Author Topic: 4.0 投票机制变化  (Read 44522 times)

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Offline binggo

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I don't like DL too,but

Debt holders in bitusd will get rekkt with his actions.

These were just a part of CN-VOTE debtor in bitusd.
1   1.2.458268   fangli0755   1.94
2   1.2.698   map   1.67
3   1.2.544003   chinaking888   1.5
4   1.2.166673   facem   1.88
5   1.2.1688430   dqt812   1.7
6   1.2.415588   hangjun-btss   1.73
7   1.2.18114   cny123   5.58
8   1.2.878397   zb170352718   2.99
9   1.2.5420   ptschina   2.87
10   1.2.186512   jinlicheng1   1.7
11   1.2.712461   waterkawaye509   1.78
12   1.2.187916   hongcaibao111   1.72
13   1.2.169701   yinghuilong   1.69
14   1.2.900314   guotiger1206   1.71
15   1.2.1037129   suny5392   1.73
16   1.2.1750391   shlzbts2020   1.93
17   1.2.1620696   get-richy   1.69
18   1.2.20197   xiaoshan   1.85
19   1.2.155713   hwbts   2.7
20   1.2.998   spring   1.7
21   1.2.480517   sunshine991019   1.73
22   1.2.403666   gold-star   1.68
23   1.2.129515   jinjue082016   1.84

Want to solve the problem of bitusd, i will give some thoughts later...Devaluation is too big...very hard...

They can't make a patch on BitShares for BitShares

Maybe he said is right,seems he own the trademark of “BitShares” and "BTS", if this is true, anyone can't change it.

About consensus, i want to say when we support a consensus like BSIP 76 in such a long time and didn't want to resovle these problems quickly, we only have a false consensus, when we use a BAIP-threthold not be approved by the community as a voting standards,we didn't have consensus any more.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 10:44:49 am by binggo »

Offline lochaling

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 10:46:18 am by binggo »

Offline bitcrab

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Offline Thul3

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Quote from Digital Lucifer

Here a quote from Digital Lucifer

You need to lock 1BTS to keep voting power x1
No collateral voting - at all.

They can. Make a patch, rename BTS and BitShares and move on
They can't make a patch on BitShares for BitShares. Especially not a patch which is saying "I want to have 1.7x more power than I have money"
This change, when it comes to BitShares is irreversible and there is no coming back to corruption regardless what everyone said
Second of all fixed price and collateral just means dead markets - and even margin holders are aware of that because they have no way to close positions
If you take a look at the debts of first top 5 holders in BitUSD - none of them has that BTS or BitUSD left to close the debt
Instead of arbitrage BTS/BitUSD and BTS/USDT we have no arbitrage, no markets and no liquidity
And having in mind all that BTS collateralized, held by cexes and no ability to get new one in some serious amount - no new MPA has sense (like honest assets) until we have enough BTS to spin it properly.
So only real solution to any MPA having sense here is removal of bad debts and restoration of price feeds
Mm contest and liquidity mining as proven did nothing in terms of activity or bringing new users - and costed us more than core prelude worker or UI and infra that are much needed for long time
Now if we look back 2019, workers were stopped as useless cost to the blockchain but milking contest are ok.
Wait for votes to get locked and voting slate to be formed. Workers are useless without anyone to vote on them and we changed consensus not things voted or available for voting on it. There is a limit of how much this push can do, now it's up to the new holders
I'll have worker up by end of the week for BitUSD
No, clear worker poll to remove fixed feeds, 30 days to close their margins and terms and conditions on witnesses when to apply.

You can see that guy has completly no knowledge about trading.Debt holders in bitusd will get rekkt with his actions.
And something like him is being promoted as legal for bitshares.
Anyone supporting this idiot will kill bitshares even more.People with funds will keep leaving.

If he is unhappy he could make a fork.But who with money is going to follow such an idiot ?
Instead he pushed for a hostile takeover to keep getting paid from these people funds he destroyes.

I won't support this hostile takeover and damage of big part of the community.

Best part of him claiming they changed consensus.Does he really think some people with no BTS forcing others their point of view has anything to do with a consensus ?

The reputation damage i won't even mention

They can. Make a patch, rename BTS and BitShares and move on

DL will be hold liable as he as core prelude manager knew that the mainnet 4 will include this unaproofed code.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 09:13:00 am by Thul3 »

Offline binggo

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我喜欢不喜欢,自然有逻辑分析做支撑,总不能你不齿我的态度,我就要高喊: 巨蟹大佬,你好靓仔!

Offline bitcrab

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抵押没票权,这个其实大多数人并不是一定不能接受。 韭菜对票权这个东西 其实不太在乎,在乎的是价格,和利用随意修改规则的割韭菜行为。     
但是abit偷偷添加代码 改投票机制这个 ,不论出于什么目的  都是不能接受的,  改投票机制可能本身没有问题,但是以隐瞒 欺骗的方式偷改  就是个大问题。

所以 将投票机制变化这部分先以patch的方式关掉 然后再进行投票 ,至少流程上是正确的。
abit至今仍不露面,           至少要给出解释,解释其 苦衷 原因, 大家也好理解  支持  不是吗?       




Offline xixi002020





抵押没票权,这个其实大多数人并不是一定不能接受。 韭菜对票权这个东西 其实不太在乎,在乎的是价格,和利用随意修改规则的割韭菜行为。     
但是abit偷偷添加代码 改投票机制这个 ,不论出于什么目的  都是不能接受的,  改投票机制可能本身没有问题,但是以隐瞒 欺骗的方式偷改  就是个大问题。

所以 将投票机制变化这部分先以patch的方式关掉 然后再进行投票 ,至少流程上是正确的。
abit至今仍不露面,           至少要给出解释,解释其 苦衷 原因, 大家也好理解  支持  不是吗?       
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 04:44:14 am by xixi002020 »

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Offline binggo

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Forgat to add as i already promoted DPOS1 for several months that i personly will support
vote decay and DPOS1  (one vote for one person only) both for witness and committee

But i don't support that non active members get a reward across from active members on bitshares dex as this is a clear paradox since we want active members on bitshares dex.

There didn't have non active members and active members.

The active members which you mean just a group of people want to get profit every moment, you think they love bts but they only love profit, they want the management right just as they want to squeeze more profit from bts, if they can't get any profit from bts, they will run away very quickly. They didn't care about the further development of bts is good or bad, they just care about how to get the more profit from it as soon as possible, this is the reality.

As the new rule, if a account has any amount bts locked in "permanently locked state", then the rest bts in this account will have normal VP, the most account VP will exist like this, so it didn't affect the most account which want to participate the management but didn't want to lock bts.

You just need to lock 1 bts in a  "permanently locked state", then you will have a "permanently locked state" :)

The no active member which you mean, they just only can get reward from the further development of bts, not come from the immediate profit.

For the debtor, they were gambler, anything can't change that(even i have margin position, i still need to define it like that), no company and system want to be managed by gambler, they just try to gain more and more profit from the collateral, the management what they want,just as they can get profit from the margin as soon as possible,when the price dropped,when they can‘t bear the risk,then they will use the VP of big collateral to make a cheating decision to save their position! So they must not have the VP.

No defi and stablecoin project will be allowed to give the management right to a debtor, as when give the management right to a debtor, that mean the player and the referee become one person, this project will fail fast.

If you have a margin position and was in margin call, can you keep the impartiality in the voting?I can't and i believe the most of the person can't, it is human nature, when i have a position in margin call,then i will becom blinded and crazy,i will vote anything to keep my position,yes,i have voted the BSIP76 once,even i didn't have a position in margin call,but i‘m afraid,so i do it subconsciously.

A gambler is crazy, nothing can stop them!


如果你有债仓且在强平排队中,你们能够保证你们在投票中保持公平公正吗?我做不到,我相信绝大多数人都做不到,人性使然,当我有一个债仓且在强平排队时,我必然会变的盲目与疯狂,我会投给任何可以保护我的债仓不被强平的提案,即使是作弊提案,不错,我也曾经投过BSIP76, 即使我的债仓离强平还有相当一段距离而且基本不可能被爆,但是恐惧感使我下意识的去做了投票。


« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 01:01:02 am by binggo »

Offline matle85

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I don't like changes against consensus but I support Abit here - consensus was broken, the debt holders forcing witnesses to feed fake prices is completely unacceptable and demonstrates broken DPOS.

The changes made are necessary.

If we had voted I would not have supported stake voting at the levels proposed because I think this will cause some unforeseen issues, but overall I think Abit has stepped forward (bravely) to try and save Bitshares.

Ideally I do not think debt holders should be punished really - let's promote these changes and the upgrades to Bitshares so that the price rises and then the false price feeds can be removed without people losing their debt.

Offline Thul3

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Forgat to add as i already promoted DPOS1 for several months that i personly will support
vote decay and DPOS1  (one vote for one person only) both for witness and committee

But i don't support that non active members get a reward across from active members on bitshares dex as this is a clear paradox since we want active members on bitshares dex.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 12:01:26 pm by Thul3 »

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既然如此,何不当下就把4项功能分开投票,以作取舍? @abit

as I know, cn-vote is preparing a patch to remove the unplanned 4 features which are added to 4.0 release, and force witnesses to install.

and then, they will submit vote for the 4 features for the one new release again.

in my view, vote decay, 1 power 1 vote are in high possibility to be passed, deposit lock is also not low, "collateral and order no power" should not be approved.

so why submit the voting for these 4 features immediately?

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« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 09:49:33 am by binggo »