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Messages - davidpbrown

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General Discussion / Re: CryptoStocks
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:40:41 am »
... Im biased but i honestly think bitshares is the ideal platform to use for that

Not ideal just yet, if it's not explictly made for that. BitShares is not made up to look like a showcase, that shouts out to innovators that this is the place to promote their IPO and advertise their ideas and business cases; or to investors that this is a place to look for putting their money beyond BitAssets that are commodities - fiat and gold etc - there's no real talk of the promotion of new stocks and IPOs outside of the BitShares owned DAC-like enterprises. Those that come from the BitShares community obviously are geared to do what we've seen with PeerTracks etc but those outside independent of BitShares would not think of it as a platform to do an IPO.. and perhaps they should/could.

General Discussion / CryptoStocks
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:09:37 am »
I don't know, if you're aware of as I see little talk of that anywhere and little almost no activity there now but back a few years, it was a nice idea to create shares in ventures that people could buy into. Note the biggest activity is in DVC.. developer coin which is ~null value.

Is BitShares well placed to do this better in small stocks?.. or are there more legal complexities with that than we want to handle?? Obviously there are bigger fish looking at whole stockmarkets too. I wonder surely there must be other small startups that want funding.. we see those on Omni/CounterParty but not talk of doing it within BitShares.

Perhaps the fail cryptostocks seem to experience, is from near alt-coin pump and dump on a hope and a prayer and less formal business cases made and too little exposure to be taken seriously?.. and yet I wonder if there was one place to look and critique new offering, that might draw a critical mass of investors that would also see the benefit of BitShares other assets.

I expect it won't float but thought I'd put it out there.

General Discussion / Re: More dilution / sharedrops on the way?
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:45:16 am »
I'm less interested in money, so really don't know the options but surely one route that new investors could take is buying BTS?.. or perhaps what happens is buying off market from devs and whales??.. Dilution would be a rick unless coupled with a big positive from new backing that would see BitShares bloom.

Lecture 1 of the SAFE Pod Montreal, The SAFE Network from First Principles Series is available online
I don't know, if this event then is a repeat of that lecture. Certainly will be interested to see more of same later.

What the OldMan suggests is true enough but there is a slight difference where the devs and core team make claims about the price (pre-xmas) and where there is marketing in place talking MLM etc, as if the product is ready to be sold hard. Perhaps v1.0 will be everything we need.. I don't know, if it's robust enough to manage volume as slow as it updates atm for example but in time no doubt it's looking good.

I've suggested for a while to get the product polished before hyping it.. perhaps we're close to a real v1.0 but build that up. If you also watch others, note the difference of approach by MaidSafe and CounterParty etc.. their community managers actively try not to pump the price and dampen speculation at this point, just quietly progress, until others can't help but notice and then there'll be such a strong buy side to the market that everything will rise. The whole cryptocurrency volume is down atm, I expect still waiting for legislation and then business investment - and that could take another year.

If we really are at a stage of PR/Marketing, it seems that the message could be made clearer. Mission statement; Vision statement; single point of reference for what is unique; engage beyond this forum and the usual alt places. Early investors perhaps are tapped out now, given the variety of alternates there are currently, so we need to look further for more early investors.. until there is a product that pre-mainstream and business investors can engage happily with.

Chi va piano, va sano e lontano = He who goes slowly, goes safely and far!  8)


there are so many projects that are being worked on it's hard to keep track of  them all.

Surprised that #Bitshares2k15 isn't a sticky thread.  +5%

What's sad is that the marketing department is dead again (at the exception of Max)... we have to find new users

Are you kidding me? Did you even read the last NullStreet update? Did you even see the trifolder handout that was put out just last week?

Probably not kidding. If you want to get new users, you have to do more than a trifold handout! That handout had zero impact on me and I expect most others. Sure it's useful but it's trivial. Sometimes it isn't about working hard but working smart. Go where the money is and make sure they know what is unique about BitShares.

If you want to get new users, you need focus that others can leverage. Let other people do the work for you.. because they want to and because you've made it easy for them to pass the message on. One place that hammers home the *unique* points about BitShares.. plaster that over the top of the forum, so there is no doubt. More of the same detail, people do not need. Keep pushing that single source of information, until it is ubiquitous.. until everyone is bored to death with it. Currently BitShares appears too complex and there are too many directions to push in.

Make buying bitUSD snappy and default in the clients, expecting that people will want that about everything else... or look to leveraging the DEX and make that the single point.. push for people to burn their LTC into BTS instead.

Community matters.. pay attention to reddit/r/bitshares and beyond.

Frankly I think the mistake could be that there's too much focus on the price, at a time when the price should not matter. Get the product working and the client fast and snappy, then sell it hard and wonder about how the price is rising.

Ye olde blitzkrieg tactic works in marketing too.. all push one point hard and the effect is more than otherwise possible. Imagine if we all spent a week in Bitcointalk instead of navel gazing.. I expect there are better ideas than that too.

General Discussion / Overstock wiki on how to issue a crypto security
« on: April 05, 2015, 10:19:48 am »
Given it's Overstock, I expect it'll become highly visible.

Mention of Bitshares

Discussion page
suggests among other issues "Someone is deleting points listed as advantages with Bitshares."

Perhaps PR/Marketing can help support the BitShares narrative?

Meta / Re: Preview of recent posts
« on: April 04, 2015, 09:44:02 pm »
It is ridiculous.. there must be a limited number of people who can action this. If can do it, why can't we. Not having recent posts, just frustrates good communication.

DevShares / Re: DevShares 0.9.0 Feedback
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:50:13 am »
On trying the vote I get an error..

invalid asset amount (35005) [show details]

 ○ request@app.js:46
 ○ transfer@app.js:47
 ○ m@app.js:40
 ○ ok@app.js:41
 ○ apply@app.js:9
 ○ e@app.js:9
 ○ $eval@app.js:7
 ○ $apply@app.js:7
 ○ app.js:9
 ○ dispatch@app.js:3
 ○ handle@app.js:3
35005 invalid_asset_amount: invalid asset amount

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:93 share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:109 share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:114 asset_from_string

    bitshares  chain_interface.cpp:241 to_ugly_asset

    bitshares  wallet_api.cpp:322 wallet_transfer

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:3845 wallet_transfer

[hide details]

DevShares / Re: DevShares 0.9.0 Feedback
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:49:21 am »
Is it normal that it automatically repairs more than 180,0000 key records? (and counting....)

I've not seen that before and if I did I'd stop it and redownload the blockchain with --resync-blockchain

DevShares / Re: DevShares 0.9.0 Feedback
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:48:13 pm »
I still get notifications that seem to be x11+ of the same
JSON Parse error: Unterminated string [show details]
but then it shows no detail and it's unclear where those come from.

Incidentally, for the qt, I've got in the habit of doing
sudo npm install -g lineman
sudo npm install
rather than just
sudo npm install -g lineman
npm install
I wonder that second one works only on a faster machine where the sudo doesn't time out.

General Discussion / Re: Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:58:11 pm »
Coincidental but I was just this evening at a lecture about the origins of money and the thought was that while economists like to think of money as commodity, it is better to consider it an IOU. The thought was that money arose from allowing people credit and then money found its role as IOU.. emerging from commerce that would naturally be occurring. That rather than the common notion that it necessarily arose from bartering. I suspect there are important reasons to confirm the nature of what a money is that hark back to the legal status of money as we have known it but crypto-currency is what it is and those legal frameworks need to evolve to fully appreciate its potential. The promise to pay what, is rather abstracted and bound to the community seeing value but the more concrete it can be made, the more basis for confidence that tomorrow it will retain the value it has today, or some relative variation on that that is not disappeared.

It is 1st April..

Valve’s Steam is rapidly heading for 100 million users, most of whom have serious graphics hardware at their disposal. Valve has the clout to get mining software on to the majority of those machines simply by making it available to users and asking them nicely to download it, in exchange for participation in the network and the chance to make a little credit – redeemable for future Steam purchases and downloadable content. Basically this is Ethereum-on-Steam: Steamium, as we are calling it.

General Discussion / Re: Walkthrough videos you would you like to see
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:14:17 pm »
If [Buying and Securing your BTS Cold Storage] is exampling how to buy BTS on different exchanges, then that would be useful to prevent any hurdle there might be for those new to crypto-currency. The cold storage element of that then less important.
Hm .. I would prefer telling people how to get bitUSD and only let people trade for BTS from within the BitShares DEX .. but just my opninion

sure.. put them along side each other and tease about why the DEX is better but obviously it's not all about what we want.. it's about making easy what others want and getting them to action their first purchase.

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