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Messages - JoeyD

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Marketing repost - Beyond Bitcoin Sponsorship
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:08:23 pm »
So first off, I really hope I got this wrong. Sorry but I'm not that familiar with the LTB thing or the media-group they are trying to build.

Can someone explain to me how this LTBCoin thing works?  From the sound of it, I get the impression it is similar to the old Factory tokens that could only be spent in the factory store and using it to create lock-in.

If that's how it works, then I'm not supportive of that at all. That is one of the reasons we're in this mess we are trying to fix with the whole distributed concept. I do not want to help retrace the steps that led to the invention of the Federal reserve.

Another big issue for me is this Adam B Levine person and supporting him. How important and essential is he in all this?  I only know Adam B Levine from his posts on this forums and sometimes seeing his remarks on reddit and such, but that did not leave a favorable impression at all. Especially not how he seems to be so adamant at trying to antagonize the forums here. Like how he starts this whole drama-queen nonsense and persecution nonsense with "forum defense force" and crap like that. Reading the reactions, Adam apparently seems to have a lot of pull in the bitshares community and outside, but I honestly think there is something wrong with him.

So I hope someone can debunk my fears.  Otherwise supporting this plus the delegates supporting this would not be helping cause in trying to combat monopolies and corruption and help with the (re)distribution of powers.

Just a disclaimer, I do not represent anyone other than myself. So if somebody wants to use my quote in any other way, I claim copyright and you have to point to my entire post.


Skype is more widely used.  If we can do a conference call with that then it might be slighty easier to arrange.

Is skype still more widely used, it is not amongst my relatives or friends anymore.

I agree I had my doubts about the mumble-voice/chat-server at the start as well (I was never part of the internet voice chat gaming scene). But once you've got the thing setup, I find the freedom and anonymity a lot better than either skype or google and it is still encrypted.

But whatever works. Is it possible to join as easy and freely on skype as the mumble server, or is it invitation only? One thing I've noticed however is that it seems to be better to work this stuff out before making it public, because there seem to be people more interested in copying the ideas than helping out.

At the very least, I think we should talk about this in real time on the current mumble-server and work things out there.

Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / Re: New Dev hangout?
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:47:22 pm »
The only links are for the unedited ones, which are not easy to listen to. I have uploaded my recording, but I lost connection for a bit at the start, so maybe someone else has an uninterrupted one he's willing to share.

I don't know if anyone uploaded an edited version.

I think what eagleeye wants to know is, how long it would take by guesstimation before a type (mobile)wallets can become operational for bitsharesx.

The whole development of the framework needed for lightweight clients, needs to be done first. One of the things that to a non-coder like me, seems to be more favorable for bitshares compared to bitcoin. Is that dpos has the reputation system to find trusted sources in the form of delegate-voting and the delegates themselves and the presumeable nicer codebase to work with, seeing as it was purpose built to be a toolkit for others to use.

So speculating on how dpos will end up working, one of the current delegates or several of them will have to become the bitshares equivalent of and do the coding themselves. Of course if webwallets were part of the bitshares-toolkit design from the start, the essential parts for building them might be a lot closer to being finished and that would shorten the required time for mobile/light client webwallets considerably.

And the 8 - 12 months number, seems to be the average for projects on bitcoin from inception to actual working implementations for bitcoin-core devs. But even then something like multi-sig for example, arguably one of bitcoins most needed features, is still not supported by, despite being conceived as part of bitcoins design many years ago.

Very creative ticklebiscuit and not far from how I came to see the ethereum-ipo back when I never even heard of bitshares before.  Don't tell anyone, but I ony discovered bitshares because I was excited about Ethereum and doing research on it.

One of my bigger gripes with Ethereum, apart from the POW and single blockchain, is that the proposed plan was for the IPO to pay for bounties for yet unsolved problems that the project needs solved. When I read that I was like  :o , oookaaay. Ticklebiscuits analogy is pretty close to the actual proposed roadmap.

I might be biased though, seeing how I use a javascript blocking plugin for my webbrowsers. Had the project not been pow based, single blockchain and coated with less Microsoftian Applesque Walledgardenism Middleman-(bordering-parasite)-syndrome rhetoric, I might still have retained some of my earlier excitement about it.

Back to bitshares-toolkit and dpos, you'd think the database on a blockchain implementation complete with extended database operations would garner some attention. Looking at internet analogies, because many in crypto love those, database operations are not the smallest building block on the internet so having that capability on a blockchain could prove quite useful.

This news feels like a bummer, but when I think about it:
  • Them picking NXT would be truly insulting
  • They fight legal issues while BTSX breaks down borders
  • DACs will prevail, and that's why they're not really a competitor
    • Plot twist: Byrne already knows this

I'm not necessarily here for DPOS or a specific DAC. I'm here because BTS will be the best DAC launchpad, and DACs are the future.

What about Ethereum? Hate to burst your bubble, but Ethereum has a WAY greater potential for being the best DAC launchpad considering the amount of funding and momentum behind it....
Could you expand on that? I've been trying to figure out what people think is so great about Ethereum, but I have not been able to find anything substantial. To be honest it seems to be mostly people projecting vague desires and fantasies onto the project.

Seeing how bitcoins scripting language is hardly being used, let alone being taxed to its limit, the market for blockchain scripting does not appear to be as popular as speculators seem to think it is. I wonder how many of the supporters of projects like ethereum are actually feeling personally limited by bitcoins scripting language or even tried using it, do they even have a clue what they are buying into?

Would be nice to know what exactly people think extended blockchain scripting will enable other than snakeoil magic-elixir nonsense.

the spikes in "counterparty" are like the twitter mistake on the exchanges. just some people buying without understanding anything.
reminds me of darkcoin going crazy because people think it's related to darkwallet :)

Eventhough I had a hard time pulling myself away from the thrilling spectacle of a progress bar showing the transfer of a multi terabyte copy over my lan, I somehow managed to find some time to look into this counterparty medici thing.

I've come the conclusion that nobody seems to know what is going on exactly, or are not telling what they know. Counterparty itself seems to think the exchange will be a counterparty-app, but several other sources and crypto-press have stated the exact opposite by specifically mentioning a new solution being built. So the medici project will either use xrp, or it will not. Hope this helps.

So Overstock use Counterparty devs. and XCP goes 150% on the news... That doesn't look very bad for XCP holders.

I don't understand why this reaction to these news and XCP was increased like that. I would have sold immediately all my BTSX if BM was going to work for Overstock and the community would need to look new devs... Cryptos really are a very strange thing to watch...

But...bottom line is that XCP did increase by 150% on the news. Do we have anything similar to wait as well for BTSX to boost the price? The last couple of days it appears that BTSX market cap follows Bitcoin's market cap on the downside. I was hopping that BTSX holders will not care much about what is happening to bitcoin..

If the crypto-speculators were a rational entity, then that means getting rid of the counterparty devs was the best thing that could happen to the project and that one of the devs was doing a half decent job.

But that is one big if, trying to understand the crypto market is like trying to understand female logic. Apparently it makes perfect sense to them.

What TheFu.. said, and eagleeye.

If you think about it, getting a whole range of bitYourPharmaceuticalBrandOfChoice on bitsharesx would be HUGE. It would finally get the very much needed price discovery solved and get some real honest price-fighting going. Plus they love USD like no other, they'd love bitUSD.  Talk about undercutting the banks, that would be taking away their #1 customer.  Also think about how messed up that market is, if you're not part of the in-crowd the resident pharmaceutical company can even get governments to declare war on its competitors.

BUT, without the onramp thing solved then it would be no more than just pricediscovery. Maybe the OpenBazaar might solve the onramp thing, you need to be sure that you get your sugar instead of something horrible like Aspartame, man that stuff messes up your brain.

Does anybody have any more information about the part where he says he wants to own it. That sounds more than a little worrying to me.  I have this feeling a lot of people are starting to lose sight of what decentralization means. If this turns into a recreation of everything that's wrong today, than this is not turning out well.

Also if more companies are entering this with the idea to "own" it, which is their usual MO, it will also mean that instead of the dotcom-bubble we'll be seeing the stock-exchange bubbles and any other financial instrument bubble.

Jikes, now I'm suspecting loads of patent trolls are already running to get their slice of "owning" the new thing, this will give me bad dreams.

Lucky that Stan illustrated a lot of the benefits for this as well. But then again, I hope they'll be doing the legal battles with the focus on decentralization, otherwise those legal struggles won't help much.

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoin at $330 ?
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:59:04 pm »
Someone put a 40k sell wall on bitstamp today to get the price below $300. Why I don't know, but someone posted a warning for the exact number of bitcoins an hour or so before it actually appeared. What's the point of such an ostentatious move. Putting $9 million dollar amount of bitcoin in a single limit sell order, is that normal behavior or is this a case of very open manipulation?

I don't think btsx would be unaffected if someone pulled a move like that.

If the mumble section can move up about 3 hours it would be great,because we have to pull a red eye at our  3:00AM to joint the section at the current time table.

By pull up, do you mean do it 3 hours earlier? For Europeans that should not be impossible, nobody starts clubbing that early on friday-evening and most skip out work way before 4 or 5pm anyway.

Oh gamey I'm trying to help you by contacting the guy who wrote a webvtt-bot, but so far he's been ignoring my e-mails.

Although it is a talk about bitcoin, it applies to the entire crypto-exchange experiment.

Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / Re: Beyond Bitcoin show 10-3-2014
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:56:06 pm »
Ah dammit man, now I've actually hurt myself laughing.

He goes through all the trouble to rename himself to something a little less offending and your keyboard renames him to TheFu.. , hahahaha.

But I agree, Fuz is great, I like the random turns in the conversation he creates and the way he breaks the ice. I also like the fact that the show is not preplanned or touched up. If the monkeying around increases, then editing might become even more of a zoo keepers job.

Cleaning out your keyboard, might also fix the problem. I don't know what kind of weapons you use while typing, but chances of one key actually physically breaking over it being caused by some filthy contacts are slim.

I don't know if mentioning the butterfly lab people is bad per se, because he is not trying to prove the benefits of mining and them being put under FTC-restricted operations might put some extra weight on the risks of mining centralization he's talking about.

Also when mentioning other projects, ethereum is POW (and only a concept as of now) and has no mechanics in place to avoid centralization last time I checked, so why would Bytemaster recommend projects like that in a speech where he wants to convince people to return to decentralization as envisioned by Satoshi?

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