As of right now BitShares is a big headache for me. It would be best if the price crashed so I wouldn't have to think about it.
I have already wasted many hours over this. All hours I could have been meditating and building up my energy!
Over the last few days my energy levels have been negatively affected by this whole charade. The metaphysics of money, abstract calculation, property etc are diametrically opposed to the path which leads to true wealth found in spiritual wisdom.
A man rich in spirit lives in a world of absolute freedom and happy abundance. He can afford to give away his riches for free as the supply never runs dry. On the other hand a man who seeks wealth otherwise can never be fill the abysmal hole fueled by base desires as his soul exists in a wasteland of abject poverty.
Did you see the Chang video? He healed people for FREE!'s one of his students projecting energy - other day I was projecting energy at a friend of a friend and there are different energy centres in the body you can focus on. When I changed my focus to the 3rd eye he said WOW all of a sudden the energy really increased

As of right now I don't need to work and have a monthly income. But I'm living at my mum's and she spends ALL DAY DISTURBING ME BY TELLING ME TO TIDY UP MY BEDROOM HAHAHA.
So I need to get enough money to buy my own place to get peace and quiet and not be disturbed. Then I can do extended meditations!! like "Buddha Boy" -, I have no idea how much BTS I might have. For all I know it could be worth anywhere from $200 to $70,000. Really I haven't got a clue. However, I have a few thousand in other cryptos. One thing is for sure, you won't catch me buying a "lambo" if I ever do make money with cryptos HAHAHA!