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General Discussion / Re: Beyond Bitcoin Reddit (update)
« on: April 03, 2014, 07:09:37 am »
Should we start doing weekly skype meetings before you broadcast anything? Just to get a feel for what kinds of things people can talk about

I was planning on running a little Teamspeak server for offline chat and then we can all set some more "formal" sessions up as we gain steam. 

General Discussion / Re: Beyond Bitcoin Reddit (update)
« on: April 03, 2014, 05:03:32 am »
Bytemaster and I discussed the outline for what would have been the first day of the event. My assignment is to turn this into something that looks like a training course. Once that is complete, it would be easy to pour it all into a Moodle instantiation and run it as an online MOOC-ish thing, enabling people to run content-full local meetups.

Rather than fly Bytemaster's mild-mannered alterego all over the landscape, we could Skype him in like those flickery holograms in Star Wars.

"Help us Obi-Wan, you're our only hope!"

Very interested in hearing more about this.  Can it be Googled?...errr, I mean Startpaged?

That's fantastic!
So its a place to hangout and discuss anything “Beyond Bitcoin" but the pond will be stocked with Bitshares enthusiasts?

At first, but I would like to see people who are members from both the BitShares and other communities bring their friends who are interested in "Bitcoin 2.0" projects. 

Let's say for instance that Barwizi from NoirShares is at the hangouts all the time, or HackFischer, or Nikolai, Dan (please no offense to those MANY I have failed to mention for brevity's sake)...etc frequently attend these "hangouts" along with other community members who are interested enough to attend.  Now we have some brain power there at these hangouts who have a very good idea of how to develop 2.0 technologies.  Now imagine I am the Dev of Sexcoin and I am wanting to find ways to bootstrap an entire industry on top of this coin, but it takes money to pay full-time developers to help build the infrastructure needed to do this.  A BIG question many Devs and Communities have is both "why and/or how should we do this?" 

Well fortunately, there are a good few people on this forum who HAVE done it (or some permutation) already.  Community members from other coins could learn from and forge bonds with those from "our" bitShares community.  Devs from the projects here might choose to even sign on as Co-Developers or "Contractors" who advise and help troubleshoot issues that arise.  Contracting Devs could volunteer for free, or they could convince the hiring Devs to "pay" the user base of the Contracting Dev's "coin" as an issuance of some of the total shares.  This would effectively serve as a symbiotic relationship and create a feedback loop that at the very best would foster good will, free & effective cross-community advertising, and unbreakable alliances.  At worst it would create more competition in the space (which ironically creates more advertising). 

Of course there are also individuals who have completed multiple bounties here for bitShares who might be able to quickly retool their previous code, use graphic design knowledge, paper wallets...etc to fulfill bounties that have thus far gone unfilled for startup coins. 

We'll see where it goes and much of this could be idealistic pie in the sky sh*t, but if we don't try it we'll never know.  I believe if we try enough, eventually something legitimate will manifest and stick.  I am interested in helping this along and making good friends in the process who I can someday sit down with a couple ($.20) Pints and chat about how we contributed to the new industrial revolution.

The possibilities make me giddy.  Monetary gain, though nice, would be dwarfed in significance as compared to the knowledge that we all collectively stood up and helped push the human race back from the precipice yet one more time.  We live in extraordinary times, so I say lets all learn to be extraordinary together. 

General Discussion / Re: Beyond Bitcoin Reddit (update)
« on: April 03, 2014, 12:03:11 am »
This event has been postponed unless we can find a partner in the industry to take over running it.  With the recent events in Bitcoin we felt the ROI was too risky and would take away from a more effective internet effort using the same resources.   Brian is preparing an official announcement soon.


Thanks for the update, but this is actually something that is separate from the Beyond Bitcoin conference about which you are speaking.  "Beyond Bitcoin" was what the community voted the name should be for a hangout-styled group of community members to all collaborate under.  After the vote took place, I went ahead and procured the necessary domain and account names for a social media endeavor.  I actually believe the vote took place before Beyond Bitcoin was even considered for the conference (though there may be posts proving this false). 

This will primarily be used to attempt to give "Team Viral" a means for posting interesting news with regard to Bitcoin 2.0 projects.  Obviously I am a little bit of a "fan boy" with regard to Invictus' work thus far, so I felt it would be nice to have different opinions and news aggregated to a central hub for information that utilizes common social media platforms to provide industry-wide updates from anyone wanting to participate in the community-awareness effort.  This would help to balance my personal opinions...which sometimes are strong. 

So in short this actually had no connection with the event in Las Vegas.  The original vote thread can be found here if you are interested:

*this has been an evolving project...and I expect it to continue evolving as new people enter and take over different niches.  this was meant to give voice to the Bitcoin 2.0 community, but will draw mostly from individuals invested in BitShares--though it is not absolutely necessary!*

Would it be possible to eventually add on new bit"shares" to be paid in?  For instance, mine altcoins and get paid out in bitUSD, bitYuan, bitGold, bitLitecoin, bitDoge...etc?

General Discussion / Beyond Bitcoin Reddit (update)
« on: April 02, 2014, 06:03:36 am »
Beyond Bitcoin is still something I am working on (along with a few other little projects).  Now that my networking class is over I had time to put into "flaring" up the reddit. is the link in case you are interested in checking it out. 

With that said, it is not finished and I am looking for other "coins" to put in the banner.  If you have one that is moving into the Bitcoin 2.0 space please post it along with the reason why you think it should be posted. 

This is just the beginning so it will be a more "personalized" page when I am completely finished. 

Projects I am working on right now:

-Baby (amazingly difficult project considering the diminutive nature of the little beast)
-School (Major: Psychology, Minor: Web Design/Networking)
-Images/Icons for:  Reddit page, Twitter Feed, Google+/Youtube accounts, and Blog Page
-Team Viral and friends(Looking into options for getting a Teamspeak server up and running for a moderate cost so we can all have a means of easily keeping in touch without the need for scheduled meetings)
-"What is a DAC"--Second half of the Draft.  (First half is completed and only needs slight alteration in light of comments from the community)
-"What is a DAC"--Slide Show
-Voice Over for Unimerico (haven't forgotten about you my friend!)

I am estimating completion around 1.5-2 months working alone.
With that said, if anyone is interested in helping out with any of these projects feel free to let me know.  If you have any insights please post them...and if you have any 2.0 coins you think should be on here please post links or embed below in responses. 

*Note: A good image of NoirShares will likely go up if I can find a higher quality one. 

General Discussion / What is a DAC? (Andreas Antonopoulos)
« on: March 28, 2014, 04:49:29 am »
Well...I guess there goes that project:

Do we need to send Andreas a payment for the bounty? :P

General Discussion / Re: Noir Investment Group : NoirShares
« on: March 27, 2014, 07:57:58 am »
So sending donations, I'm assuming, will work very similarly to how they work with BitShares PTS?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: March 26, 2014, 06:07:42 am »
Amen. I was thinking the same thing when I read that.

Can I get a link?

Meanwhile, leading gold and silver advocate Mike Maloney just had a few nice things to say about crypto currencies vs. the banking system.
very good stuff. 

We should be able to do better than Denmark. To think we can't make cryptocurrency tax free is called quitting before negotiation starts. Denmark managed to give cryptocurrency tax free status so I guess it's unfair that US citizens have to pay taxes while they don't have to in Denmark?

Maybe they are just smarter people in Denmark and our policy should be similar to Denmark. The current capital gains treatment stifles innovation and cripples the industry. We should not be worried about taxes when we innovate.

Let's push to make capital gains on cryptocurrency 0%. Capital gains taxes hurt economic growth in this industry and don't even make the government enough money to matter.

perfectly stated...
Only they are not smarter than us (with "us" usually considered the US).  We are still the World Super Power, which is no small thing.  I will say one thing, however, and that is that we should fight for the freedom of these technologies JUST like we do for the internet.  Quitting before negotiations is the best comment there imo.  This movement will not go away and the only way they can beat it is to play nice and get the scraps or go through a long and potentially violent revolution with a whole spectrum of potential outcomes.  Of course, then again, when one realizes that nearly every decision in the financial sector that centralized bodies have made has turned out to be the wrong one...who knows if there will be rational "laws" written. 

I for one await the day when human interaction is not manipulated and/or coerced by central authorities.     

General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 25, 2014, 06:08:50 am »
Wow I could swear we are all on the same playbook.

"Unnecessary Imperial Entanglements" is only a slogan;  all entanglements with Imperialism are necessary...

Sincerely hope people realize that they will need to be 100% behind what the crypto community is doing...most of us have no clue how absolutely dangerous it could become to be a part of these ecosystems. 

Of course, in the end they will lose...but it would be really wonderful if the little people who put their necks out on the line would be able to truly see the world they wanted to help create, and profits be maximized for all. 

The why is important but there are better ways of doing that than demonizing what exists. Talking down the opposition shouldn't be necessary.

You might consider that Governments are nefarious, others might disagree and might appreciate their efforts; and yet you would both agree on what is being done here to progress what is possible.

If such narrative was written as a positive, to acknowledge how empowering the individual is liberating, it might go down better than kicking those who 'control us'?.. Even just abstracting it to the idea of how third parties are inefficient, might do better than tending to a typically libertarian slant and talking of 'others imposing the will of the majority by force'. There's no point in alienating half the political spectrum - just give them the tool that changes their reality and they will learn from that positive. Challenge what they hold dear and you'll scare them into wondering what viewpoint they are supporting.

2¢ - I would prefer that we're politically neutral, as that's less likely to meet resistance.

It will meet a great deal of resistance as soon as the bureaucratic mess of mobsters we call politicians start figuring out exactly what this means (if they haven't already) for their antiquated golden goose.  All one needs to do to see this is check out SOPA, Net "Neutrality" see that there is no real neutral in this movement. 

I mean we are talking about being neutral with one of the most amazing tools against fascism humanity has ever seen.  Co-opts are the first attempts in this current "cyber war".  Lets hope sheer hubris will make them choose to attempt co-opts and compete in the free market until the market is too robust for them to stop. 

Good post CLains...very "stimulating".

I think many of us would agree with a lot of the political rhetoric but speaking as someone who lives in the shadow of our Big Governemnt in the DC metro area and having first-hand experience with how they treat people whom they regard as "heretics", I agree with this completely! 

No point in directly picking a fight with them.  Be prepared for "battle" but don't start the war!

p.s.  Also, we know they like to use agent provocateurs to flesh out people whom they consider to be extremists. Been there so...word to the wise!! ;)

Perfectly stated...don't pick it, but prepare like Rocky. your team chugging along in the snow in your preparation for the fight with Dolph Lundgren?

Meta / Re: BitShares Me - sub forum
« on: March 25, 2014, 05:14:37 am »
Subforums for all!


But where to put it? It's not "Alternative DACs," it's not suitable under "General," and they are too small to each warrant a whole section? Perhaps a "New Bitshares" section, with each of the ones on the roadmap as unique child boards, and the main as general discussion around new Bitshares products. Something like that?

.. or "Bitshares in Progress" ;) Then once they are deployed they can graduate out into the main section.


They should also be put in order of expected release

General Discussion / Little Reddit Glitch?
« on: March 25, 2014, 04:16:38 am »
The header image links back to as opposed to refreshing the page to

General Discussion / Re: Our new website is now LIVE!
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:34:12 am »
From reddit. I think for us here it is very clear and nice but here are a view for a reddit guy. I think he has a few good points there :
"The website makes absolutely no sense to me. I haven't a clue what Bitshares is.
According to the video, it gets rid of desks, rent, utilities, salaries and equipment and pays all of the money saved to shareholders. And it allows you to transfer shares for free but only for digital companies which exist entirely in software (which don't yet exist).
The best explanation of what bitshares is is hidden on the FAQ page:
BitShares is a free open source software platform that can be used to launch Distributed Autonomous Companies (DAC).
Ok, so where is this open source platform? Or is BitShares a company, it seems to be employing people.
So your website claims BitShares is an open source platform, things you can trade like shares, a digital autonomous company and also a regular company? I'm confused.
Overall opinion: lots of words that mean very little and claim to make lots of money. Is it a scam: no, they aren't asking for my money. Is it an advertisment: no, it's open source. I have literally no idea what the point of this website is other than a design exercise for The Creative momentum"

We need a better presence on Reddit with more informed participants answering questions and addressing concerns. I think this is absolutely imperative actually.

Team Viral will likely be working in this area.  I have seen conversations begin to pick up around bitShares and "protoshares" lately...but these things will take time. 

Keyhotee / Re: When will free Identity registration start?
« on: March 22, 2014, 09:20:39 pm »
I think a good way for Invictus to capture additional fundraising would be to allow the purchase of something akin to "AngelID's" for Keyhotee ID's.

This could allow those who missed the initial Founder period to be able to obtain a custom ID before mining begins.

I suggest that these ID's carry some identification and other benefits beyond that of mined ID's, but maybe not with as many benefits as the Founder ID's.

Differences from Founder ID's:

1. They have already missed out on the gifted Founder AGS.

2. Different colored names (maybe Platinum or Gold for Founders, Silver for Angels)

3. Include AngelID's in the Exodus block, Founder's in the Genesis block (is this possible?)

Edit: Also - advertise this availability on LTB network and other bitcoin / DAC friendly avenues.

Very good idea.  It would also bring in more funds for AngelShares, not to mention it would being in a second rush of individuals who would have been interested in founder ID's in the first place but, due to a severely limited marketing campaign, did not even hear about the founder ID's until after it was over. 

Good idea.

General Discussion / Re: Dividends?
« on: March 21, 2014, 09:44:06 am »
For the sake of the average Joe (of which I am one) please help me run through the math:

I initially hold 4000 BTS and there are 4,000,000 total BTS:

(4000 / 4,000,000) * 100 = 0.1% of total BTS.

At some later point transactions have destroyed 2,000,000 BTS and there are now only 2,000,000 total BTS:

(4000 / 2,000,000) * 100 = 0.2% of total BTS

A 2:1 forward split is implemented, granting shareholders one BTS for each BTS held:

4000 BTS (original holding) + 4000 BTS (granted by split) = 8000 BTS.

The post-split total number of BTS has now increased to 4,000,000:

(8000 / 4,000,000) * 100 = 0.2% of total BTS

Thus the 'dividend' is paid to the shareholder: holdings increase from 4000 BTS to 8000 BTS or alternatively from 0.1% to 0.2% of total market share.

BTS is saved from death by zero.

Assuming the foregoing is correct I have the following questions:

1. What is the mechanism for the split? Does the Bitshares X DAC create/distribute the BTS?

2. Can the splits occur on a daily/biweekly/monthly cycle? This would be extremely desirable in terms of investor familiarity and adoption.

Thank you for your help - I think this an extremely important concept but also a potential stumbling block.

It will be crucial for marketing to communicate the dividend mechanism in clearly and simply.


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