Please stop spamming with fabricated facts, thanks. I don't want to slap your face but everyone can check the time I announced that "will move on to another exchange having similar rank with coinsuper(Feb 19th)", the time I announce biki in the post (March 16th)and the time I proposal the fund transfer(March 18).
You can slap as many times as you want as you will never find such actions from me like you did.
First of all you broke once again the worker protocol which clearly says
"People who want to work as lobbyists need to comment on the work proposal thread and leave the information of bts account, email and which exchanges he/she want to lobby"
Posting something like i'm going to work on a similar exchange what did you mean ?An exchange with 99.5% fake volume ?
You first time mentioned the name of the exchange on march 16 to the community and instantly after 24h informed that you already applied for 436,406 BTS .
On that same day i already replied its a shit exchange with 99.5% fake volume so other people could check it themself and make their own opinion.
I never ever would have thought you would get the next days already the applied funds else i would instantly post all evidences what a shit exchange you got.
You posted you spent 2 weeks on researching on biki.And you were unable to see the 99.5% fake volume ?Or the low customer rating ?
Or the bought traffic to their website?You missed all red flags ?What did you even checked?
Did you even checked their telegram group ?
Each second comment scam accusation against Biki.Maybe you can answer this user question
why the price of each token registered with BIKI continues to fall to 1000% or more. and there has never been a price reversal, whether all the projects here are almost all bad
The bitCNY on biki will facilitate with the quantitative and hedging trading of bots, therefore, it's really important to have one exchange to list bitCNY ASAP.
An exchange with no liquidity ?What does it bring to add bitcny to a VERY low rated exchange with no real customers and liquidity ?Its only bot trading and nothing more.
Something like that doesn't bring liquidity but just destroys the name of bitcny if it needs to be listed in such shit exchange.
I would really suggest you stop wasting time complaining on other people's work but do something meaningful to the community, for example, contact a better exchange.
I said it before
NO decent exchange with real liquidity will touch bitcny without legal work.There are only 2 exchanges which may would take bitcny but surely not for 250k bts /$12.5k .
But since you claim your work is so meaningful maybe you can tell me where exactly will be the benefit for bitcny getting listed on an exchange with 99.5% fake volume and one of the worst chinese customer rating ?
Cause i'm unable to see it.
I appreciate your work. Since the left fund is about 1.6 million. Personally I think it's still enough to cove the cost of a top exchange(top 10) and a medium exchange(top 40). what do you think?
Top 10 exchange ?
Did you ever assisted in getting listed a coin in a top 10 exchange?
Am asking cause your claims seems to me dream thinking.
I tell you something no top 10 exchange is going to touch bitcny for $50k expacially without legal papers .
Does it mean we need to take shit exchanges instead ?No it means there should be systematic work done to get on one decent exchange bitcny listed and exectly for that was the bounty and not for an exchange which from nowhere jumped up in the last 2 months thanks to bought traffic and wash trading.
The remaining fund is definitely enough to cover listing + bounty for two top 40s...IDAX are very expensive but are an option.
Employes from IDax went to any project even shit projects and scam projects asking and begging to get them listed for a listing fee.
Latoken now listing scam coins which can't get listed anywhere else.
I really don't understand you guys how you can destroy the image of bitshares quality in such a way.
Instead of focusing on shit exchanges just to get the bounty i would recommend doing some real work and contact daniel from hitbtc as example and start negotationg.If Dai was able to get listed there bitcny has a good chance too because hitbtc has 2 out of 3 future world currencies listed and is missing the third one CNY.
BTW did you even checked once from where DAI as example gets real liquidity and from where 99.8% fake volume ?
You mentioned HitBTC being way worse than does it come that even on your rating website HitBTC has 4 star rating where biki has 1 1/2
I would really suggest you stop wasting time complaining on other people's work but do something meaningful
Since you attacked me personly let me ask you directly ....what meaningfull did you do ?
Ohhh i forgat we had the big amounts of OMO funds being margin called because 3 committee member signed proposals against consensus and worker description.
How many million BTS have the bitshares community lost because of them?How many bitusd/bitcnymargin holders have lost nearly everything because of the big debt ?
Yes very meaningfull but surly not responsible.
And this one was in my opinion a bounty grab and nothing more as i doubt you were unable to see the red flags if you would really care about a decent listing.
Top 50 in coinmarketcap Adj.Vol(24h) ranking
It should never have been approved in the first place as not even listed on CMC
You are clearly hurting bitshares with your selfiness
Btw can you tell me why Biki has no offical adress or company info listed on their website ?their instagram with 3 followers really love to know what you checked in 2 weeks