:s I don't understand. DNS holders have just been airdropped BTS to include them and some of the 3i team spent their own funds compensating DNS holders who got a raw deal. Now you're going back on it? So DNS will have its own competing shares and delegates? Will you snapshot BTS? Have an IPO? This is insane. The market is in turmoil and people just keep changing things.
I3 did what they felt was needed to to make things right for the community. They have acted to keep the core devs under one umbrella and on the same blockchain. This is supported in the OP. Team BitcoinerS is advocating the continuation of independent, co-evolutionary development.
Not looking to compete with BTS.
So who is it exactly who is now 100% focused on BTS? Sorry but I don't know who you are bitcoinerS.
Team Bitcoiners is a delegate in the BTS community, with support from a loose group of developers who have expressed interest in advancing DNS services. BitcoinerS is friends with delegate team Bits, I'm more focused on rolling out grassroots marketing efforts for BTS, but provide backup technical support and copywriting for bitcoinerS.
It's a relief to see you will use bitassets from BTS at least. I don't know how that will work, won't holders of DNS want you to use their own in house bitassets to increase DNS value
The goal is to make the whole ecosystem stronger. If this proposal advanced without regard to
mutually beneficial development, who would that help?
Team bitcoinerS is talking about an
I follow everything that is said on this forum and I still have no idea what is going on. What does "a different regulation and oversight profile" mean?
It means DNS is exposed to different degrees of scrutiny and will face different battles, Team bitcoinerS is suggesting that in this instance two separate allied entities will be both more effective and resilient than just one.
This is what happens when there are no contracts, developers just do whatever they want and don't finish things.
If DNS can just splinter off, what's stopping VOTE doing the same thing? I thought these were things BM had agreed with you.
BM and Toast and others can still be focused and undivided in their allegiance and efforts to make BTS every more amazing. This wouldn't be a splinter. It's a friendly alliance between groups with mutual interests. That language, 'splinter', is in itself damaging to further understanding the OP's original intent, and is found nowhere in any of the ideas expressed there.