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Topics - luckybit

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The voter apathy problem in my opinion is the symptom/subset of the attention scarcity problem.

The attention scarcity problem will only get worse as the technological solutions become of a greater complexity.

Complex information becomes much more difficult to process and even if the data were simple it could be so much of it flowing around that no one can organize and process it all into anything useful to make wise decisions.

How do we scale up decision making capabilities along with the level of technological and information complexity in a way which factors in the problem of attention scarcity?

I think autonomous agents could be one mechanism we could use to do this. Algorithms are perhaps our only means of processing vast amounts of information of increasing complexity. How can we scale up our information processing capabilities within the Bitshares platform?

Delegating the decision making responsibilities to experts might delay a catastrophe but it is not a long term solution as it is top heavy and promotes reliance/dependency on others. These others who followers depend on could become the de-facto government of experts. Providing an incentive for people to vote will make people direct their attention from other problems but is a costly solution.  If we put a focus on solving the problem of attention scarcity using automation/algorithms then we might be able to solve the problem of voter apathy in the most cost effective way.


And I'll be first. If I'm elected as a delegate I will change my signatures on every crypto forum to help market Bitshares.

Who else is with me on this? Any member of the community will be able to take their votes back if they see you posting on other forums without the Bitshares advertisement in your sig.

I think now that the holiday seasons are kicking in we might begin to see a dramatic drop in price of BTS over the same time period.

I also think Bitcoin prices might go down as people spend it more than usual. Are my economics wrong?

General Discussion / Ethercoin up 4533.49 %?!?! $ 32.63!
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:26:43 pm »
I can't believe what I'm seeing.
Can someone explain this?

General Discussion / Bitlov is a digital currency automation platform
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:57:10 pm »
Mastercoin looking to be first with autonomous agents:
Bitlov is a digital currency automation platform that utilizes a predominately trustless network of decentralized, distributed autonomous agents called Rubrics.

Bitlov empowers individuals and organizations to determine where money goes and when by simplifying the process of setting rules within contract templates, to write simple-to-complex transaction routines based upon various factors, such as: budget, pre-defined triggers, formulas, times, recipients, and more.

Basic Tutorial on Multi-Agent Systems:

Prof. Jeff Rosenschein - Cooperative Games in Multiagent Systems:

These are two very informative tutorials to learn the benefits of Multi-Agent Systems. These Multi-Agent Systems can be built on top of DACs giving DACs an unfathomable amount of power. For the technical masters and curious minds I leave these videos for research purposes.

I encourage anyone else who can find good research or educational videos on this topic to please post them in this thread.

Abstract: Since the 1990s, intelligent agents and multi-agent systems with their known characteristics given by the AI community have been used to intelligently support individual or groups of human users in their business or personal decision-making in a large number and variety of applications in the Internet and Web. The developed frameworks of and systems with agent-based decision support differ in the extent to which they cover the typical phases of human decision-making, the types of decisions to be made, and their effectiveness and efficiency of support. In this respect, recommender systems, automated negotiation systems, matchmaker agents, and virtual user agents or avatars are classical examples to name but a few. On the other hand, semantic web technologies have been used during the past decade for providing better decision support through means of formal ontology-based representation, discovery, integration, and sharing of relevant heterogeneous data, knowledge, and services. Both agents and semantic web have deep and common roots in AI. However, despite the tremendous advances in research and development made in each of both technology domains, the full synergetic potential of agent-based and semantics-empowered decision support in innovative applications in the future Internet remains to be unlocked.
In this talk, I will present and discuss the basic principles, potential and challenges of a single and combined use of agents and semantic technologies for intelligent decision support together with selected showcases from different application domains.

A brief overview of agents:

An intelligent software agent is like a "bot" which you can tell your goals and have it act on your behalf to accomplish these goals. This "bot" is intelligent because it can sense changes in the environment and adjust it's decisions according to the latest events. So for example the agent could be designated to search for an artist coin which meets some minimum criteria and purchase it at the IPO unless specific events happen to alert the agent that maybe it would not be a profitable deal. To direct your agent you would simply tell your agent your goals and it will pursue them using AI. Multi-Agent Systems are intentional systems where multiple intelligent agents "bots" can transact and communicate among each other to further their individual objectives.

We can and should build Multi-Agent Systems as a layer on top of the Bitshares protocol after Turing complete scripting allows for it. This would also allow for Intelligent Decision Support functionality as described in the Youtube video.

There will be more posts after this to go into details on why Multi-Agent Systems and Intelligent Decision Support functionality are so important. For now check out the videos in the references and discuss the potential if you see any.

“Agents and Semantics for Human Decision-Making” Dr. Matthias Klusch (ICAART 2014)

Goal Oriented Search Engine

What Would They Think?
A Computational Model of Attitudes

Software agent

General Discussion / Why isn't Bitshares joining with BlockNet?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:18:16 am »
How much effort would it take for the Bitshares SuperDAC to integrate with BlockNet? I think this should happen ASAP as it would be a symbiotic relationship.
The Blocknet is founded on the XBridge, which is not an RPC call protocol but a true P2P protocol. It is one thing for nodes to connect to each other directly (and thus "P2P"), but it is another for the protocol by which they connect to be true P2P rather than simply JSON-RPC or some other method.

The XBridge protocol is end-to-end encrypted.

It is either trustless or reputation-based, depending on the application.
Every XBridge-equipped node can provide services to nodes on any other blockchain.
Puts the power of every coin in the service of all.

Considering the fact that marketing hasn't kicked in yet and the price is dropping is now a good time to buy as much as possible?

Would any of you take out a loan to buy BTS?

The rate they are rising it looks like that could be causing the pump in Bitcoin price.

It has gone up over 112% in the last 24 hours. It went from $4 to $11.50 and appears to be reaching an all time high.

It has Overstock behind it, and now the people crazy about Ethereum may be hedging their bets. I honestly don't know where the money is coming from but considering Overstock is developing something it could be related to the stock exchange project too.

Maybe some hedge fund or other big entities has been convinced to get in on that? Hundreds of Bitcoins are flowing into Counterparty in an unrealistic speed.

Counterparty Recreates Ethereum’s Smart Contract Platform on Bitcoin

The limitation of Counterparty up to now has been that all of its smart contracts have had to be hard‐coded into the protocol’s reference client by a set of core developers (as is the case with Bitcoin itself). This means that the addition of new features has been much slower than it needed to be. The solution to this problem is to allow users to write their own smart contracts, which they (and other contracts) can execute whenever they want.
This is the basic model of Ethereum, which is a project to create a novel blockchain in addition to a programming language and virtual machine for the creation of smart contracts. But the development of a new blockchain is unnecessarily slow and risky. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we, the cryptocurrency community, should be making evolutionary, tractable improvements to Bitcoin itself, whenever possible.
Counterparty Contracts
With Counterparty Contracts, users may write Turing Complete smart contracts into the Bitcoin blockchain and execute their code on all Counterparty nodes. We’ve ported Ethereum’s language and virtual machine over to the Counterparty platform, using the pyethereum codebase. The result is hosted on GitHub and open for public testing. Today, you can take Turing Complete Ethereum code, or write your own, and run it on Bitcoin with Counterparty. Anything that one could ever do with Ethereum, one can now do with Bitcoin and Counterparty.

One of our primary focuses was around maintaining compatibility between the Counterparty and Ethereum contract language. This also maximizes the security of the system. Our success is reflected in the fact that our implementation passes 100% of pyethereum’s contract execution integration tests:
  ~/counterpartyd > py.test test/ -v -x
  =============================== test session starts ================================
  platform linux -- Python 3.4.2 -- py-1.4.25 -- pytest-2.6.3 -- /usr/bin/python
  collected 14 items

  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED
  test/ PASSED

  ==============================14 passed in 63.47 seconds ===============================
  ~/counterpartyd >

Bitshares devs are going to be left behind. Not only has Counterparty snatched up Overstock support but now they've got Turing complete scripting. This would explain why the XCP price has been shooting up.

Can Bitshares devs accelerate plans for Turing complete scripting?

Delegates better take their security seriously when and if they travel. I think we need multi-signature accounts.

It may be that in 2014 it sounds like a silly paranoid thing for me to post. In 2016 you'll understand.

Why not replace "Congress" with software? The DAC could become the political candidate. The participants in the DAC could then vote in the traditional elections to elect the DAC into office as a virtual congressman. The DAC then would use algorithms and "Big Data" to learn the preferences of it's owners and from there it could vote accordingly.

Why couldn't it work? I'm convinced it can work and can replace representative democracy with a decentralized autonomous representative or algorithmic direct democracy.

In order for this to be possible it first has to be proven that algorithms are better able to represent humans than other humans are.


General Discussion / Representative democracy may now be becoming obsolete
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:50:50 am »
Representative democracy may now be becoming obsolete as you can have direct algorithmic democracy.

Instead of giving your decision making power to another human it will sooner or later be more efficient to give that decision making power to algorithms. In fact Amazon already is using the technology to do this and these algorithms will continue to learn more about us until eventually these algorithms know us better than we know ourselves.

So what should we do? Algorithms are more cost efficient as delegates than people. As the algorithms become more optimized, personalized, then the accuracy and effectiveness in their ability to make decisions on our behalf will increase.

What should we do Bitshares team? If we stick with human beings making decisions directly then you have the problem where most people will not even vote. If you delegate the vote then it makes a lot of sense for the specific purpose that we need some operators for the DAC to be able to function but we don't need the vote to be decided by humans. It is likely that sooner or later the hiring and firing will be decided by algorithmic processes.

In my opinion this needs to be discussed on a philosophical level. It should be discussed deeply now because eventually we are going to reach a crossroad where a choice will have to be made between how we move forward. If we are going for maximum efficiency of operation and automation then algorithms have to play a larger role but if we are going to focus on trusting humans then reputation will play a larger role. The problem is humans tend to fail and also humans can be convinced to vote against their self interest.

These questions and topics go beyond Bitshares. Algorithmic democracy can potentially change the political process. Instead of electing human beings to Congress, Senate, Parliament, we'd instead be electing algorithms to serve as our digital representatives. Discuss?

Algorithmic voting theory
Automatic algorithmically delegated voting, delegates and smart contracts
Algorithmic Voting Theory, Venice, and a Talk on Old/New Papers
CP-nets, algorithmic voting theory and Turing complete voting languages

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