Author Topic: Bter hacked. PTS, bitassets withdrawal successful. Share you experience.  (Read 146386 times)

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Offline joele

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In case bts in bter hacked, can we vote to fork and reverse the transaction?

Offline cube

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Poloniex just froze BTS trades. Not sure if this is because they haven't upgraded to the hardfork. Or it's because they've got some rather large deposits.

Does anyone know the reason behind poloniex's freezing of bts?

It will be an exciting day today...

It is going to be a long and dreadful day for those with fund trapped.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 12:27:39 pm by cube »
ID: bitcube
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Offline mf-tzo

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Has anyone checked if BTS withdrawals works from BTC38?

Offline cass

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Oei, that's a big problem. Shapeshift uses bter for us and Nubits. This could be a devastating blow for them.
Not to mention some other projects we have running on bter.

I hope our bts dev fund is not trapped in bter.

i would not think so!
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Offline cube

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Oei, that's a big problem. Shapeshift uses bter for us and Nubits. This could be a devastating blow for them.
Not to mention some other projects we have running on bter.

I hope our bts dev fund is not trapped in bter.
ID: bitcube
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Offline graffenwalder

In the meantime...
shapeshift is also not exchanging btc to bts and bitusd (presumable it uses bter)
bitsharesblock doesn't work
metaexchange for btc bitbtc is in maintenance...

It will be an exciting day today...

I would recommend that all of you withdraw your BTS from other exchanges to our internal exchange and continue your trading there.. Even if it is slower it is more secure from hackers...Now is the time to advertise our exchange and show to the rest of communities what decentralised trading means..
Oei, that's a big problem. Shapeshift uses bter for us and Nubits. This could be a devastating blow for them.
Not to mention some other projects we have running on bter.

Offline mf-tzo

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In the meantime...
shapeshift is also not exchanging btc to bts and bitusd (presumable it uses bter)
bitsharesblock doesn't work
metaexchange for btc bitbtc is in maintenance...

It will be an exciting day today...

I would recommend that all of you withdraw your BTS from other exchanges to our internal exchange and continue your trading there.. Even if it is slower it is more secure from hackers...Now is the time to advertise our exchange and show to the rest of communities what decentralised trading means..

Offline graffenwalder

Poloniex just froze BTS trades. Not sure if this is because they haven't upgraded to the hardfork. Or it's because they've got some rather large deposits.

Offline mf-tzo

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and this is why we should all trade in our platform even if it is slower...

Offline yankey

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Offline liondani

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I hope that was not the reason behind BTS decline the last week ...

Offline hadrian

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I hope that a large percentage of a cryptocurrency hasn't ended up in the hands of thieves. It's no good for the ecosystem (at least in the short term). If a distribution is too heavily in the hands of thieves, people are less inclined to grow the system. Then the arguments pop up about whether or not to revert the blockchain.

I suppose there is the SLIGHT chance that people will veer away from centralised exchanges if problems keep occurring!  :P

Hopefully bter will have this sorted soon without any major problems... | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline graffenwalder

I don't hope what i think it is.

But earlier about on hour before this, i got an DNS resolution error, when visiting bter. Anyone knows what that means?

Offline cube

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1) First started with :

2) Bter revealed:

3) Bter announcement in weibo -


In short:
"Hackers made use of the time we were restocking our hot wallet from cold wallet. They stole all the BTC from the Bter's cold wallet."

4) How can a cold wallet be compromised? A user commented on bct:
Hacking a properly created cold wallet is impossible however it may not have been a properly created cold wallet
a) the wallet may have been created using compromised software (given how long the wallet has existed this is unlikely)
b) the randomly generated keys in the wallet may have had poor entropy (also unlikely)
c) the wallet was compromised due to poor signing with repeat k values (unlikely but can be verified from transaction history)
d) despite the company calling it a 'cold wallet' is wasn't a cold wallet* at all and was compromised just as any other hot wallet would be
e) someone (most likely an employee) with physical access to the cold wallet data file stole the coins

* A 'cold wallet' would be a private key or keys created by an offline machine and the private keys are never used on a machine that is or has been connected to the internet.  Signing of transactions should be done offline as well.  If you create a 'cold wallet' and then move it to a computer which is connected to the internet then it is no longer a cold wallet. 

5) Track the fund flow here

6) Community discussing a deal to buy Bter

7) Bter CEO Han Lin interviewed by yang yang news agency. Interview conducted in Chinese.

In the interview, Han Lin mentioned he is the only person holding the key to cold wallet.

During the latest telephone interview with Bter CEO Han Lin, he said that this 7000+ BTC is all of their BTC cold storage reserve, now they end up with 200 BTC in their other hot wallet atm. Also he commented the hacker has been very professional, so it's hard to trace him and reclaim the lost fund.

Right now they still have no idea what method the hacker used to hack, as a result they still suspend all altcoin wallets because they don't want to risk it.

8-) Bter has resumed operation on 21 Feb 2015. They are preparing to release CNY, USD and NXT withdrawal.

9)  From bter website:


We're tracking the hacker with the help of some platforms , it will be hard , but we'll try . We're working with multiple parties to compensate our users by any viable means . Even if we couldn't recover the funds , we'll be preparing a plan to pay back with the full amount . We'll be enabling CNY withdraw soon . Thanks again for your encourage and support . "

10) CNY and USD withdrawal enabled on Bter

Bter is tracking down the thief who used a mixer to hide his stolen coins.

From Bter -

"Please help us to get touch with the BitcoinFog ( ,http://foggeddriztrcar2.onion ) operator. Email us at:"
Modify message

11) Bter says:


"There is a rumour saying 'bter has sold its domain name for USD10,000'. If you think about it, it is a stupid rumour. We have recently actively handled millions of CNY and USD withdrawals, with a minimum withdrawal lowered to 1 yuan. We ensure withdrawal clearance for all properly-completed forms within 24 hours. How could we sell our name for just USD10 grand and run away? CNY withdrawal has been smooth. We will handled virtual currencies soon."

Bter's announcement in English :

"We have handled a large volume of CNY and USD withdrawals and we are going to handle the altcoins in the next step."

12) NXT assets (SuperNET, etc.) withdrawal enabled

13) Bter: "我们决定与合作伙伴一起重构比特儿后台,彻底解决虚拟币钱包安全问题,重启比特儿运营,提供更多功能更好的服务,偿还用户损失。更多细节很快发布,真心感谢您的支持。"

We decided to work with our partners to rebuild the backend platform, completely resolve the wallet issue, reactivate bter operation. We would provide more features with better services, repair users' losses. More details to come. Sincerely, thank you for your support.

Bter: "We have decided to rebuild BTER's backend, completely solve the wallets security issue and re-enable all the tradings."

14) Bter: "Sorry for the long wait. We will solve the security issue completely and get all altcoins online and enable the withdrawals in a week."

15) Bter: We are deploying our new trading system with the safest ever cold wallet solution. we will finish it in 24-48 hours.

16) Bter: "患难见真情,感谢宝二爷在BTER最需要支持的时刻无畏非议来访BTER,也感谢所有通过各种方式一直支持我们的朋友,我们将重新站起来并走的更远"

"A friend in need is a friend indeed. Thanks to Bao who braved against all negative publicity to visit us and in a time when Bter needs support most. Thanks to friends of Bter who support us through various channels/methods.  We will stand again and we will travel far."

Bter's friend: "比特儿创始人韩林 创办比特儿两年来 经历过各种风风雨雨 7000币被盗事件属实 平台是目前还是世界最大的二代币平台 拥有海外注册用户9万人 国内注册用户13万人 其中大量用户希望其继续努力 不要倒下! "

"Bter's founder Han Lin developed Bter these two years when through a lot of obstacles and difficulties. The case of 7000 coins stolen is real. Bter is still the world Number Two virtual currency exchange. It has 90,000 foreign registered users and 130000 local users. Most users hope Bter can continue to work hard. Do not fall!"

17) JUA: "JUA聚啊可以为比特儿提供企业级的理财方案,希望比特儿早日重新站起来!"

"JUA can help Bter with enterprise level financial management. Hope Bter make a come back soon!"

18 ) Bter: "我们正在部署全新的交易系统,100%冷钱包资金托管,彻底解决资金安全问题。更快的交易引擎,更友好的界面,更多的功能,预计24-48小时完成,敬请期待,感谢您的支持!"

We are implementing an all-new exchange system. 100% cold wallet trust held. Completely take care of fund safety. Faster exchange engine. More user-friendly interface. More features. Estimate 24-48 hours complete. We seek your patience. Thank you for your support!

19) Bter: "The trading will be enabled soon. Please do double check your balances and the price in your existing orders."

20) Bter: "The previous BTC balance has been moved to BTC-B which will be used as the reference for 100% compensating our user's BTC loss."

21) Bter: "我们将在24小时内开放交易系统,请务必检查您的帐号资金和您的订单。市场已经发生变化,请务必检查您之前所下有效订单的价格,如与您当前期望不符,可立即取消订单。用户之前BTC余额已经转移到 BTC_B(BTC Pending)存储,我们将此作为归还用户之前BTC的依据,归还方案很快发布。"

We will be opening the exchange within 24 hours. Please check your balance and orders. There are changes in the market, please check your order prices. If the prices do not seems right, you may cancel order. Users' BTC balance has been moved to "BTC_B(BTC Pending)". We will use it as a basis for returning BTC. Detailing on the BTC returning will be announced soon.

22) Bter : "Darkcoin's CNY market has been opened at , deposit at … , withdraw at …"

23) Bter: "No trading FEE in all BTER's markets for one month to thank all of you for your support !"

24) Bter: "Continue to operate and pay back to users.Check the details and the payback plan at "

ie Bter's compensation plan to lost btc users.

25) Bter: "500 BTC  has been distributed to support the existing orders and another 500 BTC has been distributed to all users' balances based BTC_B."

26) Bter: "首批1000BTC已经下发到用户帐号,其中500BTC用于支持已有订单,500BTC按照用户BTC_B比例已经分发给受影响的用户。以后我们将持续为受影响用户分发BTC,尽最大努力和最快速度完成100%用户损失补偿。完成补偿后受影响用户还将额外分享BTER半年手续费收入。"

First 1000BTC given to users, of which 500BTC is used to support placed orders, 500BTC to match against BTC_B records of affected users. We will continue to work very hard to pay BTC users in the earliest possible time and with 100% compensation. Affected users will get a bonus of half year BTER fee after being made whole.

27) JUA officially announces its support for Bter's rebuild. 


      a、总注册用户量228312,英文用户90209位 占比39.4%,中文用户138103位占比60.6%
      2、jua第一期援助bter 1000btc长期无息贷款,用于bter当前的恢复工作,不排除后期援助,bter质押55%股份给jua,用于安全保障;

28) Bter: "Most markets are re-enabled now and we are making withdrawals work for more and more coins."

29) PTS withdrawal reported successful.

30) BitUSD, BitGold withdrawal reported successful.

31) BTS Wallet issue fixed.

BTS withdrawal reported successful

32) Bter: "We have upgraded the Crypti (XCR) 's APIs and the wallet is working now. Thank the dev for the help. Waiting for an official new release."
"The Tilecoin (XTC) withdrawal will be re-enabled when the wallet finishes the slow blockchain parsing in 1-2 days."

33) Bter: "BTS,XTC,XM wallets fixed and synced."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 06:06:43 am by cube »
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.