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Topics - toast

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KeyID / Please stop asking CMC to list DNS
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:12:45 pm »

KeyID / High-pay delegates for transparent faucets
« on: October 03, 2014, 04:10:33 pm »
I want a delegate node which runs a keyID registration faucet with completely transparent accounting. Demonstrate that you are signing up new unique users and you campaign to get some commission. Become a valuable asset for later marketing efforts.

A good place to start is with a 1% delegate running this:

中文 (Chinese) / Please coordinate chinese delegates
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:56:42 pm »
It is hard for me to judge who are distinct, noncolluding, productive entities when everything is in chinese.

Someone should make a curated list of delegates who want a 1% pay rate and a summary of what they are offering. I will pick 5-10 and vote them in.

KeyID / Key Graph
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:45:18 pm »
There's quite a bit you can do using just account public data and public "edge" data. The common theme is that you only need to define an interpretation based on your knowledge of each key's write access. The blockchain/DAC only enforces where you can write and not what or under what conditions - but this is sufficient for a lot of things!

* RDPOS - This is an off-chain feature and that will be more obvious as alternative clients emerge
* Simple Anti-Sybil - Identity verifier is a KeyID that people believe only signs off on keys that it can link to a unique identity.
* Basic Voting - Once you filter a group by ID verifiers and legibility verifiers, you can filter out people who make "invalid" votes according to whatever interpretation of the out-edges (users to candidates) as you want.
* Basic Reputation - Reputation is always a function of two individuals. "Do I trust him? Well, how do I trust anything? Who do I know and trust personally? Why do they know/trust/defer to?"  etc. I can't think of anything that needs dependent transaction validation for simple schemes.
* Canonizer - with a few concessions, you can make a canonizer tree for a particular topic, hosting most of the content off-chain

Now with very basic on-chain validation rules:
* Linked Keys - an edge signed by both keys could enable treating cliques of keys as an identity and supporting "send to clique"
* Shares on edges - a balance can sign an edge to give that edge weight for "devotion" or other validation based on edge CDD. You can restrict share movement based on edge rules (overstock!)

Here is a basic edge:

Code: [Select]
From:  nikolai
To:  dbrock
What:  Is A Unique Human
Value:  1

Here are some "special" edges with validation:

Code: [Select]
From:  nikolai
To: nikolai2
What: _chain/same_owner
Value: true

From:  overstock-validator
To: nikolai
What: _chain/asset_restriction_validator_01/OVER
Value: true

The DAC (shareholders using their delegates) are responsible for determining the most valuable things to bring on-chain.

The next KeyID test network (before vegas) will have this feature for developers to experiment with.

KeyID / [DNS] v0.0.2 - Trade the snapshot and fight for delegate pay
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:14:39 pm »

* The main network is in "quiet" / "proto-DAC" mode to trade shares and push keyID signups.

* I will be taking care of all backpay in the next few days - up until now I had "spent" somewhere between 5% and 10% of the dev fund as IOUs (including a sale of 1% of the DAC for seed capital which I have some stuff) - more on this accounting and plans for dev funds later. There won't be any more spending without another announcement.

* I am already working with two exchanges on integration

* We will have continuous dry runs for the name auction and reputation scheme experiments.

* Domain sales will not being before DNS is trading and has a price.

* Watch out for bounties and special delegate roles.

* 1% pay rate ($8/day or so at $5mn valuation) seats are being given out to "good" delegates (people who have been building stuff and have been active). For example, who wants to build the windows client?

General Discussion / Checklist for PTS to DPOS: You can help!
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:09:49 pm »
I will switch to helping launch PTS on DPOS (doing the actual toolkit changes you need) when:

*  There is a dedicated PTS2 repository
    * We can reliably make a PTS snapshot at any time
    * The GUI is reskinned for PTS
    * Unmined PTS policy is decided (I suggest inflating for delegates according to mining schedule - use some for bounties required for transition)\
* ALL third-party services that use PTS are notified, especially:
    * Exchanges
    * Block explorers
    * Mining Pools
* Clear PR guidelines
    * What to do for upgrade process

Expect this list to grow as people get their hands dirty

KeyID / Simple KeyID relationships
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:56:31 pm »
I will add the ability for a KeyID to write to an "out" edge to another KeyID and set a json object.
One property on this object will be an object of "first-class" parameters which will have on-chain validation (which can be arbitrarily complex).

The idea is for us to be able to quickly prototype things like reputation systems and identity verification which can work without on-chain validation at all (I trust these 3 validators who publish good edge info, and can filter everything else). Validation could have access to public data and other edge data.

Edge from nikolai to vikram:

Code: [Select]
      "_chain": {
          "same_owner": false
      "reputation_experiment_1":  "100"
     "real_name": "Vikram Rajkumar aka the Legend"

"same_owner" could be used to prove account belongs to one entity and would make a reverse index ("vikram", "nikolai", "same_owner") available.

If you had your own filtering algorithm for "reputation_experiment_1" then you could reliably make use of "real_name".

I think this that since we do not have a scripting environment, we need a straightforward way for people to experiment and propose validation logic updates.

KeyID / [DNS]: Dry run for ambitious technical delegates + bug bounty
« on: October 01, 2014, 06:39:56 am »
current master branch

Try this:
Code: [Select]
docker run keyid/keyid

$50 BitUSD for anyone that finds anything that prevents this from being tagged 0.0.1 and launching
* web GUI doesn't count
* excessive logging doesn't count

Oh and here's a rough roadmap for building the core features. I'll make a more complete writeup soon.

* 0.0.1 lets us start paying delegates (and lets me pay DNS IOU from various dev funds), block explorers and exchanges and such can start integrating
* 0.1.0 will have a complete GUI for basic KeyID functionality (authentication, editing public data) with a simple, focused UX. Acquire lots of KeyID users here.
* 0.2.0 will have a working auction with GUI, DNSchain integration, and basic mail functionality. Ready for liftoff.

General Discussion / BIPs as a BitAsset
« on: September 30, 2014, 08:46:24 pm »
Worried about greedy shareholders inflating your stake?

Hedge with BitBIP - tracks 1 billionth of the current share supply.

The price feed is determined completely by the state of the chain and so this "feed" could even be built in.


KeyID / [DNS] Check Your Snapshot #3: Coinbase Substitutions
« on: September 30, 2014, 07:39:36 pm »

I put in these substitutions:

Code: [Select]
Address: 178RVtWSyrCD8N1BnSdiSbMMokD2foQhAd
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G4SbByvsoQhLVjyA3ZDwNUZW/cYO2pJK/HsaS2KgGajMUAQMZw+ZxuD82sRzq88l30fWVgn+gYoDs1uvE6gLPbY=

Address: 1GJczjbQF8evXsLCHpX9sNXQ3m2QbwH2Wv
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: GwrBVRWHmbyhFIkD5aDRxPDIS6I1HubOZEAw+9OPHAEuRS3SH6Wy6Ma9ndKDLdmc/TF279ADDLxbYr6k1ucy8ao=

Address: 19btdFcvEgF6t7hyr5n4gzsGitHZjk7uF4
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HDdneKnMiA5dc9uKPHlPSSI53WBL0QQw43oRhKjLOePQfzPZN39gKEZObxg45Hb8MIyq6sEBO5vfY1vJaRokHjQ=

Address: 1J9FPXTMJXwh1mC4CYDp8kjtgsQehiVos4
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HIxFt5eGHnvLe5jgqxzP6ZuKCeVJn7hb4JgVLaFOZE4vSJNJ6qrD/ScIXny2pjOqLekdoGL11st+Jd+rmXADVQQ=

Address: 18Cpgt8w1aFsGBc3s82NMCU5RiRE1kiEe3
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HE2tfLu9bz5GQ3pNxYLmY/vIfytnblIgqmqxWKxCqRZRuMpsXra049k+vzmKU2bOcLzpZm0OKlaW+vPOA0bHe/k=

Address: 1MnEmUHF9TYXMio86dTGXvRxeirW4VFE9w
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G8jfexkOvKP9LLtT6pzrplIVUXja/eoWsToCFMC55uqv/w5np0A9P4ijBqLrd9lKMouwHl6jlIN+qlkBXnoVCXU=

Address: 1DL9Rt8bWZbmNbSMZedqA2WeFRUeJS415s
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G2gllIrPC6iWBB+LBHdMdPigOFC8yhShikKJwt4lv+Nwz+Ff7sQFpvaq4Z/1yui3ngnlKdi7JdkgE04WDTf5Mgs=

Address: 1QC9jKo53vAdo6zYUcHwpJWqGwCe5voxLv
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G8j7vZOXw6EJ4/bOXAwKQppyK9YxXSgMrRwdvwnNrJu7uRajHfYN346LWiFwz0pqLkA7+vI2xJ4D7GCFXcVDlMI=

Address: 1JtuJEr3cGL7AyB4xcg9qMLjWV73qnHRBt
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G7iO3R96/ojfmba3v9spFQEIDUYVwjd7fXpjmb7fw5uy4sOizXbyLXvOX5AUFPlLakKqDjKE5AftdC4XE8/eG+k=

Address: 1G3HMZzCr4QDihJEpz1arrmR4swm7krinM
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HJk5aiPFINZ9+3yKe9h7yZPuPY6yLY05T27bBReEAYDr2jCHrmDhmFzkwe8/+dtnzEfoOQXQpzEGfFFfOW8Mmz4=

Address: 1HziNRPCtiY6HXsBouwpVzTYtZws5A25LZ
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HOsselr2VtHFden90A2ju/ZuEsw7sktu0FKINHzl0jDMo8pXdB0AGlGlpsl2g28Y2dxjzdiYCYfXRDzxNK9PG88=

Address: 135xcKg36YPGi2c1yDuacgDJuxqWcporDv
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HOZ2WjEBP1DwaHYIMHTJDQf/WihF+CR7LzfirpbylflOtrfl5dEyTTI1mb2jSG/4qlGlIsjv0kpgOCubE3nu+ag=

Address: 15MeKFbkdHp7357Ez3p1jnNdGSovoBKop6
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HGlyXzh9FZUHBZ/V13jkZlDRota1TcQ2fVPaSRnzr+UEgRp/qCgoVwNRR77V5ryB19q6YJNhj6KJS4kUOKJGYkM=

Address: 12tiMQ2eFAsG5SwG1xYaejigbsXiqac6hx
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HDu6KYRqZDWe0j/SOt+nIWrYsIMhS8UVZt3xrTCjwTtlQXDCxRQ2J8NCE0NVnwmDoKpp0AHgyucQWJYmLtN/uks=

Address: 1GqU61rhQ6sbwLiTc4FYSNpKZyjEA827VV
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HIJanrHYlXq7rwnBd5xlb/PNUS+HHuLaG/l2SZSQ5vONrwBcExig9ye6q0mUKfXq5aArWDeMhfYZGWnNtqkacGQ=

Address: 1ED1wLdA3WW7Xr3EPRhZH6LmWP7gwJP5Qj
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HDbJeP5NnQUx+jfSiFYLEpmz0T4oFbiVV2cXXYye14aZ4BIRQLoWWrJXmfTlAlWJulGGlQT6aWYPEotHGcwga0U=

Address: 1PegsunSa7ThjbEoRHxxFa5M4BgfXjbAj1
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HEiUGP6clZpspB/SimKGf+32SSjladL3Dhv48/11cbdCAz5MLbID2/xFsElLPO31X/x7ji1w/3q1cSGszdc3RTk=

Address: 14seLs1EwvsXTb3dLvchFgMquJnF2yJwd2
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HAcCBASLUKqVbpqB8IxAxAMyQZasvs5FzpMVkK1SFPstzmX+yFbMmBcttFiNv770JovzVKXl4gJuhfrXvhKk1kc=

Address: 1NhBbVJJUPN7X451bN9FEEq4LxyWLSWcft
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HFZwZC7DBQVDimDNutwXNzRLZwbReQG5fcBKG6qsuqLsoFNLL2BIV2+9awfwP0DzK+g9N1qwm8Q05WMBfvUCa8s=

Address: 12ZoxtSZVqApmRTmY75P6jYpYDLkPJzNai
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G7e1CGNtIkHEUSfr/t4J5tGyd4yLVq84TMEceHPS9+bv6AALPqZk6dJyHQRyVWxpbPM//WfQjKCUG/1gG7EAifc=

Address: 1NZHLx6jNqY3R3953j6oALgkkZF4VoM6rH
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: G5BLE+fsbU6woQdItc1nEISf1iPtGXyRcEuEokxNrpd0mCI4b/4CL19/5WJykcD4UCj/z8zzu32h88l99kAWCo4=

Address: 14Efv8ZHhbFz1fJ3eD4tfKLyHVqAXMug7y
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HFc7TXmUgT7C8LvBi2Y1FcR7Z9wnFFhnY+8z2gOx8orGRkOKkHj036Hwy5N6HkdpEgOCAanWKOMqdrsrQfCWTL4=

Address: 12ahkRrYhBcRGT9GbGRc7Y8uMGe9WTLibF
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HAY1lyfujJAmyrf3o4A71vLE7jnq/uzjwAXjtMZAUIQseXkVBHV+e3ZQXGxIfSn4PYvPjKkU2VP0K7IAdVcE6oM=

Address: 1TDLLyd684EqFHHwCuQuh5Hh1aEBZpEhv
Message: New BTC Address: 12Zv4sdQbm6bKpz5artZYoM8WbfFXKuTHC
Signature: G3LCg/TDsPdu0kHqjkKzU9wWZ5YkrJ6vwwFZxxcqAwKqCyV+yF4B8+pPsP0igMqJyu3nsYLi9b45Wz6wLLZKJPo=

Address: 16qGZVP5rgwQCeLSnf2U94dHBa3QMNHJ3F
Message: New BTC Address: 12Zv4sdQbm6bKpz5artZYoM8WbfFXKuTHC
Signature: HEAaDv+S2E/VW/7LJmrQUBFr+FJZm++JUhgEGg1iXRZbYNCGQFEku9g1xyYX0H+2obA7liUP3DhRUH7HLC6eFoM=

Address: 1FnqQz36y18HK1EvaTCaGS65xUYDSTxBtx
Message: New BTC Address: 12Zv4sdQbm6bKpz5artZYoM8WbfFXKuTHC
Signature: HPyWg92jFLG8AuO9zYfqKQonhC8hvLrH87u44b89u6NpJDFV7RpYgQXTHdV2WylE9Uk0Z2eS3uTZCeQob94bvcM=

Address: 1JyiMXW7NXjsyhp4hvsm77xFn3J4tvxuZa
Message: New BTC Address: 16fgrvY7ACrZDLNz9GWiwPfMuk34kZWKmf
Signature: G50EDEm/wz3EdqL75CTTnP4KlZjijzcycqNQTg5iyM0yBtZpAAk9wupynmXX6KsG8vBYCgcNNrqXm7nrqvQ9YXo=

Address: 1AEv2pKdGqJomxE9ApkW68QBg32QjjwA7b
Message: New BTC Address: 1BYrChoJn2UNMhTtWfRrqfcJ5ntkMYjTo8
Signature: GwcLEatgAcfF8rWGCzxk/jQB779HjiRmijiKF1vD5APPeb26MS4vEs0JeL2b7RoEqIh9zwTxxcvCLOZIlD4kQwI=

Address: 1PUZQbeu94iarZtrkKXiL4ryAEsvcsEvcE
Message: New BTC Address: 13P4or5Dz8734Arqg2CQLXFtxy2DSjKdXa
Signature: HI5Zzra+Mb7dtOFmY12Q6y7OSQarhzdFt7IXDMRwQR4yXHCtbe2/I2VBbzX3k0rsHm/4ccb+b5fqQdVJ5aZ2Lm8

Address: 1CbkZbefm25BYFeUUUQGEvt9HYWh39hvJk
Message: New BTC Address: 1M69AMjAkeKkk6YfuEECZzbz54EnXijzvk
Signature: HO9rTM+3iSs+AiL6+1dx/hZS9AQ+B3ADCTy+d/cIb5V6JJXarIOEkSiSsXUz+VFZjgNW8rJo1xizUP9r6Feawno=

I did *NOT* make these substitutions (bad signatures)

Code: [Select]
Address: 13XnJ6zKd6qgK5Uu4zJw4bdPT8M7232ZBf
Message: New BTC Address: 1KfjASdNiX97R8eJM9HPbnKcFWZ8RRhzzb
Signature: HIkETuUcUOgp+qRKXGsgbyeqTLgGwCdEMRS/8GfV7lytGoQYH0tWpPaNNyOza4ZFD6d5yd6iwyi3DPraKO+Slg=

Address: 14fftwrPTGdxYiY7E3upPQZasEnKtPmNN3
Message: New BTC Address: 14fftwrPTGdxYiY7E3upPQZasEnKtPmNN3
Signature: HDs7LaoV+BDW58KNoYGAUtBJyNWGHHEUnqhPFSOS6QSLGhfgdfUcY7JR3mhbg2eH7b0xn5cmDARD8w93iAkGSNo=

Message: New BTC address: 17f9pTcu15cdF6qyBzP8cJpL2AeM8zSfGi
Signature: IHKdnztwUlFGsSBPGWFgrtHEukSOyF5+GAf6gDzvdw5gxvs7NlezEiyqTcMEfDpfnd5GAvDHKqm+5BgYQbbVKnw=

Address: 1KgyqkYwq1uFMwc6MTeQKsz72jJfqHSBD9
Message New BTC address:1KLNYniYHM2UwYxSA7rjRtXqNFQEEUDhPv
Signature: IA1YfKOYNLoqDs0gf44Uo5QzPHfljeAaZXJfK5ws0RB6O4ncexjG+BvtS4iaw6h6i0hM/KqUgu99UBKfLb1GqEI=

Address: 19V4dJ4gikPMLqhG9J2iGSXk5uCcLhfmv9
Message: New BTC Address: 1M69AMjAkeKkk6YfuEECZzbz54EnXijzvk
Signature: HFKtmzcBIogD8Ia1xafgGH7Owso81COm5AhyhdTrFVZAYHrnF0POV3WAb6ZiRA9uUpP6h

Address: PbXSuic9B1iEmgMiWqW93cdXFvPQsHXdUc
Message: New PTS Address: PfSQYEJYKN3YTmk74BwXy6fk2StTJczaQw
Signature: IGDJBuhlLpOG040Qa8BnSLmNpFOCl7liNP8uO4BPAe0T+RwA2lArnfKqeDSUgw/L9th8+KEfXopMKYQqbpbxCB0=

Address: PitE7xxJvjzkVcs6BT5yRxV55YJqgFrhCU
Message: New PTS Address: PfSQYEJYKN3YTmk74BwXy6fk2StTJczaQw
Signature: ILXLuBNagH7kKAFrPtfiuZWuXY9KjtrBfsjs/5mxZu2vgcMUQwncI6wKVWprgLxIZClfiBkbey1IDXXUVLg0vyI=

Message: New BTC Address: 1A2SAL7i5UwZ3pYuaf7rcBj1U3wffEAoo7
Signature: INfjG+txvMe72T5K5yrKfHvHhbg1pGGJUvbMqYiHkYhmeXNgr23r8myPEVCUA5XmHDBAvX+34SJJMQu2IasdGxs=

Address: 13U3XLUTRHLGMwfCmhde7EmQtNdJE7X2zw
Message: New Address: 1A2SAL7i5UwZ3pYuaf7rcBj1U3wffEAoo7
Signature: H0OJtflbALrRR4eRdzf/yCNLe+RFjsPNlU6384i3W+RUElPyrraY8FZYk3exCij5j3K9PfzvV/2JhExXhEQtVUo=

Address: PikAq7jB7yHJnZ8gsBXFLWquD1bPoeP7x5
Message: New PTS Address is PjjYtWpwmwEMA1MK9mjpDpSYzkTMPgjm7X
Signature: IEe5mmZs9q9kjhYVmhqW3RYvPJ8kbe9q3HqwL8hX9FoCN0XxzHPo3t1Fb1Lput/SQ1UaNwxSKzO7K9fjJ6yUVdw=

« on: September 26, 2014, 05:42:11 pm »
This is the thread I will point to if someone complains about having the wrong allocation after the fact!

Note - keyhotee AGS was not honored!  This allocation was announced *after* keyhotee donations ended, and the BTSX stake more than paid back for the donation. We don't owe them anything and honoring it is too much manual work. This stake is split proportionally to all other balances.

General Discussion / Dan Larimer in my youtube ads
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:57:22 am »
The hype is real

General Discussion / dat peg doe
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:47:16 pm »
it's beautiful

KeyID / [DNS] - OSX users: Try the KeyID new user onboarding flow
« on: September 25, 2014, 04:43:18 pm »
It should be self-explanatory, if it isn't then it needs to be fixed.

Sorry windows users. If someone wants to be the champion of the windows peasant builds then you could earn yourself some delegate income.

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