to be seen from again, I'm sure that me, uncle onceuponatime, Tuck, Ronny, Cob, KenCode, and maybe even the great superfan Stan himself could pool together the difference just to save the community the embarrassment!

Why on earth would Stan screw us?  He's the hippest cat I know:

so chillax poopers, I'm trying to party here


it's all right
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 05:24:23 pm by Erlich Bachman »
You own the network, but who pays for development?

Offline werneo

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Q: Crypto has really diversified in the last couple of years - there are protocols out there for just about everything. Anonymity, smart contracts, 2.0, storage, proof-of-audit, blockchain-as-a-service… What will WAVES’ unique selling point be?

A: We're focusing on mass adoption. It might seem to be a little pretentious, but our focus is exactly that - we're building the system with a very flat learning curve, with interfaces familiar from online banking and trading experiences, integrated fiat currencies, and with the main user client being just a browser plugin. After the plugin installation a user has a decentralized kickstarter/payment system functionality right in ther browser!

LOL the type of answer that answers nothing. Every project wants mass adoption. I'm yet to know what their unique selling point is. What functionalities will they focus on? What will be the main objective of whatever they're building?

Honestly this kind of seems like bitshares, just on a different chain.

I'm not advocating anything. I do find it interesting as a crypto investor:

“Our primary users will be crowdfunding projects in the first place. The system will allow them to launch a fundraising campaign in just a few minutes. The system will also use tokens pegged to real-life currencies with payment system and bank backing. At the next phase of the system’s development, we will encourage real businesses to issue their stock on Waves blockchain. We pay much attention to compatibility between the technologies and regulation. Our aim here at Waves is to create an ecosystem fully compliant with the regulations for stock and remittances.”

Offline -banano-

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Honestly this kind of seems like bitshares, just on a different chain.

More like Ripple:

"trusted" 3rd party asset backed currencies, no smartcoins (can be shorted into existence by anyone)

But it looks like there might be more assets on their DEX
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 04:19:05 pm by -banano- »

Offline Akado

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Q: Crypto has really diversified in the last couple of years - there are protocols out there for just about everything. Anonymity, smart contracts, 2.0, storage, proof-of-audit, blockchain-as-a-service… What will WAVES’ unique selling point be?

A: We're focusing on mass adoption. It might seem to be a little pretentious, but our focus is exactly that - we're building the system with a very flat learning curve, with interfaces familiar from online banking and trading experiences, integrated fiat currencies, and with the main user client being just a browser plugin. After the plugin installation a user has a decentralized kickstarter/payment system functionality right in ther browser!

LOL the type of answer that answers nothing. Every project wants mass adoption. I'm yet to know what their unique selling point is. What functionalities will they focus on? What will be the main objective of whatever they're building?

Honestly this kind of seems like bitshares, just on a different chain. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Shentist

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they claim to get the trading "anonym" did you see it how this will work?

Offline werneo

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10 second blocktimes

no smartcoins (only colored coins)


Q: Crypto has really diversified in the last couple of years - there are protocols out there for just about everything. Anonymity, smart contracts, 2.0, storage, proof-of-audit, blockchain-as-a-service… What will WAVES’ unique selling point be?

A: We're focusing on mass adoption. It might seem to be a little pretentious, but our focus is exactly that - we're building the system with a very flat learning curve, with interfaces familiar from online banking and trading experiences, integrated fiat currencies, and with the main user client being just a browser plugin. After the plugin installation a user has a decentralized kickstarter/payment system functionality right in ther browser!

NXT supergeek JL777 confirmed advisor/investor:


"After the success of Ethereum project many people are asking us why we're launching WAVES, cannot everything be done on Ethereum? Obviously everything cannot be done on one platform, however versatile it might be. I would summarize our approach to be complementary to Ethereum. We are ascending from maybe more trivial problems, such as usability, flat learning curve for end-users, to more fundamental ones - such as consensus algorithms, reducing transaction times, scaling issues. We believe that current blockchain technology is "production-ready" so to say, and should already be made accessible to the widest audience possible."
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 05:44:48 pm by werneo »

Offline -banano-

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10 second blocktimes

no smartcoins (only colored coins)


Offline werneo

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crowdfunding/kickstarter killer
decentralized voting
decentralized exchange
decentralized reputation system
national currencies on the blockchain
burn protocol for assets on other chains
aimed at mass markets

"Our vision is of a future fully decentralized, open cloud platform which will be used by all businesses as an universal data storage and transaction medium, some kind of a decentralized cloud to which all humanity has access."

Wavesplatform whitepaper:
WAVES is a decentralized blockchain platform fоcusing on custom blockchain tokens operations. National currencies transfer is maintained on the WAVES blockchain through compliant gateway operators. Decentralized token exchange facilitates fundraising, crowdfunding, and trading of financial instruments on the blockchain. Lightweight clients provide an easy installation procedure and a flat learning curve for end users.

• 100 million issued tokens
• POS consensus algorithm
• Extensible custom transactions system
• Plugin/Blockchain apps system
• Decentralized reputation system

Sasha Ivanov: founder and CEO of WAVES project.
Formerly the creator of, CoinoUSD,
Created blockchain-powered venture fund,

Waves ICO starts April 12, 2016 and ends May 31, 2016:

ICO website:

The total tokens supply stands at 100 milllion.

15 million tokens are reserved for bounties and the development team in the following proportions:
- 1 million tokens will be distributed to early supporters
- 1 million tokens reserved for post-ICO bounties
- 4 million tokens reserved for strategic partners and backers
- 9 million tokens withheld by the development team.

team slack:
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 06:04:48 pm by werneo »