Thank You For Supporting DataSecurityNode! - Bitshares now has Nuclear Bunker Protection!Since telegram isn't the best place to reach everyone I decided to resurrect this old threat for our witness DataSecurityNode since we have recently been voted back in as active.
I thought it a good idea to give an update on our current running configuration.
Our witness operates within a cluster environment we have created which still operates from the same nuclear bunker. The particular cluster for the Bitshares nodes utilizes 5 servers configured each with 20 Intel cores, 512GB RAM, and a combination of NVM and SSD storage with 6TB of capacity. The storage cluster provides redundancy and performance and another backup storage server provides additional backup.
We have a secondary location in Montreal, Quebec where we have a similar configuration in case we have an issue at the bunker location that may cause extended downtime.
Between these two locations we are currently operating 2 witness nodes, 1 seed node, and 1 API which is publicly available though we are still tweaking its configuration. We will be joining the testnet network this month pending approvals.
The bunker has gone through a number of upgrades through out the years including a more robust backup power grid, and dual fiber trunks with diversified transit and transport providers. Most of our missed blocks from the past was due to these infrastructure issues that we were still in the process of updating. Since updating though we have been running great! We now have more onsite staff who work every day to continue to improve and maintain network server operations.
For price feeds we are using the following for sources:
Paid Feed Sources:openexchangerates
Free with API Key Sources:fixer
Free Feed Sources:quandl
MSSR / MCRCNY - 101% / 160%
USD - 102% / 160%
EUR - 102% / 160%
ALL - 110% / 175%
Besides our node operations, some of you may know that we are working on other graphene elements which we would like to introduce as a BSIP rather soon that will provide blockchain interoperability for Bitshares.
If you like the idea of Bitshares having the support of a nuclear bunker data center to give the blockchain extra hardened security, then a vote for DataSecurityNode provides that!
I am available on telegram if you need to reach me at you for your support!