I finally got it all working and overclocked. I'm getting 4150cpm with these settings on stock volts. This set of script will overclock your 290/or 290x.
The first line is the core clock, memory clock, powerlevel, and powertune I believe. The max was 2 on the last number. I tried that but a 1 worked better for me so I stuck with that. If I'm doing something that will blow up my card, someone let me know. Temps are under 50c on core all the time and the VRM sinks are barely warm to the touch. When I was on Windows my VRM's were under 50c on VRM1 and under 40 on VRM2, so I should be good.
Here's my OC config if someone wants to try it on theirs:
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-commitclocks
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-gettemperature
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-getclocks
this is for Linux of course.
when i copy paste this: aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1 and i am getting:
ERROR - Set clocks failed for Adapter 1 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Please check that input values were valid
this command is only working for primary adapter I think, because I'm getting the same error for second card. Can anyone give a trick for it?
Hate to break the news to you folks but the aticonfig/amdconfig does NOT work for more than one
adapter. Sure there is the --adapter=x or --adapter=all but it only ever works for the default card.
Must be a bug in the software and perhaps next ATI Catalyst will fix it.
Below is a copy of the current clocks I'm running.
aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-setclocks=1110,1220
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1220
aticonfig --adapter=2 --od-setclocks=1110,1220
aticonfig --adapter=3 --od-setclocks=1110,1220
Adapter 0 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz)
Current Clocks : 1110 1220
Current Peak : 1110 1220
Configurable Peak Range : [300-1500] [150-2000]
GPU load : 100%
Adapter 1 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz)
Current Clocks : 1075 1220
Current Peak : 1110 1220
Configurable Peak Range : [300-1500] [150-2000]
GPU load : 100%
Adapter 2 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz)
Current Clocks : 1110 1220
Current Peak : 1110 1220
Configurable Peak Range : [300-1500] [150-2000]
GPU load : 100%
Adapter 3 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
Core (MHz) Memory (MHz)
Current Clocks : 1110 1220
Current Peak : 1110 1220
Configurable Peak Range : [300-1500] [150-2000]
GPU load : 100%