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Messages - yidaidaxia

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:'( :'( :'(
只能等过段时间时机合适再上车了 :P

请问又有谁能懂一个傻逼口袋里一个BTSX都没,还每天精心打扮强颜欢笑出门吆喝 “BTSX好啊,五百刀妥妥的,谁卖谁沙子" 的心情?
每喊一句我心里都在后悔和滴血啊,每一个字符就像是一支利箭,然后万箭齐发直插我心啊  :-X :-X :-X


General Discussion / Re: alt appreciation thread
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:12:10 pm »
+5% +5% +5% for alt.

We all know alt is an amazing guy who helps BitShares move forward with his best efforts. But seldom know he is also kind-hearted and caring.

Chinese community calls him Monkey, , the nick name of a protagonist in the classic fiction Journey to the West . Monkey is a fearless warrior with redoubtable KongFu.

Why do we call him Monkey? Check his Weibo and you know.

 :D :D +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Dry Run 16 - Armageddon ($5000 Bounty inside)
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:09:53 pm »
Attack can be defended against with extra collateral.  Initial short positions are always safe from attack until the min cover ask falls 10%. 

There would be high fees to attack in a single block. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BM, I also saw your feedback to Alt at another thread, and agree with you that one acount to control the whole order book is almost impossible and basically nothing could be done by system even on the current centerlized market. My only concern is that the difference between our system and the traditional system is that we have Delegates. When the attacker do that together with a centain Delegate, the possibility of his success will become higher a lot. The only thing the attacker should do is waiting for an opportunity when there is proper market orders structure and "his" Delegate is going to produce next block, then he could start the attack and the Delegate could make his orders mathced before any other transaction happen.

So do we need to consider about this risk? Alt is proposing a solution in preivous post, it looks abnormal at the first galance, but I think it deserves more consideration before we say current market engine is better then his proposal.


upgraded to 0.4.4   8)

社会共识其实很简单。随便举个例子: 红灯停,绿灯行。你过马路或者开车时得遵守,大家都按这个共识来就相安无事,有时你过马路碰到红灯但觉得没车或车很远就偷跑下,成功了你个人的通行效率就变高了,你获益了,不过搞不好判断失误就会被装死装伤,收到了违反共识带来的惩罚。当然你会说那个撞人的司机遵守了共识咋还是倒霉了,这其实就是个可能性(概率)问题,总的来说遵守共识毕竟还是风险低多了,而相比肆无忌惮的闯红灯,你起步偷跑抢黄灯的风险就小多了,当然相对节约的时间也少多了。




社会共识其实很简单。随便举个例子: 红灯停,绿灯行。你过马路或者开车时得遵守,大家都按这个共识来就相安无事,有时你过马路碰到红灯但觉得没车或车很远就偷跑下,成功了你个人的通行效率就变高了,你获益了,不过搞不好判断失误就会被装死装伤,收到了违反共识带来的惩罚。当然你会说那个撞人的司机遵守了共识咋还是倒霉了,这其实就是个可能性(概率)问题,总的来说遵守共识毕竟还是风险低多了,而相比肆无忌惮的闯红灯,你起步偷跑抢黄灯的风险就小多了,当然相对节约的时间也少多了。

General Discussion / Re: Proposal: Max Delegate Pay = Approval Rate
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:41:37 am »
I have an idea to encourage users to vote, for 101 delegate.
like LOTTO, for example, we have 101 delegate active now, they have get their votes, maybe totally 40,000,000,000 votes.
we generate a random number between 1-40,000,000,000 every 24*60*6 blocks.
we can get this lucky vote's address
then give a lucky reward  to this address, part of  the destroy fee at this day.

to increase the chance to get the reward, users need to vote more delegate, and to the right delegate.

very good idea!  but i suggest do not link the reward to the delegate , just to enlarge their possibility by voting more delegates is good enough

General Discussion / Re: Proposal: Max Delegate Pay = Approval Rate
« on: August 17, 2014, 05:41:12 am »
I do not think it's a good way to drive shareholers to vote by just giving Delegates incentives to push it because it's low efficient. If we want people to vote, it's better to give them incentives directly instead of let Delegates to do it. So I believe we should do this with hard-coded:

1. For every new wallet, people must vote all their shares in like one week(set proper blocks number), if you do not vote, after that(one week), you will lose 5% of the shares in this wallet. We could call this as "iniital vote".

2. After the initial vote or penalty complete, you need to update you vote quaterly(I think yearly is too long), or you will lose 5% shares in this wallet every time.

EDIT for voting incentive: after further discussion with others, I realized that give penalty to these inactive acounts is not a good idea since it's too unfriendly and it may bother users all the time even we think voting is an important duty for everyone. Actually, like Gulu mentioned below, I start to believe financial penalty/award is not a correct way for voting incentive. I suggest we do like this:

Make a status remark for every account to show if it has voted or not, when is its last time to update its votes, and maybe the persentage of voted shares in this account. Make this information listed beside every acount name shows in everyone's wallet clearly and publicly. This may be just a small incentive, but it could be helpful, it's not unfriendly, it's easy to implement. By just doing this, we could not increase the voting rate to like 60% or more, but high voting rate like 60%+ should not be really necessary to the system at all.


For encouraging the Delegates to compete each other and try to clime up on the Delegates list, I think current mechanism already works in an  effective way. To make it even better, we could make the delegates maxiam pay rate limitation linked to their position in the list directly. Like set the maxiam pay rate limitation of No.1 Delegate as 100%, No. 2 as 99.5%, and reduce it by 0.5% of each postion down. For the Delegates in backup list, we could make it w/ discount fixed payrate, like set No.102 delegets to have 49.5%*10%=4.95% fixed payrate every round, and so there will be 99 paid backups in the row(from 4.95% to 0.05%), and these money could be covered by which we reduced from top 101 pay rate. 

As for penalty for bad performance, I think the most important thing is have some automatic machanism to stop the bad performance immediately and make the Delegates have fianance loss meanwhile. For example, if one delegates missed x(may set it lower than 5) blocks continously, stop its right of block production immediately, make all the votes on it invalid until those votes get updated by shareholders. We could also set a maximum cumulative block miss for each Delegate and implement similar penalty. And meanwhile, we could set the cumulative record clear(to 0) like every month or quaterly. We could define more rules w/ similar or different penalty(from stop block production right by 24 hours to ban the delegate forever). The key is too have automatic way to stop the bad performance and/or attack immediately instead of waiting for shareholders to vote them out, which will not happen in minutes or hours for sure. And of couse, the behaviors restriced by these automatic mechanism should be simple/clear enough as "bad performance" or "attack" and get the community in agreement before it implemented into system.

In my view, the proposals above are more effective/simple, so want to share with you for discussion. Thanks.






The Duty of Delegates – DACWIN Joined Competition

As the latest great innovation in crypto-assets industry, the most important fact for DPoS is “D - Delegated”. Now, with BTSX launched and running stably and high efficiently as well as the launch schedule of BitAssets function, BTS DNS, BTS Voting and other DACs become more and more clear, the whole great plan comes true, BTS DACs(with DPoS) family members coming into existence gradually. Meanwhile, DPoS voting mechanism, shares release model, delegates incentive problem becomes hot topics in the community. And the real essential question here is what is the duty of Delegates.

Just as the name implies, Delegates get the delegation from shareholders, they are on behalf of the interests of shareholders, so the duty of Delegates should be summarized as below:

I. Keep DAC running stably and high efficiently. Ensure to no block miss, produce the blocks in time, contain the information into blocks fairly, accurately and sufficiently. Whether or not in the first 101 position, target to 100% uptime, always ready to produce blocks.

II. Focus on building up infrastructure of DACs ecosystem. Leverage the resource of Delegate role, dedicate to development, maintenance, spreading of DACs, which includes in, but not limited by new DAC proposal discussion, DAC development test, DAC operation maintenance, DAC new features development, spread DAC in various way, for instance, translation, website building, on line / off line lecture, daily consultant, etc.

In the belief to above duty of Delegates, as the members who participate, build up, spread BTS community, especially for Chinese community, from the beginning till now, we establish DACWIN team to join the competition of Delegates, running the BTSX delegates nodes, start to take the duty of Delegates from August 10th, 2014.

Our Delegates Nodes:

We will ensure the performance of our delegates, and contribute more to the development infrastructure of DACs ecosystem.

We are confident to ourselves, to DACs and to the trust you will deliver to us.


With best wishes to our great cause,

DACWIN – coolspeed, logxing, yidaidaxia *

* In alphabetical order

coolspeed——Server-side programmer, DAC fans, who is one of the earliest disseminators to spread DAC theory, information in China, very interested to see and work out the potentials of DAC industry, participated BTSX dry run test, running personal active delegate, delegate.coolspeed now.

logxing—— Programmer, entrepreneur. Dedicated to spread DAC concept and study related technology, who is in belief that DAC is a fundamental revolution to the world, it will benefit everyone and let people start to think about what is liberty and right again.

yidaidaxia_郝晓曦——Crypto-assets fans, pursuer, disseminators, who translated BTSX white paper and DPoS white paper into Chinese, member of Bitfarm club, senior program manager.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 交易引擎撮合算法
« on: August 14, 2014, 08:07:24 am »



做空 做多bts bitu的才应该承担
+5%,让 bitu买单更合适


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 交易引擎撮合算法
« on: August 14, 2014, 07:59:17 am »

FDIC for BitUSD—— BitUSD之FDIC(联邦存款保险公司)



       3. 导致无背书BitUSD出现的爆仓,肇因是BitUSD相对BTSX大幅贬值,即BTSX升值,而增发BTSX是削弱BTSX价值,两者一定程度上是对冲
3. 导致无背书BitUSD出现的爆仓,肇因是BitUSD相对BTSX大幅升值,即BTSX贬值。增发BTSX是削弱BTSX价值,会进一步使BTSX贬值,从而出现恶性循环。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 予人玫瑰,手留余香
« on: August 14, 2014, 03:39:51 am »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 交易引擎撮合算法
« on: August 14, 2014, 01:57:56 am »

FDIC for BitUSD—— BitUSD之FDIC(联邦存款保险公司)




方案2,允许无背书BitUSD流通,会从根本上动摇锚定机制,使得BitUSD : USD越来越小,亦即单位BitUSD相对于USD越来越贬值,不可取。
       1. 这种损失是机制化的,参与者都应知道可能发生,对持股人而言是可预见风险;
       2. 由于主贴里提到的种种机制(感谢楼主),目前已经无法利用该机制套取大量BTSX牟利,原本担心的这方面风险和对系统影响已经很低;
      3. 导致无背书BitUSD出现的爆仓,肇因是BitUSD相对BTSX大幅贬值,即BTSX升值,而增发BTSX是削弱BTSX价值,两者一定程度上是对冲

Edit: 支持方案3的第三条理由我理解反了(感谢@天籁 指正),实际爆仓说明BTSX贬值,而增发会加剧,但考虑到增发量很有限,应该不是一个方案3强有力的反对理由。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 交易引擎撮合算法
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:24:51 am »

应该是 101/3 = 33 个。


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