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Messages - MrJeans

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General Discussion / Re: What's happening with the price?
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:47:07 pm »
Ya, I dont understand this. What does Dash have that we dont?

what has bitcoin,ripple,litecoin,stellar,dash and very soon doge,  that we don't?
...when we find the answer maybe it is to late (if not already) :(


PS but don't complain not reaching the moon.... we have MOONSTONES indeed  ;)
Not too worried about not reaching the moon. Just want to stop loosing my savings.

General Discussion / Re: What's happening with the price?
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:35:46 am »
rekt again

 :'( :D :'(

overtaken by some crappy coin distributed through facebook, that's so sad  :(
Ya, I dont understand this. What does Dash have that we dont?

Whereas I dont have the time to list what we have that Dash does not.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: PeerTracks website
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:44:25 pm »
Oooh I see it now.
There should be more user testing before launching a new website.
Or they should have tested it themselves  ??? bit of a big one to miss

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Price discussion
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:42:31 pm »
I would be in an amazingly better position if I had saved my funds back then and was able to buy BTS and NOTES at current levels.

True. However I am comforted by the fact that I couldnt see into the future then, and I cant now.
Just gotta ride this baby until the wheels come of. Or we can start affording expensive cars.

Haha sorry, having trouble with my mumble app.

Highly understandable that deadlines are difficult to provide.
For ver1 of blockchain: 3 months, 6 months 1 year?
Final blockchain: a year from now, 6 months or sooner?

1. Can we get a public development roadmap and a rough release schedule?

3.  How many full time developers  are working  100% of their time on the music project?

Questions 1 and 3 above, please.

What functions will version 1 of the blockchain have?
Which versions will artists be able to launch artist coins in?

Im listening to the mumble, but it is about bitshares delegates.
Is it going to mention Peertracks?
Thanks Btswildpig-cn!
For some reason I cant type in the smoking room using the iphone.
Is 11:30AM est now?
Is it on a different hangout?

Im listening to the mumble, but it is about bitshares delegates.
Is it going to mention Peertracks?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Price discussion
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:18:31 am »
I did some SWAGs (which would not be too accurate because the BTC price constantly changes). But working back from market cap during the donation funds and working back from what I thought was a representative donation day.

It looks like notes were more expensive during donations than they are now. They should be cheaper during donations because of the risk premium of no liquidity.

To me this looks like people are selling because of the bear market and trying to unload their positions. I am bearing for the short term.

1. Provide small updates below for frequent newsletter.

2. Include a link and very short description, a relevant picture would also be great.

3. For non-update comments please go here

4. Vote on how frequently you think a newsletter should go out (I included bi-weekly, but we already have a monthly newsletter so this option would not make much sense)

I know that I get almost daily updates from Ripple and therefore would never question that they are slacking, abandoning project etc.
While I dont think this to be true of Bitshares in any way, others may need more frequent reminders of what is going on.

See the below Ripple email to get an idea on what could be an update.

There could be a separate subscription for this, or we could use the current mailing list and allow users to unsubscribe from the frequent updates newsletter.

Things like:
Peertracks tester shares released, testing begins in preparation for Notes being made liquid.
New Mumble talk release on Beyond bitcoin, X and Y was discussed.
Moonstone reaches X amount on its campaign.

This is what I suggested in that same thread.. makes sense to me since I suggested it. :P  +5%
Haha good!  :)

Can we make this a sticky. People can post the top new highlights with a link.
Once we have two or three appropriate ones an email can go out.
I would be willing to manage the thread where the top post will keep track of appropriate highlights.
I can then send out the emails once the highlights have been approved by an appropriate community member.

I get an email every day from Ripple to provide good news about what they are doing.
We should do the same.
Very simple two or three pointers with a link.

This could do a lot to calm down people who make posts like 'where is bytemaster'

Technical Support / Re: Wallet cant get past password stage
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:24:49 pm »
Nevermind, just had to reset the database. Cheers to 3 days of syncing.

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