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General Discussion / Turning the page on fees - We need yield back!
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:52:32 pm »
So lately we've been discussing fees a lot. I feel most of the arguments were already said, it's up to people to decide what's best for BitShares.

What I would like to be discussed here is yield/interest. That was - I believe - the key feature that got so much people into BitShares at the beggining. The opportunity of earning free money. Will anyone resist that? What do people do when the markets are just to messed up for them to go in at that point? They get on the ''sidelines'', watch and wait.

What if people could just earn money without having to trade while having their money safe? I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be interest in that. Think the whales that could park their wealth on BitShares earning interest.

I always felt that was the key feature BitShares provided along with stable cryptocurrencies, however with time, we lost it and forgot about it. This post inspired me to start this discussion.

A lot of people don't get it. WIthout interest, without dividends, without yield, Bitshares 2.0 will not be as feature complete as 1.0. We took a step backwards here. Large holders will hold until they find a better opportunity, and there will be plenty going into the future so I don't see these prices in Bitshares holding up unless you keep the whales interested.

Whales chase yield, dividends, interest, and Bitshares at this time offers none of that. The economics of Bitshares 2.0 are wrong and it wont be fixed by fiddling around with the fees. The argument made to switch from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake was no dilution and we still ended up with dilution (the worst part of Proof of Work). The argument was that Bitshares would be profitable, the argument was that burning fees would be promoted and that there would be 5% interest, dividends.

I mean, people could even hate BitShares from the bottom of their hearts but the opportunity of making money while sitting on the sidelines, dont you think they would eventually come? People don't resist 'free money'.

What could we do to have this back? I guess we can't take interest from the fees we generate otherwise the referral program would go to waste, specially since people want to get them lower... Is the bond market really only the opportunity we will ever get to make this again? This is just the biggest marketing tool BItShares could ever have...

Partilha "tips" com os teus amigos nas redes sociais! trás a tecnologia da blockchain para toda a gente com 'social tipping'ou seja, permite partilhar pequenas gorjetas com quem quiseres!

A nova iniciativa da exchange Dinamarquesa CCEDK e do show Beyond Bitcoin tem como objetivo partilhar os beneficios das cryptomoedas com soluções de mercado das massas, incluindo utilizadores de media social e criadores de conteúdo.

Bitcoin está quase no seu sétimo aniversário mas embora a ideia de cryptomoeda esteja a ganhar tração, ainda nao encontrou adoção em massa ou uma "killer app". O problema da penetração de mercado é algo que tenta resolver, tendo como alvo, clientes dos mercados de massas. é uma plataforma para soluções de 'open software' para trazer adoção em massa para as crypto - fazendo-o rápido, barato e facil para organizações distribuirem cryptotokens a um grande numero dos seus utilizadores.

Freebie, a equipa de programadores por trás de, fornece solucoes de software de grande escala e velocidade a negocios e profissionais que trabalham no mundo das cryptos. A companhia construiu a sua aplicação na plataforma OpenLedger, de BitShares, que foi criada para os rigores dos consumidores dos mercados modernos - em contraste com a inovadora mas lenta blockchain de Bitcoin. Enquando Bitcoin tem blocos de 10 minutos e um pequeno volume de transações por bloco (o problema de escalar e o tamanho dos blocos é o maior problema da comunidade), BitShares oferece umas impressionantes 100,000 transações por segundo, confirmações numa questão de segundos e os custos sao tao pequenos como um quarto das taxas de Bitcoins.

Comunidades Sociais
O Sharebot de ShareBits permite a empresas e individuos distribuir as suas tokens a utilizadores de um grande numero de plataformas e redes sociais - forums, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Qora e mais. O objetivo é trazer a mesma liberdade financeira e capacidade para utilizadores das redes sociais que a internet e a media social trouxeram para a partilha de informação e conteúdo. Vai permitir a marcas gerir melhor a sua presença nestas plataformas ao recompensar contribuidores e comunidades, criando novas economias de partilha fora da influencia das instituições financeiras. Contornar os bancos e processadores de pagamentos permite a distribuição direta e de baixo custo de recompensas financeiras para atividades positivas.

Integração com CCEDK e do seu conhecido 'nanocard' - um crypto cartão de débito que combina a segurança e independencia da blockchain com a conveniencia de de um cartão de um banco normal - significa que os utilizadoes vao conseguir levantar as suas gorjetas e recompenas em dinheiro de qualquer ATM. Isto vai ter grandes implicações para os criadores de conteudo e freelancers, pessoas que a CCEDK espera virem a inflluenciar o crescimento desta nova economia e novas maneiras de enviar dinheiro pelo mundo.

Bem-vindos promoções, programas de afiliação e tokens de recompensa
ShareBits é construido no topo da plataforma OpenLedger (BitShares 2.0). Como promoção especial, contas novas criadas durante o mês de Novembro vao receber a token QBits como um agradecimento de boas vindas. QBits é um ativo criado em OpenLedger para objetivos de marketing, com base na cryptomoeda Qora, permitinddo a OpenLedger premiar todos os utilizadores ativos com algo de valor agora e no futuro. Adicionalmente, utilizadores vao poder participar num novo programa de afiliação que lhes vai permitir ganhar rendimentos para cada utilizador que se regista usando o seu link de referencia (disponivel para membros vitalicios ou com subscrição anual). Quem refere novos utilizadores vai receber 60% de todas as taxas recolhidas de todos os que eles trouxeram para BitShares.

CCEDK continua a juntar novos projetos inovadores à sua plataforma uncluindo Qora and Qbits. Para juntar estes projetos, a equipa de CCEDK criou uma tooken especial chamade Obits. Esta vai ser lançada dia 1 de Dezembro (Vendas privadas já estao a acontecer) e vai representar um grande portefolio de iniciativas com base em OpenLedger. Obits vai dar a clientes de retalho normais, a oportunidade de beneficiar da caracteristica volatilidade das cryptomoedas sem requerer um grande conhecimento dos mercados.

Do vosso,

Ronny Boesing


Podes também ler o artigo na Forbes Magazine:'s Launch Bringing 'Crypto' Technology To Mass-Market Solutions

podes enviar um e-mail para Ronny Boesing em para entrevistas, discussões, etc

Skype: ronnyboesing

Français (French) / My condolences
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:29:14 pm »
To France. Wish you all the best. Can't even imagine what's it like. Stay strong.

I'm just afraid this whole situation will scale.

Apparently there are still people being executed as the news speak. This is another sad day.

*This is just what we need for BitShares if we want to use it as a payments service. There are many of them already and I kind of feel that's useless to compete right now, we just need to focus on the exchange part, Bond Markets, etc, but I felt like I should share this, take a look. This seems popular but I only discovered it today lol

Send money securely
Pay anyone instantly using money you have in Venmo or link a bank account or debit card in seconds.

Connect with people (this seems nice for Muse since it's more into entertainment and social networking)
Remember the moments you share with friends. Split dinner, send a birthday gift, or just say hello.

Quickly transfer money to your bank.
Move money from Venmo to your bank account in as little as one business day.

So, gateway, plus a fun way to send money to friends and share stuff and you can start using it by just using your Facebook account, + it can be used with debit card - that's right, NanoCard @ccedk this is what we need for the mainstream. So basicaly on top of having the nanocard, we can almost hangout with bitshares in our pockets and send it to friends. They can already do this with BitShares, yes, but this is about social reach, it's about social networks and the ability to go viral!!
Only problem I see is this:
Pay family and friends in the US with a phone number or email, whether or not they have Venmo — all they need to do is create a Venmo account to claim their payment

I dont know if the app can only be used in teh US or if teh only thing that can is restricted to the US is sending stuff through mail to someone who doesnt have venmo? Idk. Either way this sounds pretty cool.

Imagine a crypto project using the blockchain using this. Maybe it's similar to Abra without the "human ATM" part?

I guess this would be up for whoever's into payments (CCEDK? or Remition?). Priorities are exchange features now.

Sistema de Afiliação e Crypto mercado disponiveis em OpenLedger - Pronto para começares!!

Algumas semanas depois da inauguração, o cripto mercado esta finalmente funcional na primeira plataforma fintech descentralizada do mundo OpenLedger.

Os pares iniciais disponveis são:

Levantamento e depósito de dinheiro direto da carteira
Na próxima semana esperamos ter a opção depósito e levantamento disponivel diretamente da carteira, assumindo que primeiro estás validado na CCEDK. Será extremamente facil levantar diretamente de Smartcoins para dinheiro ou depositar diretamente o dinheiro de USD para bitUSD, por exemplo.

Podes depositar e levantar diretamente nexta carteira web e o link é encontrado na pagina principal quando te registas.

Podes registar-te com este link GRATUITAMENTE. Não o tens de fazer agora, podes fazê-lo mais tarde mas nao hesites em exprimentar! Não te vai custar nada registar, apenas um pouco do teu tempo.

Uma surpresa especial de boas vindas
Uma token de boas vindas vai ser adicionada à tua conta em Novembro, caso decidas registar-te e esta token vai ser apenas oferecida às primeiras 50000 contas. Na primeira semana, 1000 contas já foram criadas por isso estão a aumentar rapidamente.

Sistema de Afiliação, códigos de referência e rendimento residual para sempre
Além de tudo isto, podes-te também juntar ao sistema de afiliação com um link de referência e começar a fazer dinheiro  com base num código de referência especial, a estrear esta semana também! Isto é, claro se tiveres o interesse de partilhar as noticias com toda a gente que aches que se possa interessar e começar a fazer dinheiro com as taxas cobradas na plataforma. Um pequeno incentivo para toda a gente!

Tens a opção de usar dois links de referência dependendo da situação. Opdes usar um onde indicas a página principal de OpenLedger com uma pequena intridução à OpenLedger e com o teu nome da conta nesse link. Quando eles criam uma carteira, a tua conta é referida: como exemplo e aqui substituis 'openledger' pelo nome da tua conta, ok?

Ou este: para levar os utilizadores diretamente para a carteira sem terem de passar pelo site de informação primeiro.

Nota: Tem em atenção que para beneficiar deste sistema de afiliação tens que comprar uma filiação vitalicia ou anual. Os detalhes estão mencionados no link de filiação (ou membership) na carteira, mas o melhor é que como referente e membro vitalicio, recebes  60% das taxas recolhidas de utilizadores  referidos ao site pelo teu link.

É tempo de sair e ser reconhecido e construir a fundação para o futuro rendimento residual!

Copyright © 2015 Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS., Todos os Direitos Reservados.

Bem Vindo

Informação Geral Sobre OpenLedger
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Carteira OpenLedger e acesso à plataforma:
Twitter: @ccedkOpenLedger and @ccedk_

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Phone office: +45 36 98 11 50
Tyttebærvej 6, Hune, DK-9492 Blokhus, Denmark
Blokhus DK-9492

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General Discussion / Ldger - Marketplace Lending Is Exploding
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:02:14 pm »

Along those lines, we’ve spent time over the past few months experimenting with a number of platforms, including Bitcoin, NXT, Ethereum and Ripple.

BitShares is out. But maybe they could be approached? Another opportunity

General Discussion / Santander InnoVentures Distributed Ledger Challenge
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:35:24 pm »

Entries open November 5th 2015, and the entry deadline closes December 31st. The finalists will be announced early in January 2016. The competition will take place in New York at the end of January 2016. Make a winning start to 2016 with the help of the Santander InnoVentures DL Challenge.

We don't have all that KYC and regulation stuff needed for a bank to work with us, but maybe CNX could benefit from this and at the same time give BitShares more exposure? It's worth a try right? Maybe FollowMyVote could help a little since they are working on ID related stuff? At least more people in the business will know our technology exists. You could mentioned you attended the Blockchain Summit at China and WebSummit in Dublin, i dont know, it might show them you're serious about what you want to achieve.

It's nor really about the $15k, but the exposure and potential contacts that could be developed. And in the chance we get lucky at todays price that's 4.5M BTS that could be saved in worker proposals to develop the UI, Prediction and Bond Markets or other features.


plot twist, this was the bank Dan announced  :P

Technical Support / Claiming Balances - Can't Broadcast Transaction
« on: November 07, 2015, 05:39:55 pm »
So after importing my keys, I went to wallat management console, selected the assets listed to go to my account and when it appears to confirm a transaction which seems like the previous list of my transactions and tires to broadcast it, it fails.

General Discussion / Blockchain as a Liquidity Provider
« on: November 04, 2015, 05:57:34 pm »
I leave town for one day and you all let the bottom fall out.   

If there is a market need for what BitShares solves then BTS has a future.  If there isn't a market need then it will remain small serving a niche.  The need for BTS is in times of crisis where decentralized exchanges are needed because all of the centralized exchanges fall down.

NBT has 600 BTC volume on Polo. Clearly there is a need, but somehow BTS is not the chosen one. I've been repeating the same thing for 2 years now. Unless there is liquidity and commitment from the stakeholders to provide such liquidity for BitUSD to track USD as closely as possible, BTS won't take off. Why can't we dedicate printed BTS to go to that, instead of delegates? i.e. have the blockchain provide some liquidity. This is the only reason NBT works and people trust it. Because it's always way less than 1% fluctuation from USD.

We can all agree there is lack of liquidity. We need it to get things rolling. Chicken and egg problem. Why not having the blockchain act as a liquidity provider using the reserve fund for this? Everyone could vote on the amount that would be used from the reserve pool so it shouldn't be a problem. We have liquidity, we dont need the whole 500M shares, people can pick a lower number. What's keeping us from doing this?

Would anyone care to share pros and cons?  :)

Random Discussion / CNX and W3C's IoV Task Force
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:55:18 pm »
This task force seeks to engage banks, payment networks, other payment service providers, cryptocurrency companies, merchants, central banks, regulators, clearing houses, and all others interested in developing an open standard payment scheme for the Web.

Just curious if in the future you would consider joining it or not and why. On one side they're trying to standardize payment networks, etc, which seems nice, on the other, they're the same big companies that may have caused damage to others and the exact same reason why Bitcoin was invented in the first place.

General Discussion / We'll be able to compare ourselves vs Nasdaq
« on: October 27, 2015, 08:42:30 pm »

It will be nice to know the specs of their chain. It will also be a good opportunity to learn and know what kind of features and interfaces traders want.

Looking forward in a few months to see a defying article like "How is BitShares competing with Nasdaq Linq" or "How can BitShares' Graphene improve Nasdaq Linq".

I believe and to the extent of my knowledge, only BitShares, Ripple and Nasdaq Linq play in the same league. It will be nice to have their attention and who knows,  even see CNX contacts list increase  :P

General Discussion / There's someone building another wallet
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:49:16 am »
Listened on the hangout. Dan mentioned it wasn't Moonstone he was referring too but didn't disclose who is doing this yet. So bit by big, we will be having better interfaces  :)
23/10 hangout

at 33:13

So we will have at least 3 different UI. Default Graphene used by OpenLedger, Moonstone and this one Dan mentioned

General Discussion / Burn BTS to create BitAssets.
« on: October 23, 2015, 10:40:41 pm »
What if instead of just burning BTS, we could burn them while creating 1 bitUSD for example, that would be immediately be placed as a market order and sold at price feed? Then each time that bitUSD was bought by someone - since now the DAC owns the bitUSD - the BTS used to buy it would be burnt? I've read something similar to this today somewhere but lost the thread.

We usually just burn BTS, what if it had more utility than that? Now each time that bitUSD was bought, a bitUSD worth of BTS would be burnt.. A concept of Burn to Buy.

Person A burns $5 worth of BTS to create $x amount of bitUSD, dunno if it could be 5.
Created bitUSD would be immediately placed as a market order at price feed (i guess the user who creates the asset would also choose the market for the order to be placed? Or would be placed on a default market? Dunno, but those are details)
Person B buys this $x amount of used with BTS
$x worth of BTS were "bought" by the DAC, which burns them
Person B now owns $x amount of bitUSD

I guess this would end here, we would only have 1 iteration of the DAC "buying"(burning) the BTS. Would be awesome to do this multiple times but I guess it would end here. If Person B sold his bitUSD to someone else, the BTS used to buy the bitUSD would go to Person B...

The positive thing is every time someone would do this, it would create a Double Burn. The person originally burning BTS because he wants to, like many other have done, and the people buying the bitAsset at feed price without knowing they are buying it from the DAC. This could possible double the amount of BTS burnt assuming someone would eventually by the created asset, which is safe to assume it would happen.

Still, it might be a more useful way of burning BTS? As it creates bitAssets at feed price?

Random idea, does this even make sense? Or is it something completely stupid? Could this provide more liquidity, help tighten the peg and provide more profit ? If it makes sense, is the concept of the DAC owning a bitUSD feasible?

Btw I saw the idea of burning to create an asset on some thread here on the ofrums, which i lost so I gave it some thought and decided to post it. I didn't come up with this, only tried to expand it a bit.

OpenLedger / EU's Top Court Rules That Bitcoin Exchange Is Tax-Free
« on: October 22, 2015, 08:43:58 pm »

Saw that on reddit. How does this affect CCEDK?  :) Will it take a big burden away and let you with more space to finance your projects or doesnt it make much difference?

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