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Topics - Akado

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Random Discussion / Bitwala is introducing 10 new currencies
« on: October 22, 2015, 08:31:54 pm »

About Bitwala
Bitwala is the smart way to send money easy, safe and fast. You send money to your friends abroad or pay your bills without a bank account.

What if they used bitAssets for this or acted as a gateway or made a partnership with CCEDK since they are both into remittance? Could someone brainstorm on this and share some ideas of what this could achieve with BitShares?

General Discussion / Design of Stripe's UI for iPhone
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:05:30 pm »

since we're all about that UI stuff now I thought this could be relevant to someone

General Discussion / Bitcoin Events and Conferences
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:57:59 pm »

Here is a list if someone is interested. Which ones do you think CNX should attend to, if possible?

 Innovate Finance: Global Summit 2016?
Money 20/20 Europe, will be held at Copenhagen, Denmark. Ronny could go?
Bitcoin Africa Conference, for remmitance related stuff?
3rd Annual European Payment Forum, it's annual, seems big but idk
Hong Kong or London Blockchain Conference 2016

General Discussion / Fill the void of BitReserve
« on: October 14, 2015, 06:33:37 pm »
Seems they changed name and the owners don't actually believe in the blockchain

This is just a new opportunity for BitShares to step in and say "Hey, no problem, you can count on us". Assuming the peg works, we offer a better, safer and more transparent service.

bitGold ftw  +5%

Meta / BitShares Docs on
« on: October 13, 2015, 08:56:57 pm »

Just a friendly reminder to add that link when possible. More people will come looking for info on how to import their keys, etc and would be helpful to have the info easy to find  :)

Openledger / Coindesk: Trading Platform OpenLedger Launches
« on: October 13, 2015, 03:38:19 pm »

Dunno why this isn't on the front page if it was just released...

General Discussion / Predict the next exchanges joining BitShares
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:20:57 am »
On one of the last articles published on forbes, this got me really interested

“Imagine this,” offered Larimer. “Eight of our feisty start-up exchanges pool their services and order books to look effectively as big as a medium-sized, more established exchange. If that medium exchange were to then join these eight, they would double the size of each other’s combined order books and be suddenly competitive with a twice bigger exchange, who might then decide to join the network and double it all again.”

And all the while, the growing network of exchanges has more products and services to offer making them not only bigger but also better than the next exchange on their “friendly upward assimilation warpath”. Larimer further contends: “In this way, we think we can quickly roll up partners to become the biggest virtual exchange in the world. Resistance is futile.” It’s bold and disruptive stuff.

So, what exchanges would you speculate on joining Bitshares next?

I think we might or should get btc38 (maybe even bter) or even smaller exchanges. After those what other exchanges would you predict joining us? btc-e is completely anonymous, they don't add any crypto so it's pretty hard if not impossible, Kraken apparently won't support us, bitstamp and bitfinex seem to big for us. I would place Polo a tier above btc38 but beneath bitstamp and kraken. I think Polo atm would be THE exchange to get. But I don't see them joining us that easily them seem to be quiet busy already.

Do you have any smaller exchanges in mind first? Maybe if we get like more 4 small exchanges we could get bter and btc38 and after that Polo or whatever exchange will be leading the altcoin scene at that time. So, my opinion:

[tier 1]
C-CEX - $11k
CoinMate - 16k
BIT-X - 16k
CAVirtex - 19k
Bter - $20k volume

[tier 2]
The Rock Trading - 50k
Bittrex? $80k volume atm
BitBay - 85k
Cryptsy - 94k
CEX.IO - $110k
bitcoinIndonesia - $144k
HitBTC - $175k
Justcoin - 179k
[tier 3]

Btc38 -$221k
Polo > 426k

[tier 4]
Jubi - $1,6M
btc-e, krake, bitstamp, etc, the big boys. they seem to big atm

I don't think Bitcoin only exchanges will be joining us, at least seeing this page I don't believe any on the top 10/15 would be joining us any time soon. Cryptsy has a rep for altcoins and since it's involved in some shady stuff, if it joined us, it could bring in quite some volume and clean it's name. Has $94k volume atm

what exchanges do you think would be the easiest? Does anyone have any contact with any of them? If the 4 I mentioned on tier 1 would join we would have +$80k volume enough to compete with bittrex! (+80k) Then we could have crypsy (+90k) by that time we are able to compete with btc38! After that, Polo. After that we have near $1M volume!! That places us with Kraken and competing with the big boys! I know this is wishful thinking but I'm really excited about this whole process

see more here

A plataforma OpenLedger estreia com o lançamento de BitShares 2.0
OpenLedger, tida como 'talvez a melhor' plataforma descentralizada financeira do mundo vai ser lançada a 13 de Outubro, oferecendo um novo conjunto de ferramentas com o potencial de revolucionar a industria.

A plataforma crypto-financeira OpenLedger está pronta para se estrear Terça-Feira, trazendo uma nova geração de tecnologias de criptomoedas para público. OpenLedger, que foi desenvolvida em colaboração com BitShares e uma série de outras organizações no espaço das cryptos, irá tornar-se a carteira padrão para a plataforma Bitshares.

Formalmente revelada por Ronny Boesing, CEO da exchange Dinamarquesa CCEDK na Global Money Transfer Summit, realizada no mês passado em Canary Wharf, Londres, OpenLedger faz alegações impressionantes sobre os benefícios que vai proporcionar à industria financeira.

A crypto exchange existente mais rápida?
OpenLedger, que alega latência e capacidade de volume comparável à Nasdaq, pretende endereçar as grandes barreiras para uma maior adopção das criptomoedas. 'OpenLedger foi desenhada para resolver os problemas de rapidez, estabilidade, segurança e transparência que ainda afectam as criptomoedas e dificultam assim  a sua adopção.' diz Boesing. Uma das principais funcionalidades é a inclusão de moedas indexadas e activos, permitindo que fundos sejam guardados e distribuídos sem exposição à volatilidade inata das criptomoedas, enquanto que as taxas baixas possibilitadas por uma abordagem descentralizada levam a retornos superiores e a riscos menores.

Além disso, OpenLedger não está limitada pelos tempos de confirmação lentos e volumes limitados da tecnologia tradicional da blockchain. 'Conseguimos trocar peer-to-peer em qualquer lado do mundo, em apenas alguns segundos. Temos a capacidade de qualquer exchange se tornar membro da nossa network, oferendo aos seus próprios clientes a liquidez de mercado de todas as exchanges numa ledger transparente e partilhada.'

Transparência e Responsabilidade
O projecto, que foi desenvolvido pelos peritos em tecnologia blockchain da Cryptonomex, tem uma abordagem de "o melhor dos dois lados". Os utilizadores continuam em controlo das suas private keys, pelo que eles podem tanto trocar como guardar os seus bens sem interferências de terceiros. Enquanto os utilizadores podem manter a sua privacidade, os bens da exchange são todos guardados de modo transparente na blockchain e pode ser feita uma auditoria para prova-de-solvência por qualquer pessoa e a qualquer altura.

'É imune a ataques de hackers que até as maiores exchanges já sofreram', explica Boesing. Á parte de algum interesse dos Bancos Centrais Russo e Dinamarquês, inúmeras outras organizações têm mostrado interesse em envolver-se. 'Há start-ups independentes em oito países preparadas para se juntarem à nossa network e temos o objectivo de ser a maior rede de exchanges de todas em dezoito meses. Usar a plataforma BitShares dá a CCEDK a oportunidade de partilhar os seus livros de ordens e serviços com futuras parceiras exchanges e fornecedores de activos digitais para alcançar maior liquidez, spreads menores e uma crescente gama de produtos e serviços inovadores.


O lançamento de OpenLedger na CCEDK é apenas o inicio da estratégia 'Dan Larimer e os seus Quatro Cavaleiros de Cryptoeconimics' lançada pelo manager de operações Stan Larimer. Além de inovar a industria das exchanges, Larimer está a levar a tecnologia a representantes chave das indústrias da Musica, Finanças e de Capitais de Risco, esperando criar assim contactos nas áreas da distribuição de ficheiros peer-to-peer e colecção de royalties, crowdfunding, gaming, remessa, voto, investimento e auditoria transparente, para dizer alguns.

Para marcar o lançamento de OpenLedger, a CCEDK vai fazer uma campanha promocional brevemente. Registos únicos na OpenLedger vão ser recompensados com uma token especial 'OLED' e mais estarão disponíveis para certas actividades nas plataformas CCEDK e OpenLedger. Estas serão distribuídas automaticamente para as carteiras dos nossos clientes e podem ser trocados independentemente na exchange.

General Discussion / I "broke" Bitcoin
« on: October 12, 2015, 12:56:33 am »

Interesting read. He says it had no costs, but even if it had some, my question is, this time Maclin decided to do it, what if next time we have 10 Maclins doing it? I'm not sure if it's as easy to do as he makes it seem, probably not, but if it is even remotely feasible to do this, what if someone malicious decides to keep going for a long, long while?

Technical Support / account balance
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:13:50 am »
hey guys, could someone explain this to me,

at some point on my recent transactions it shows a number of bitshares above what the command "balance akado" returns. However I didn't send any BTS anywhere, I've only accumulated. Do I need to regenerate keys? how many should i regen?

General Discussion / Trading Vested Balances via Transferable Accounts
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:54:36 pm »
Heard this during the mumble.

Since we can't trade vested balances, apparently, we can work our way around it by transferring accounts with vested balances.

Anyone would care to speculate how much value would vested balances have? How much until vested balances are fully unlocked?

Would like to know if anyone wants to sell their vested balances, at how much would they price them comparing with bitshares?


This is really nice! Is cryptomate legit?

Meta / Lottoshares Subsection
« on: October 03, 2015, 06:55:40 pm »
Could we add that, under the Partners section?

General Discussion / Meanwhile at Ripple
« on: September 29, 2015, 09:07:11 pm »

General Discussion / BitShares Solves Naughty America's problem with Bitcoin
« on: September 25, 2015, 08:01:56 pm »

BitShares is the first smart contract platform with built-in support for recurring payments and subscription payments. This feature allows users to authorize third parties to make withdrawals from their accounts within certain limits. This is a convenient way to “set it and forget it” for monthly bills and subscriptions.


Soon on a porn video of your liking: Powered by BItShares

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