Author Topic: Now that Daniel Larimer (aka bytemaster) is gone...  (Read 63442 times)

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Offline Empirical1.2

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And for the morons who think that the Steemit posters will lose value of their bitUSD (STEEM backed crypto dollars are the same thing) relative to USD as they go to cash it out on July 5th,  I have to laugh and realize that not even some of the BitShares faithful know that the concept of:

"the  value of 1 bitUSD can always be sold for $1 USD" is true

But for these people who are afraid that the value of bitUSD will fall relative to USD I will do you the favor and do your homework for you:

On July 5th the value of STEEMPOWER will fall as the STEEM backed dollars are pulled out of the system.  Sorry but the concept of smartcoins has been around now for years and when you act like it does not exist, it kind of makes me feel like a genius and realize that if the BitShares locals still have not learned what the heck a "smartcoin" is then...... (do the math)(early adopt much?)

How is the value of the bitUSD (SBD) going to hold it's value during this predictable exodous?  By barring the doors of the STEEMPOWER holders (and taking their money and giving it to the curators). 

I haven't looked into STEEM that much but it's true I fail to grasp how you're paying people thousands of dollars for content that's not even worth a few $ to even a revenue earning social media site.

I think in the case of Smartcoins you can't redeem 1 BitUSD for 1 USD if there's no demand for the $1 worth of BTS you receive in exchange.

In the case of STEEM, I think someone mentioned rgcrypto earned 20k STEEM USD. 

If he cashed that out and wanted to convert to say BTC surely that would involve selling 20k USD worth of STEEM onto the market? Given that there's barely  $20k buy support for STEEM in total... How can even that 1 person cash out without driving the value of a DAC supposedly worth $30 million based on total supply to zero and in the process giving him a few cents on the dollar?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 05:28:30 pm by Empirical1.2 »
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline gamey

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I don´t think that BitShares needs a rebranding either. The brand is good, a lot of our target people (Financial professionals) know about BitShares but they have problems to understand all of their features. What really is missing, in my point of view, is an easy "get started tutorial" for the BitShares Platform.

Ronny is already working on great material for how to open an account, how to fund it and how to start trading, great!!

Additionally we need 101 tutorials for BitShares 2.0 again, especially since we have a feature freeze and the value and content of a tutorial will   be valid at least for a year plus.

Getting started with BitShares is not easy, MPA, UIA, FBA, Multi Sig, Backups, DPOS, Smartcontracts, Program languages, and many more just raise many questions for beginners. When we want to make our beloved platform more open we should start here. Tutorials and an updated website.

I am working on the Website and currently thinking about the right design structure plus a way how to fund the front end developer. I first want to be 100% sure to get a voter in, because i don´t want to waste 160€ for a empty worker. I do not have spear funds fur such a deal. So before we think about a big rebranding, let us use what we have so far. Refaine our core values and talk to our core target group.

 I meet Gavin Wood from Ethercore yesterday on a conference and I liked the way how he presented ETH infront of +250 software developers at the Developer Conference in Munich. Very simple and clean, without talking about the following core buzzwords.

So what can we learn from him? Should we now go to banking conferences and present them the DEX? Should we go to day trader conferences and present the DEX? Bitcoin Trading conferences? It is hard to define who our core audience is. The BitShares Graphene code is actually a trading engine software for Exchanges. Poloniex, Bitfinex, Kraken are runing on Alphapoint or a selfbuilt software. They could switch to Graphene, but might loose control. So who do we talk to? It is not the regular Java script coder, he is gone with Ethereum. Thats their play ground. Where is ours?

I would love to discuss our target group way more than we do. We have tons of projects on the line with BitShares Munich and we profit from a stabile feature set. Let us all continue to attract more businesses like OpenLedger and BitShares Munich, Compufeed, etc.  to this great platform and increase volume.

This is a good post. I end up talking to crypto-currency enthuasists.  I think that market is not going to go anywhere.  When the original architect decided to make a "better bitcoin" and make an API that is not backwards compatible, it was etched into stone.  In general those guys have a negative image of BitShares in mind. These are the only people I encounter who know of BitShares and almost universally have a bad image of it.  I won't list all the stuff that caused it, but suffice to say the negative impression exists. Those who don't have a bad image usually had an interest in a sub-project like the PLAY project.

However, I realize that i have to look at other demographics that still have potential. BitShares to me speaks of the idea of sharedropping and a toolkit, but there is no reason people would think that. It also works for the DEX.

So who is BitShares targeting?  Probably not people who know much about BitShares. So what value is there in rebranding? Probably not enough to make it worthwhile.  It is hard to get quality people to help out, and most of them don't want to go through changing names and logos again. That was done with BitSharesX, as if the X made any difference or got away from something specific. sigh.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 05:27:34 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline Erlich Bachman

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I am working on the Website and currently thinking about the right design structure plus a way how to fund the front end developer. I first want to be 100% sure to get a voter in, because i don´t want to waste 160€ for a empty worker. I do not have spear funds fur such a deal. So before we think about a big rebranding, let us use what we have so far. Refaine our core values and talk to our core target group.

You should have posted this to STEEM.

And for the morons who think that the Steemit posters will lose value of their bitUSD (STEEM backed crypto dollars are the same thing) relative to USD as they go to cash it out on July 5th,  I have to laugh and realize that not even some of the BitShares faithful know that the concept of:

"the  value of 1 bitUSD can always be sold for $1 USD" is true

But for these people who are afraid that the value of bitUSD will fall relative to USD I will do you the favor and do your homework for you:

On July 5th the value of STEEMPOWER will fall as the STEEM backed dollars are pulled out of the system.  Sorry but the concept of smartcoins has been around now for years and when you act like it does not exist, it kind of makes me feel like a genius and realize that if the BitShares locals still have not learned what the heck a "smartcoin" is then...... (do the math)(early adopt much?)

How is the value of the bitUSD (SBD) going to hold it's value during this predictable exodous?  By barring the doors of the STEEMPOWER holders (and taking their money and giving it to the curators). 

Duh.. "smartcoins"  hello.  STEEM is a simplified fork of BitShares not a more complex one (no shorting/margin calls etc).  Wake up class, life is passing you by.


STEEM - It's just a BitShares fundraiser

As far as branding goes.  Let's keep the "BitShares" brand of smartcoins, but since our DEX is so kick ass performancewise, I do believe that we should start calling it:

"The DEX"

It is after all the first and only place that I know of where you can create and trade smartcoins (those things that many around here still fail to admit the existance of!)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 04:27:07 pm by Erlich Bachman »
You own the network, but who pays for development?


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c) You really HAD NO IDEA what happens on the 5th of November date, trying to conceal that you just did another mistake.
Yes, I did not know what happens on Nov 5th, tried to conceal this shameful ignorance and this surely disqualifies me to raise the issue of leadership and branding.

I'm out.


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This thread to me was another experiment in attempting to control bitshares.
Spot on, bunker.
I hoped nobody would notice but... damn it, you did.
As always, I underestimated your brain power.

This is the kind of answer I was expecting to hear from someone that has no idea about 5th of November, was MIA and sudently comes back with.... PLANS!
You guys are quite funny.

Three questions to you, sir:
a) Why does it bother you so much that I've been away for a couple of months?
b) What PLANS have I come with? (It looks to me that I just raised a question if BTS can move forward without any form of leadership and rebrand)
c) What is the relationship between vesting coming to an end and the leadership/rebrand issue?

This thread has given me a very valuable insight about the current state of this community and the current BitShares potential as a DAC.
I'm not being ironic - I got the answer I was looking for.

What I find funny is your OP and your attitute.

a) It doesn't bother me at all, what really bothers me is your comeback with below par "proposals".
b) Definetly some really stupid ones.
c) You really HAD NO IDEA what happens on the 5th of November date, trying to conceal that you just did another mistake.

Those threads are really entertaining at times...

Offline Stan

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You just need faith. Dan and Stan bringing faith based blockchain solutions to the masses.

God bless us. Chuckle.

Actually, that's a very good analogy.

I try to structure all my somewhat cryptic remarks so that those with faith will benefit from them and those permaskeptics who lack such faith will filter themselves out. It's my modest way of doing a precision-targeted "sharedrop" of potentially useful info. I make no attempt to convince you otherwise if you choose to walk away.

Jesus uses that same technique to do that same kind of filtering.  I'm just taking my lead from Matthew 13:10-16.

"He who has ears to hear let him hear."


Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline taoljj

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I don't think we need to rebrand BitShares as such, partly because I don't like rebranding in general (wastes precious time, sends a conflicting message, and usually leads me to suspect it's being done because of mistakes made in the past) and partly because I don't think it is a bad name.

But I do think it would be beneficial to promote the use of the term DEX as "ours" in our marketing literature (web site, social media, and even the web wallet). I use this term all the time in telegram/slack, as do many others, to describe our trading network. So I suggest we keep BitShares to describe the coin and the chain and use "the DEX" to describe the actual market that runs on the chain.
+5% +5% +5%

BTS      Witness: delegate.taoljj

Offline Chris4210

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I don´t think that BitShares needs a rebranding either. The brand is good, a lot of our target people (Financial professionals) know about BitShares but they have problems to understand all of their features. What really is missing, in my point of view, is an easy "get started tutorial" for the BitShares Platform.

Ronny is already working on great material for how to open an account, how to fund it and how to start trading, great!!

Additionally we need 101 tutorials for BitShares 2.0 again, especially since we have a feature freeze and the value and content of a tutorial will   be valid at least for a year plus.

Getting started with BitShares is not easy, MPA, UIA, FBA, Multi Sig, Backups, DPOS, Smartcontracts, Program languages, and many more just raise many questions for beginners. When we want to make our beloved platform more open we should start here. Tutorials and an updated website.

I am working on the Website and currently thinking about the right design structure plus a way how to fund the front end developer. I first want to be 100% sure to get a voter in, because i don´t want to waste 160€ for a empty worker. I do not have spear funds fur such a deal. So before we think about a big rebranding, let us use what we have so far. Refaine our core values and talk to our core target group.

 I meet Gavin Wood from Ethercore yesterday on a conference and I liked the way how he presented ETH infront of +250 software developers at the Developer Conference in Munich. Very simple and clean, without talking about the following core buzzwords.

So what can we learn from him? Should we now go to banking conferences and present them the DEX? Should we go to day trader conferences and present the DEX? Bitcoin Trading conferences? It is hard to define who our core audience is. The BitShares Graphene code is actually a trading engine software for Exchanges. Poloniex, Bitfinex, Kraken are runing on Alphapoint or a selfbuilt software. They could switch to Graphene, but might loose control. So who do we talk to? It is not the regular Java script coder, he is gone with Ethereum. Thats their play ground. Where is ours?

I would love to discuss our target group way more than we do. We have tons of projects on the line with BitShares Munich and we profit from a stabile feature set. Let us all continue to attract more businesses like OpenLedger and BitShares Munich, Compufeed, etc.  to this great platform and increase volume.

Vote Chris4210 for Committee Member! | - Payments + Messenger | - Community based fanpage for the BitShares Blockchain


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5) Forget about changing the logo or the name! I have a T-Shirt that has a logo that means something..If you change it I wouldn't know how to answer when people ask me what is it  :)

I say: "Let's acquire a leader and rebrand, so that we can aim to position our DEX as a viable alternative to Ripple"
You say: "Forget about rebranding because I personally like the name and I've got some BitShares t-shirts already printed"

Right, everything will be just fine.
I hope no whale is reading this forum.


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If I was a rich guy and wanted to park my money and assets somewhere safe, would I choose the BitShares blockchain? Or would I be a bit skiddish knowing that my assets and such would be visible on Even sending money to people is easily visible.
edit: the only features we are going to add to BitShares right now is Stealth (as soon as we can afford it). Stealth is already done for the most part but it just needs an awesome gui plugged in and secure backups (we use IPFS/IPNS now). you want Whales? -give them some privacy.

I've tried to bring several moderately well-off people into Bitshares, they were ALL completely turned off by the fact that all balances are public...

Actually BTS balances are as public as BTC and ETH.
Stealth is a useful feature but I feel we begin to fall into the same illusion as we did so many times before: "we just need this one more feature and then everything will be fine".

For me the problem is much for fundamental.
BitShares has a governance problem, not lack of features.


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This thread to me was another experiment in attempting to control bitshares.
Spot on, bunker.
I hoped nobody would notice but... damn it, you did.
As always, I underestimated your brain power.

This is the kind of answer I was expecting to hear from someone that has no idea about 5th of November, was MIA and sudently comes back with.... PLANS!
You guys are quite funny.

Three questions to you, sir:
a) Why does it bother you so much that I've been away for a couple of months?
b) What PLANS have I come with? (It looks to me that I just raised a question if BTS can move forward without any form of leadership and rebrand)
c) What is the relationship between vesting coming to an end and the leadership/rebrand issue?

This thread has given me a very valuable insight about the current state of this community and the current BitShares potential as a DAC.
I'm not being ironic - I got the answer I was looking for.

Offline karnal

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If I was a rich guy and wanted to park my money and assets somewhere safe, would I choose the BitShares blockchain? Or would I be a bit skiddish knowing that my assets and such would be visible on Even sending money to people is easily visible.
edit: the only features we are going to add to BitShares right now is Stealth (as soon as we can afford it). Stealth is already done for the most part but it just needs an awesome gui plugged in and secure backups (we use IPFS/IPNS now). you want Whales? -give them some privacy.

I can't stress out how much I agree with @kenCode here.

I've tried to bring several moderately well-off people into Bitshares, they were ALL completely turned off by the fact that all balances are public...

Regarding some of the other points, I'll answer later (in a hurry to leave now) and will read the rest of the thread as well, but this I can say with certainty:

Lets not rebrand. Bitshares is a great name and already it means something. It can be made to mean much more.


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This thread to me was another experiment in attempting to control bitshares.
Spot on, bunker.
I hoped nobody would notice but... damn it, you did.
As always, I underestimated your brain power.

This is the kind of answer I was expecting to hear from someone that has no idea about 5th of November, was MIA and sudently comes back with.... PLANS!

Offline BTS007

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I don't think we need to rebrand BitShares as such, partly because I don't like rebranding in general (wastes precious time, sends a conflicting message, and usually leads me to suspect it's being done because of mistakes made in the past) and partly because I don't think it is a bad name.

But I do think it would be beneficial to promote the use of the term DEX as "ours" in our marketing literature (web site, social media, and even the web wallet). I use this term all the time in telegram/slack, as do many others, to describe our trading network. So I suggest we keep BitShares to describe the coin and the chain and use "the DEX" to describe the actual market that runs on the chain.
+5% +5% +5%

BTS ID:bts007


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This thread to me was another experiment in attempting to control bitshares.
Spot on, bunker.
I hoped nobody would notice but... damn it, you did.
As always, I underestimated your brain power.