How did they 'sell out'.... they price fixed and put a limit on sales??? Economic insanity!
For the record someone on this thread warned about the possibility of price fixing. I don't think that part was the problem. The problem is they set some ridiculous cap on sales which allowed the sale to sell out in a matter of hours.
The price of Mastercoins seems to have gone up because people intended to use them for this crowd sale. Now people are stuck with Mastercoins and if something isn't done about it they will probably dump them in mass. Also Mastercoin holders have to worry about Maidsafe themselves dumping the Mastercoins.
It is now apparent that the Maidsafe team doesn't understand the cryptospace or economics. There may have been ways to prevent or rectify, but how will they do that without pissing thousands of people off?
I think all sides had good intentions here and the technology is incredibly important. I just think they should have structured their sale to not have a cap and scale up with the level of investment.
I hope team Ethereum learns from this event.