Hey guys, just got back from work, but I'm updating the list right now.
I'm also going to be removing 'profit' as a category by request, and I will not be listing any delegates who's primary platform is voter profit, as I believe this may be a very real threat to BTSX. If you disagree, I would love to be proven wrong in this thread as I like the idea of profit-focused delegates, but not the idea of a homogeneous congress of 101 profiteers.
Thanks for putting me on the list.
I did miss a couple of blocks this morning while upgrading to 0.2.2 but still 99% reliability. And now on the latest version with bug fixes.
Cool, I'll update it! I picked you because you only had 1 delegate (I'm lazy and didn't want to add xeroc's 20 delegates...), you fit well into a category, and you seem like a good delegate.
Me too, that's why I only give the "faucet" yellow, instead of all the text, otherwise people are hardly to recognize them.
How about lime green? (Since I'm getting rid of profit.)
It would be nice if you added an extra column: Version that indicates what version the delegate is running.
Great idea! Is there a way for me to retrieve that info from the client? Or do I have to rely on the delegate to tell the truth?
btsx.chinesecommunity ripplexiaoshan faucet The faucet is for new users from China 50% 25% 99%
Place the robohash on the list 
Please format this using the template I provided. (I'd do your's for you bytemaster, because I know you're busy, but I don't actually know what robohash's function is.)