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Messages - fluxer555

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My name is Julien, and I have been an active contributing member of the Bitshares community since 2013. I am offering a one-on-one personal wallet recovery service, over voice with Skype (with or without screen share). I have recovered over 40 users' funds since May 2017 , from a variety of circumstances. Here is an incomplete list of services that I provide:
  • Claiming BTS from PTS/AGS keys in Bitshares 2.0
  • Claiming MUSE from PTS/AGS keys in MUSE 2.0
  • Migrating from Bitshares 1.0 to Bitshares 2.0
  • Recovering funds from Brain Key (1.0 or 2.0)
  • Restoring missing balances
  • Recovering lost passwords (brute force)
  • Un-deleting wallets (forensic recovery)
  • Recovering account data from browser localstorage
  • PTS/AGS claim audit (You may have more Bitshares than you realize!)
  • Anything else- contact me!
My fee is 10% of successfully recovered assets. You never have to trust me with your wallet or private keys, and you pay me based on an honor system.

(For brute force and forensic recoveries, the fee is 20%.)

December 2017 Update: I have become very busy, and unfortunately must start having a minimum fee of $500 (worth of BTS or otherwise). If you are not sure how much BTS you have (because you still need to claim them from PTS or AGS) then please contact me.


 - Kobalt13 (source)

"fluxer555 and I worked yesterday and today to recover all my BTS plus some extra I was unaware of."
 - bitcoinnoisseur (source)

"I really thought those coins were lost until Fluxer555 contacted me."
 - crumb-bum (source)

"HUGE thanks due to fluxer555, a true gent. He helped me recover funds I didn't even know I had."
 - mrbildo (source)

"Perfect service from fluxer555! I can't understand how and where he found the extra BTS"
- Spratan (source)

Feel free to PM me here, or directly add me to Skype at fluxanomaly627

Julien (fluxer555)

Technical Support / Re: Someone can help me ?
« on: June 11, 2017, 04:55:10 am »
I'm sorry to bring you bad news, but you are locked out of all three accounts. I think this should be considered a bug, as you are not the first one to do this. It is unacceptable that this is something that the UI / blockchain allows, especially without any warning whatsoever.


If anyone would like 1-on-1 help over voice (with or without screen share), I will guide you through the process of claiming your funds for a fee of 10% of successfully recovered assets. As the OP suggests, it is very easy to accidentally not claim all your funds. I will make sure that every single share you are entitled to is claimed.

In addition to normal circumstances, I can also help recover funds when things appear to have gone wrong- balances not showing, passwords not working, etc.

If interested, PM me, or directly add me to Skype at fluxanomaly627 and we'll get your funds sorted out.

General Discussion / Re: No EOS for Bitshares users.
« on: June 10, 2017, 09:56:09 pm »
You need to have had them imported into BTS 2.0 in order to be able to claim them. If you imported your PTS/AGS/BTS1.0 funds into 2.0 after the snapshot date, then you're SOL.

It was only a 5% drop though, so don't sweat it too much.

General Discussion / Re: Shorting BTS on the BTS exchange
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:04:42 pm »
There could be a mechanism to slowly replenish the ShortBTS price to a maximum price to compensate for the gradual scale-down. We would need to engineer this very carefully though.

It reminds me a bit of signal processing, correcting DC offset of a sound wave:

Except, this would have a variable "DC offset" and it would need to adjust it malleably.

General Discussion / Re: Shorting BTS on the BTS exchange
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:00:26 pm »
I remember a long time ago I used to trade "short" ETFs on the stock market, and there's a problem with them- they continually diminish in value over time due to how the math works out. Check this out:

I'm not sure if this is an issue here, but we should make sure that it's not.

General Discussion / Re: Shorting BTS on the BTS exchange
« on: June 09, 2017, 03:55:50 pm »
It wouldn't exactly double, though. It would increase your exposure by a maximum of how many ShortBTS you shorted.

General Discussion / Re: Shorting BTS on the BTS exchange
« on: June 09, 2017, 03:53:34 pm »
But then you'd had to find people willing to short ShortBTS into existence, using real BTS as collateral... why would they do that when simply holding BTS results in bigger gains when BTS goes up, and less risk when BTS goes down?

But wouldn't shorting ShortBTS with BTS as collateral basically double your exposure to BTS? If BTS goes up, ShortBTS goes down. By shorting ShortBTS, I'm betting that BTS is going to go up. If BTS goes up, then so does my collateral, and I additionally get to buy back the ShortBTS at a lower price.


You're totally right. This indeed would be an interesting calculated bitasset.

General Discussion / Re: Shorting BTS on the BTS exchange
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:52:25 pm »
But then you'd had to find people willing to short ShortBTS into existence, using real BTS as collateral... why would they do that when simply holding BTS results in bigger gains when BTS goes up, and less risk when BTS goes down?

My full node runs at 16.5GB RAM now. (It's on the 96GB RAM dedicated server)

Is this using the latest core release?

Yes, it was at 16.9GB RAM before the update.

Have you updated? What is it now?

My full node runs at 16.5GB RAM now. (It's on the 96GB RAM dedicated server)

Is this using the latest core release?

Check your PMs

Assuming we implement EVM, could any Ethereum contract/dapp be ported over to BitShares, but with the advantage of being blazing fast and cheap?

EOS. I think instead of porting BitShares to the EOS platform, BitShares can become an EOS chain itself. Then any dapps built into our system will be able to use any of the UIAs or bitassets that already exist in the system. Dan has said that EOS will have support for interoperability with other EOS chains, so we'd be feeding into that ecosystem as well.

If you don't know what EOS is, I suggest you go to, sign up to the mailing list, and dig into all the links.

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