pts-miner.exe "my_pts_address" -d 0
i started this file two times - this "-d 0" comes from my scrypt-mining-times and it works fine with your miner
so i had two cmd-windows with running each at the half hashrate (660 cpm + 670 cpm)
by the way - HOW do i start multiple instances correctly?
Well, my miner does not understand '-d 0' at all, it should rather be started as 'pts-miner.exe YOUR-ADDRESS 0-0' if you want it to work only on the first card of first OpenCL 'platform' in the system. Would you please create a bat file with this string and start it once, check the hashrate, then start it again without closing the first window and see if your total hashrate has improved?
1 instance: 1368 cpm
2 instances: 743 + 650 = 1393 cpm
only a minimum increase of total hashrate
by the way: when the miner is startet at my system it shows the Hawaii-GPU, but only with 3 GB - so far i know is this card with 4 GB...
Apparently, vectorized code works better on Hawaii, then.. Well, let us see if the developer is willing to support other pools.
NaN said in his thread, that this is the next step for him...
the hashrate is really great on 3 x 290X: 2504 cpm + 2529 cpm + 2549 cpm with ~ 2-%-rejects
Edit: the rejects are down to ~0.7 %
this two instances-solution is in my eyes not so well, because after a time the hashing settles down on the 2 instances - but the rejects go high on the second instance to ~ 8 %
oh... i tested the new software on my HD6990 - only ~800 cpm compared to your fantastic ~1280 cpm / on one GPU