Author Topic: New YAM version release  (Read 184633 times)

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Offline ManeBjorn

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I just realized I do not know which one to DL for Windows 8.1 64bit.
The CPU is an AMD A8.
Does anyone know which build would be good to start with??
Tips Appreciated MMC | MQotia5NmKTsaXXPaN8hw2ze3Z1DNwi39s

Offline Delinquency

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Code: [Select]
threads = 12
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&donation-interval=100&m=6144
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
compact-stats = 1
print-timestamps = 0

Do you run an AV or Anti-Malware?
  • Disable Antivirus/AntiMalware
  • Redownload the YAM Program [the exe may have been corrupted]
  • Try a different YAM build
  • Disable Firewall or Allow the program to pass through Firewall
  • Look to install your CPU or Motherboard's specific Chipset drivers

Offline Malak

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I'm crashing with no errorcode right from the getgo on a rented XEON E5-2620 which is Sandy Bridge supposedly.
I have 8 GB of RAM avail. OS is Server 2008 R2.

threads = 1
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=2048
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 0
print-timestamps = 1

I tried diff num of threads, mem, and aesni=off

??  lol

open cmd.exe,
yam.exe -c yam-mmc.cfg

get results,
paste here.

Oh. You're trying to buffer 2GB for one thread. You must run two threads to buffer 2GB of RAM.

No, I tried 1024 also. Like in this run. NOTHING happens except the crash.

Offline Coodex

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I set it to 12288 and now I am getting:

MMC Agg. SPM: 13.832, HPM: 14.563; Rnds C/I: 101/0, Don. C/I: 59/0; Cfg/Wkr SPM: 13.832/1.1958, Cfg/Wkr HPM: 14.624/1.2187 160 rnds AV=1, ART=49233 On-line, Shares Submitted 30, Accepted 30

Offline itsik78

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Hello guys, just started mining MMC and using yam

Getting this on a 4930k

MMC Agg. SPM: 16.580, HPM: 15.392;

is it any good?


Using this:

Ivy-bridge yam-yvg1900-M7k-win64-ivy-bridge

Code: [Select]
threads = 0
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=1024

#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 1
print-timestamps = 0

Any room for optimizations?

It's great!
Since I see you're using all the cores / threads (threads=0), you can also improve it by giving it more memory (m=1024 means use a total of 1gb mem. The maximum is 1024 per thread max).

Thanks for your input!

I am currently using 1GB per thread, so around 12GB since my CPU can do 12 threads?

Not sure if I should go higher, only got 16GB of RAM.
If what you've pasted is what you're using, you're using 1gb IN TOTAL for all threads (m=1024).
Change the m param to m=12288 and you should see a nice increase in HPM

Offline Delinquency

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try m=12288, see if you enjoy the results, if not -- you can tune it down by decreasing 1024 MB. This decreases performance as well.
Also, try running the miner at startup.

Offline Coodex

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Hello guys, just started mining MMC and using yam

Getting this on a 4930k

MMC Agg. SPM: 16.580, HPM: 15.392;

is it any good?


Using this:

Ivy-bridge yam-yvg1900-M7k-win64-ivy-bridge

Code: [Select]
threads = 0
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=1024

#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 1
print-timestamps = 0

Any room for optimizations?

It's great!
Since I see you're using all the cores / threads (threads=0), you can also improve it by giving it more memory (m=1024 means use a total of 1gb mem. The maximum is 1024 per thread max).

Thanks for your input!

I am currently using 1GB per thread, so around 12GB since my CPU can do 12 threads?

Not sure if I should go higher, only got 16GB of RAM.

Offline itsik78

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Hello guys, just started mining MMC and using yam

Getting this on a 4930k

MMC Agg. SPM: 16.580, HPM: 15.392;

is it any good?


Using this:

Ivy-bridge yam-yvg1900-M7k-win64-ivy-bridge

Code: [Select]
threads = 0
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=1024

#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 1
print-timestamps = 0

Any room for optimizations?

It's great!
Since I see you're using all the cores / threads (threads=0), you can also improve it by giving it more memory (m=1024 means use a total of 1gb mem. The maximum is 1024 per thread max).

Offline Coodex

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Hello guys, just started mining MMC and using yam

Getting this on a 4930k

MMC Agg. SPM: 16.580, HPM: 15.392;

is it any good?


Using this:

Ivy-bridge yam-yvg1900-M7k-win64-ivy-bridge

Code: [Select]
threads = 0
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=1024

#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 1
print-timestamps = 0

Any room for optimizations?

« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 10:16:37 pm by Coodex »

Offline Delinquency

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I'm crashing with no errorcode right from the getgo on a rented XEON E5-2620 which is Sandy Bridge supposedly.
I have 8 GB of RAM avail. OS is Server 2008 R2.

threads = 1
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=2048
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 0
print-timestamps = 1

I tried diff num of threads, mem, and aesni=off

??  lol

open cmd.exe,
yam.exe -c yam-mmc.cfg

get results,
paste here.

Oh. You're trying to buffer 2GB for one thread. You must run two threads to buffer 2GB of RAM.

Offline Malak

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I'm crashing with no errorcode right from the getgo on a rented XEON E5-2620 which is Sandy Bridge supposedly.
I have 8 GB of RAM avail. OS is Server 2008 R2.

threads = 1
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=on&m=2048
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
mine = getwork://
#proxy = socks4a://
compact-stats = 0
print-timestamps = 1

I tried diff num of threads, mem, and aesni=off

??  lol

Offline volkantipi

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Hi, my we do with the MMC 2.0 the same?

Offline sabyd

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Dear yvg,

I'm trying to do the better setup for my L5639 with 24 cores.
I have about 12,5 hpm with the 12 physical cores (6,1 hpm per 6cores) with your last yvm miner (m7k version) using NUMACTL and leaving 50% of power free.
If I try to use all 24 threads I will have only 14hpm.
If I try to use the 12 free threads for other miners (PTS, XPM, Quark etc..) the hpm of the 12 physical cores start to go down.

I don't find the best solution.

Have u any suggestions?


Offline yvg1900

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Exact OS version? Physical mach or VPS? More details on config needed.
Follow @yvg1900 on Twitter for yam miner updates and support

Offline volkantipi

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I have a Core i7-2600 processor 2. Sandy Bridge work in one, while the other gives an error. Do you have any idea?