General Discussion / Re: MaidSafe IPO on Mastercoin
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:58:59 pm »I have asked the following question at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/maidsafe-development/1jrH-Qqqb2w :
In the whitepaper it's unclear how the difficulty of generating safecoins will increase over time.
There is no mechanism provided. And if they aren't any basically the cost of generating safecoin will decrease with Moore law (so will do the price...).
And this is David Irvine's answer:
It's controlled by the mining algorithm that's exponential. There is also a space that the hash of a mining attempt must fit into, this is 2^32 and gets exponentially (^2) more difficult with each mining success.
Many factors will influence this, number of users, Builders, Farmers etc. It is not time based and all calculations are mute wrt time. The premise is that as more use of the network happens, it must be valued. As this is the case Farmers are incentivised to Farm and builders build. This value should increase the value of safecoin and related uses of it (perhaps even buying resources as we go along).
this is so disturbing that I am glad they IPOd on mastercoin
The economic model is confusing for sure, but the system itself is incredible