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Messages - kenCode

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General Discussion / Re: Introducing Cryptonomex International (CNI)
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:40:18 am »
Back on track: I have met both, Manuela and Ronald in Amsterdam. It's been the main motivation for me to go there from the beginning.
We have had quite some nice talking about how to bring CNX/CNI and BTS more exposure.

For those that cannot read between the lines: I will be a part of CNI as a technical consultant and also contribute as business developer.

That is also what we did during d10e in Amsterdam. I had quite some talks with businesses, investors and others and usually started of telling them about
our toolkit to deploy blockchains (graphene) and quickly told them why they shouldn't deploy their own chain (shared user base etc).
In the end, most have been very excited already when I told them about market pegged assets. After telling them about turing completeness, confirmation
times, FBA, and 0-fee transfers most went crazy.

In short, we have an awesome product, we just need to start selling it to people and that is what I plan to do.

Manuela and Ronald look very promising, I have connected with them on Linkedin as well. Great post xeroc!!
 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Introducing Cryptonomex International (CNI)
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:44:07 am »

+5% . You should create a troll worker proposal just in case to fight against these guys . And you should not fight it for free .

nah, i heard the Chinese don't like Workers ;)

General Discussion / Re: Introducing Cryptonomex International (CNI)
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:28:02 am »
A new company = Needs more money = You know what is coming next.
A seasoned expert in Finance = Needs more money = You know what is coming next.
A seasoned expert in IT = Needs more money = You know what is coming next.

Oh yeah Love you Stan.

Actually these people are bringing their own money to the joint venture
and have skills at raising funds and winning business from outside the BitShares universe.

That said, please send me 9 BTS in three easy payments to help cover postage and handling.


WOW. That's amazing.  +5% +5%
Everything and Everyone that makes BTS a failure is warmly welcomed!

i love you guys ... just give it no chance before starting ... man ..
i begin to ask me how we thinking we're able to attract new people into BTS/CNI with this kind of attitude.

Seriously.  +5%
I honestly believe that some of the trolls here are being paid by outside companies, mainly from the BTC/ETH space. But, as Ghandi has said, first they ignore you, then laugh at you, then FIGHT you, then you win.

General Discussion / Re: Buy/Sell Crypto with OPEN.USD on BlockTrades
« on: February 22, 2016, 10:31:04 pm »
Are you trolling me? Why?

General Discussion / Re: Buy/Sell Crypto with OPEN.USD on BlockTrades
« on: February 22, 2016, 09:10:24 pm »
No, Smartcoins and Altcoins are accepted by the POS systems, but we can now use Blocktrades to bridge/gateway that income directly into the merchants bank account with less steps. Ease of use brings mass adoption.

General Discussion / Re: Buy/Sell Crypto with OPEN.USD on BlockTrades
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:13:53 pm »
jeez Dan, this should be front and center on the General thread WOOHOO!!
this is EXACTLY what POS merchants are begging for, they want customer funds to go right into fiat, not BTS because of the volatility so this is a MAJOR leap forward for POS systems, thank you!!!!!!!!
 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Introducing Cryptonomex International (CNI)
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:50:54 pm »
Finally, some more mugshots, I love it!
We need a Team page on the site.
Great work!! +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

We also need to get those block sizes down so the wallet will speed up. Right now it's slow as shit and bugs the hell out of me.

wait, how, no...
It is the 100,000 tps network  working at 0.0001tps
no... this is just fud.

I can't remember which core dev told me that, but it's true. Each block is around 200K. That is a lot of bandwidth needed and cpu power to process each of them. BM himself said it was a known issue and it's already on github somewhere too, so they are working on it.


Agreed. I will fix the font in v1.1.

font is too small for phone

funny, I was just thinking the same thing last night. In v1.1 I will definitely enlarge things a bit and make the layout a bit cleaner. If OPENPOS funds allow, I would like to implement google material design principles too. The screen you are looking at right now is the one that I designed and obviously I am no designer, so I want to get my ui/ux people busy on that.

@kenCode - The important thing is that you have made tremendous progress and the wallet works!   As I'm sure you know, having someone polish up the UI is the relatively easy part, but of course will go a long way toward turning this into a very professional looking product that can attract new users and generally have a very additive effect on the ecosystem. 

Speaking of the interface, what is your timeline for providing a simple UI for your wallet users to convert BTS to BitAssets and vice versa?  I'm thinking something along the lines of coinbase where they enable the user to either a) enter how much bitcoin they want to to buy and then it shows them how much it would cost them at the current price, or b) enter how much they would like to spend on bitcoin, and then it shows them how much bitcoin they can buy with that budget at the current price. 

Having such a simplified interface to exchange assets within your mobile wallet would be absolutely killer.  Although of course for it to be completely useful to both your wallet users and merchants alike, we need to have A LOT more BitAssets created.  With that in mind, what are your thoughts about @Empirical1.2's very interesting ideas to incentivize the creation of large quantities of BitAssets?

Thanx tbone, yeah I admit, I am no UI guy. If funding will allow then I will have a professional material design ui replace the one I have in there now. The layout can stay pretty much the same, but make it look a LOT cleaner. We also need to get those block sizes down so the wallet will speed up. Right now it's slow as shit and bugs the hell out of me. Anyway, I have plenty of gripes, just see my post above in the whats next section.
The Exchange screen will cover your second question, but we do not have the funding for that. I am hoping our market cap will go up a bit to give us the money we need for v2.0, v3.0 and beyond. Right now, my biggest focus is to get the wallet to v1.1 and v1.2 (we do have the funding for that) and get the POS systems launched. The way it looks right now, we can launch both in just a couple more weeks. Odoo is just about done, but I want to add a couple features to the wallet and POS before I release those apps. Again, see my whats next section above.
As for Empirical's ideas for bitassets, I have not had time to read every post here, so let's hope Smartcoins take off. These POS systems and mobile wallet are just the start for bringing in real utility for the masses.

Hey, nice job! Put a link to download on front page at

We'll get our new site up in a couple weeks with that and a lot more... :)

The BitShares mobile wallet is now ready for download in 22 LANGUAGES.
Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish...
I hope you like it. :)

Il portafoglio mobile BitShares è ora pronto per il download in lingua italiana. Spero vi piaccia. :)

Le portefeuille mobile BitShares est maintenant prêt pour le téléchargement dans la langue française. J'espère que tu aimes. :)

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