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Messages - tonyk

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OK kenCode, you can have your direct translation, BUT as in Russian above, the passive voice "Bitcoin Accepted Here" ( as opposed to the active voice "(We) accept bitcoin", sounds unnatural and will never be used by native speaker.

ACCEPTED HERE in Bulgarian

ТУК СЕ ПРИЕМАТ ( smarcoins pl.)

ТУК СЕ ПРИЕМА  (bitcoin s.)

#6 Bulgarian is wrong

Приемаме smartcoins.

Паботим c  bitcoin.

even leaving the bitcoin part in English is OK I guess.

So chose one of the flowing 3:
Приемаме smartcoins.
Приемаме bitcoin

Приемаме smartcoins.
Паботим c bitcoin
Приемаме smartcoins.
We accept bitcoin.

ACCEPTED HERE in Bulgarian is wrong? Just let me know what would sound the most local/native, thanx @tonyk
haha no, допусне is wrong.
I will pick option one personally.[bold now]. As in many other languages (see above) the passive voice sounds very unnatural, so I  have done it in active voice.

#6 Bulgarian is wrong

Приемаме smartcoins.

Паботим c  bitcoin.

even leaving the bitcoin part in English is OK I guess.

So chose one of the flowing 3:
Приемаме smartcoins.
Приемаме bitcoin
Приемаме smartcoins.
Паботим c bitcoin
Приемаме smartcoins.
We accept bitcoin.

Random Discussion / Re: Monero
« on: February 14, 2016, 05:02:15 am »
Here folks we are experiencing one of cryptos greatest wonders,  the Ander pump...

Legend has it that whenever this scholar promoted an early crypto currency, a curse was put on it that retarded all market cap growth. In most cases, the cursed currency became a mere shell of itself, never surpassing its pre pump high...

Historians are still debating the death of what some call the anti predictor. But it's commonly accepted that he was run over by a bus of a developer of a coin he pumped that inherently failed.  Though his passing was sad, crypto innovation began to bloom once the fear of the death pump was gone.

General Discussion / Re: Roger Ver Bonus Hangout: (SILVERTICKET Entry Fee)
« on: February 14, 2016, 01:31:54 am »
#sharebits "Akado" 1 SILVERTICKET
@Akado please read your PM I sent

#sharebits "tonyk" 1 SILVERTICKET
#sharebits "mf-tzo" 1 SILVERTICKET
#sharebits "onceuponatime" 1 SILVERTICKET

@tonyk @mf-tzo @onceuponatime  This is for being you and helping out a fellow community member  :D 
You guys rock!
Thanks, but I am still with Akado here - aka while I do see why you do it, I do agree you should monetize it, and I do think it is a pritty bad timing to do it. It is just my personal opinion, I might as well be totally wrong.

BTW the great tool... the spamming bot... sorry the  tip bot, seems to be off-line yet again.... And it is following just a forum with like what 4 posts per hour average... I have my deep doubts...well I am almost positive it cannot 'scan' twitter, youtube or whichever real leading platform.

General Discussion / Re: bitSHARES - As True Shares and Not a Currency!
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:04:54 am »
Here's a question for @tonyk - with external arbitrage now being impossible, would it be possible to have the blockchain itself as a market maker with internal arbitrage? Price risk would be mitigated by the fact that the blockchain can act instantly to arbitrage between internal markets.
I do not know if would call it arbitrage, but finding other paths (say selling bitUSD for bitBTC) and using bitUSD-BTS->bitEth->bitBTC or whatever is the cheapest path instead; is something that intrigues me as well.
The question is thus more for you than for me - do you think it is computationally cheap enough for the blockchain to do it itself. My almost totally uneducated guess is - it should be doable. Your opinion?

There ought to be genuine arbitrage opportunities in the internal markets - e.g. triangular arbitrage between bitUSD/BTS, bitUSD/bitCNY,  bitCNY/BTS. The blockchain would always be the one profiting from any opportunity because it can act instantly before any other participants.
In my view the guy placing the last order is the one creating the opportunity. From here on there are several scenarios:
- Let his order sit on the book and wait for some guy with a bot to come and capitalize on it, or new orders to remove the opportunity;
-The blockchain finds it/matches it using the 'general' rule - the later (latest here) order gets what they asked for or better.
-The blockchain finds it/matches gives the last guy what he asked for and keeping the arbitrage for itself.

hmm  with the blocks and such in blockchains, I guess all orders can come in one block, theoretically.
More generally speaking there is someone that has all the info one step before the blockchain... the signing witness. Front-running paradise.

General Discussion / Re: bitSHARES - As True Shares and Not a Currency!
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:28:14 pm »
Here's a question for @tonyk - with external arbitrage now being impossible, would it be possible to have the blockchain itself as a market maker with internal arbitrage? Price risk would be mitigated by the fact that the blockchain can act instantly to arbitrage between internal markets.
I do not know if would call it arbitrage, but finding other paths (say selling bitUSD for bitBTC) and using bitUSD-BTS->bitEth->bitBTC or whatever is the cheapest path instead; is something that intrigues me as well.
The question is thus more for you than for me - do you think it is computationally cheap enough for the blockchain to do it itself. My almost totally uneducated guess is - it should be doable. Your opinion?

General Discussion / Re: bitSHARES - As True Shares and Not a Currency!
« on: February 13, 2016, 10:42:30 pm »
Could we create a new a type asset called BitBond that is used for this?

What I did not like in the other thread? This bond fund might as well lose money (well over the 1% fee, with 50/50 contribution to 201% total collateral), then we have the socialization of losses. [apparently  good now thing in BM's new found believes,btw]

Without the bond - I do not like this non-market approach. It results in the case of the BTS price going down and certain collateral being sold - even more BTS in circulation. Or in the case of enormous collateral - say 10x in using artificial back up because the logical market participants are not willing to do the same themselves. And as I have said several days ago, if the leader of this project has any faith in his child he will lead with himself shorting with 7-10x collateral... and this will help a lot in everyone else also believing and following... and will go a long way.

I am personally thinking of market approaches to aid/share responsibilities with the gateways, if need be... my ideas in this regards are not fully crystalized to see public scrutiny yet though.

General Discussion / Re: bitSHARES - As True Shares and Not a Currency!
« on: February 13, 2016, 10:10:29 pm »
"What is good instead is dilution to the max" he says. "

So it will make only sense to hold/buy  bitAssets and/or ... (?)

"the bitAssets are no gooda now", he also says
ha also says "those that sponsored me in the past are no gooda either... they are diluters now, diluters of my effort now"
"let them sell. let them sell.
 I need new blood. New blood to."

General Discussion / Re: Roger Ver Bonus Hangout: (SILVERTICKET Entry Fee)
« on: February 13, 2016, 09:31:17 pm »
Thanks, sent a small tip to your accounts (assuming tony's was the right one and he claims it)

thanks, but no need to.

and nothing tony(k) related is mine.

General Discussion / Re: Roger Ver Bonus Hangout: (SILVERTICKET Entry Fee)
« on: February 13, 2016, 09:16:13 pm »
#sharebits "Akado" 10 COPPERTICKET

that's all I got.

General Discussion / Re: Attracting more fiat onramps/offramps
« on: February 13, 2016, 09:02:53 pm »
 sell BTS to Ripple

I do not know how this MEMO without CLI/wallet stuff will go.

I would really like to hear for one worker-proposal or new feature the inflation-phobics would be willing to pay for.

I only hope that the stealth features will make more votes and reason available.

If you consider me one such person - I will vote somewhat similar to jonybitcoin's current vote. Minus the blockchain maintenance worker - not because I do not think that worker is needed. I just think he is overcharging 2x.

opps sorry and definitely minus those UI coordinator/Managers...definitely not for those.


I thought that was the exact assurance when BM introduced the dilution : If shareholders do not like the inflation rate , they can vote against it .

On a side note , false development is no development at all . ( dilution and tons of AGS fund has funded a lot of things in 1.0 , and none of it was worth it because by the dev's own word ------1.0 was not usable to users . And graphene was paid by the developer's own dime. ) False development meaning development that just for "workers' sake" instead of those work that's really needed and will have lasting effect on the project instead of every work that has been paid and then be abandoned and move on to another new direction .

I guess he has just seen false development funded by dilution too much .

But then again , the doubt is bound to happen after failing to see result generated from dilution after one year whose effect has been devastating on the marketcap . "Marketcap will rise if you let us dilute and keep developing" , which was also the only reason that the stakeholders allowed changing the allocation schedule and ruined the reputation of BitShares in the first place . So ........ Is this objection really that surprising to you ?

well explained, imho. + 1

It is not like you try to put it Xeroc (stan and BM) - attempt to stop is an attempt to stop digging ditches for the sake of digging ditches, cause you are good at digging ditches. Well you might be the best ditch diggers but if BTS does not need that particular ditch, it is just diluting with your pay for an useless ditch. [do not mean your work in particular xeroc; just constant mindless dilution for whatever comes to mind]

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