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Messages - graffenwalder

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General Discussion / Re: *Draft* October Newsletter - Halloween Edition
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:00:23 pm »
How will our bitUSDs count on bts allocation? Do we need to buy BTSX with out bitUSDs to count at the snapshot?
The same question for our short orders that are not covered ... Do we need to cover so our collateral will count for the BTS allocation afetr the snapshot ?
This was already answered somewhere else.
But BTSX: BTS = 1:1. The platform will continue as usual, so no need to cover or sell bitusd for the snapshot.

I support this initiative.  The worst that happens is that this spinoff of DNS DAC is out-competed by BTS.  If some innovation is created with this new DNS DAC and BTS copies it, then all the better.  I'd imagine many people will be invested in both anyway.

Put me on whatever list or mailings you plan if this does move forward.


As I see it, the value proposition can go MUCH farther.  Imagine, for instance, that a talented group of developers decide to fork DNS to make a new chain with different innovations (or to make it more friendly to a certain jurisdiction).  Those Devs essentially snapshot current ownership in the forked chain with a large %, can give themselves a small stake or allot a small % for a crowd sale to gain funding to test their metal against other chains' devs.  Those who are successful have NOW MADE A NAME for themselves to the degree where if BTS doesn't pick them up, another SuperDAC will.  If not, the task of simply building on the DNS fork (or even PTS, VOTE...etc for that matter) will likely have made them capable of building their own SuperDAC to rival others. 

Think bigger guys and girls!  This is a potential Multi-Trillion Dollar Industry!  Imagine being sharedropped on 10 different DNS forks, holding them all for 10 years and 2-3 of them ending up reaching valuations of 1+ Billion Dollars, just to be bought out by a SuperDAC (or maybe even more than 1).  Then you have made off QUITE nicely.  If this game is played right and developers know that supporting the community with significant sharedrops is a viable means by which they can earn attention and work to attain legitimacy in the industry...we have essentially made a very positive feedback loop that also protects us with the power of a diversified marketplace while protecting from corruption and also potentially making original holders very wealthy.... 

People see this as bad but I think that is just fear and impatience talking. I see this as potentially one of the best things I could ever imagine.  Sure, it MIGHT take a very small portion of the BTS valuation (initially) but it will spread the word that the bitshares ecosystem is evolving and not just settling into one static, microsoft-like existence.  Think of it as cheap advertising...

When this market can support literally hundreds of forked chains with their own special attributes (like altcoins have), we will know we have made it to where we all want this to go...the moon.  Let's consider these forks as Wormholes that force us to ask "which moon? There are sooooo many!"

I like that.  The bigger the bitshare ecosystem, the more people will notice us.   +5%
Yes, maybe we should give Vote, DNS and BTS their own chains. ::)

But for real. The timing for this proposal is just off. If they were to have their own share no problem, but sharedropping on DNS is not a good idea.
We just settled on the merger sharedrop, even giving some DNS from the dev fund to make people whole. And if this were to go through, it would give a small incentive for selling BTSX and buying DNS, making the merger for simplification even more complicated.

Since DNS holders are made whole, I would suggest waiting until after the merger snapshot and just sharedrop on PTS/AGS/BTS in whatever combination you think is best.

Other than that go for it, and good luck.

Random Discussion / Re: For or Against diluting the Apple shares
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:44:19 pm »
Didn't we vote for this already last week?

This is not the official DNS team at all! this is completely unrelated to the bitshares team! If people are getting nervous from this thread having been posted, it should be deleted. Chinese people might understand only parts of it and think that DNS is getting restarted and the plans have changed again。
This might be a third party DAC, but they are proposing using the current DNS as proto shares.
So this will have implications for DNS and BTSX. So effectively it's no different from DNS restarting.

General Discussion / Re: Proposal.
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:16:14 pm »
 +5% the best proposal of the day, although the no more proposals proposal was pretty close

+5% Good luck guys  :)

So PTS & AGS are kind of carrying on separately, DNS is carrying on separately. Vote was never really started... 30 day rewind anyone?
+5% this is getting silly now.

Really? This is just what we need right now. DNS getting a pump, and BTSX losing some more value.

I still support the Bitshares community, but Al these sudden announcements/proposals could be interpreted as some cheeky money scams.

Buy up DNS at all time low, then announce/propose to continue.

One of the pressing questions we face in the long-term is the issue of 3rd-party DAC developers and who they should airdrop to. Here are the options that I've seen discussed (my favorite option is #3 or #4, btw):

1. We could leave AGS as-is, and port only PTS into GENESIS (user-issued asset on BTS). That way, GENESIS is essentially PTS 2.0, and we preserve the idea that AGS is the illiquid share class, PTS is the liquid one.

2. There have been at least two proposals (by Shentist and emski, I believe) to create a user-issued asset on the new BTS called GENESIS and snapshot it 50/50 AGS/PTS. Then new DACs would honor GENESIS with a 20% snapshot. I'm not crazy about combining AGS with anything like that. IMO, AGS should be left alone (disclosure: I own only 12 AGS; I'm not speaking from dishonest bias here).

3. Let PTS end, but preserve AGS. Now, 3rd-party devs would be recommended to honor 10% AGS and 10% BTS. It does still give a slight preference to pre-Feb28 donators, but only a slight one, and preserves the original intentions of AGS. It ends PTS, which simplifies the marketing message (PTS was always a weird idea, don't you think?).

4. Invictus has floated the idea that they should honor the new BTS with 20%. The rationale is that the new BTS snapshotted AGS/PTS and thus honoring BTS is like honoring AGS/PTS. The dramatic flaw in this proposal is that it gives a huge preference to pre-Feb28 AGS donators. For that reason, I strongly oppose this option because it's severely unfair to those who donated after the original BTSX snapshot.


Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Let's not forget that pre-Feb28 AGS Donators paid a huge premium.
Also destroying AGS might be a good idea, with the SEC knocking on "crypto IPO" doors

General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:18:49 pm »
2 year vesting period... ie: you can withdraw early for a fraction of your cut.. if you want to sell after 6 months you get 25%... if you wait for a year you get 50%... etc. 

Is the vesting period for btsx, dns, Vote, AGS and PTS?
I thought it was only for AGS and PTS.

If so, there would be an serious incentive to keep BTSX on centralized exchanges.
Because I guess they would simply drop the x, and continue trading.
And so the vesting period would be avoided.

General Discussion / Re: Gold 2.0 vs. Shares 2.0: Lets Talk Metaphors
« on: October 20, 2014, 08:09:18 pm »
This might be one for the stupid questions thread.

But since it's a DAC, anybody can come up with a dilution proposal right?
It doesn't necessarily have to be Invictus issuing new shares, as long as they get enough votes.

General Discussion / Re: Gold 2.0 vs. Shares 2.0: Lets Talk Metaphors
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:30:19 pm »
Yes, Nice and simpele metaphor  +5%

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:57:02 am »
I think this panic dumping is going to be the bottom of the current BTSX downtrend.
(But I'm not sure how much this panic dumping is going to take us down before we hit that bottom). 

I wish I had more to buy with right now, to try and catch the bottom of thisdump, but the sad thing is that I just bought a bunch earlier today.  One day too early :(
I'm waiting for the fudsters sold me even cheaper.

Unbelievable all this talk about FUD.
The only form of FUD spread is by byte master, with remarks like vote would have more potential to the moon than BTSX.

Really some funds should be spend on a PR manager, this could have gone down a whole lot easier.
Now there is mass panic, because there are a couple of proposals without any definitive outcome.

General Discussion / Re: VOTE DAC Just Got More Interesting 2.0
« on: October 18, 2014, 04:47:13 pm »
All of you guys are doing great!  I am extremely proud of the collective reasoning powers of this forum.

Keep on following all this thread to its only possible Darwinian conclusion...


Yee, my Darwinian conclusion is that if VOTE is a mutation of BTSX, that is more fit for survival; it should inherit more (like 99%) of the genes of the original BTSX... and basically be snapshotted from BTSX and not from some random initial distribution that gives 40% of the stake to some entity with unknown purpose.

Or at least something like 10%/10%/80% - AGS/PTS/BTSX

This. I hope something is considered for BTSXers. Not all of us were fortunate enough to grab a foothold in the ecosystem in the pre-BTSX days...

I guess the next step in evolution would be to fork VOTE, with a distribution that would satisfy/compensate BTSX holders

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Article mention on Coindesk for PeerTracks
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:17:34 am »
i didn't create the peertracks logo. I created an alternative one ...

And Xerocs you're right, they don't use this one...

I like this logo, simple and in same stile as KeyID  +5%

Yup and combines both (usable as small CURR symbol)... Brand with the currency ... P + ♩
+5% also the logo being used now just looks sloppy, with the 3 WiFi like stripes, not even aligned with the P

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Reinforcements required (reddit and bitcointalk)
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:20:17 pm »
So if you own 1% of all Notes, after a year of burned fees, you might now own 1.1% of the network’s worth.

This is a bit misleading, because dilution will still happen right?

keywords is "... might ..." ... it holds true if no delegate dilutes which is a decision of stake holders as far as I understood

Agreed, it technically holds up. But after assessing countless coin IPO's this would put me off.

Also why isn't there any information about the AGS style fundraiser in the OP?

Don't mean to be negative, just giving feedback.

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