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Messages - yidaidaxia

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When is the deadline for this request? I may not decide on my Keyhotee ID till this weekend..

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股彩票投入使用了
« on: August 12, 2014, 05:32:04 am »
1. 有才。
2. 返奖率就是返奖率,有明确的概念,不用混淆,当然,比国内彩票的返奖率是高多了。。
3. 赚钱本身天经地义。不过这里有市场竞争,而"fork"你这个不费吹灰之力。。。你得考虑如何提高复制者的成本。(话说到这里,我已经有点心动了。。)

中文 (Chinese) / 受托人之为责任——DACWIN团队成立
« on: August 10, 2014, 01:32:32 pm »

DPOS作为加密货币产业的最新创举,其最重要的创新之处,就在于“D—Delegated”即受托人机制。随着BTSX的正式启动及其平稳、高效的运行,后续BitAssets(比特资产)功能和BTS DNS、BTS Voting等DAC的推出时间表也已越来越清晰,整个DPOS系列DAC的宏伟计划开始逐步实现,受托人投票机制、DAC发行模型、受托人股权激励机制等问题也顺理成章的成为了社区讨论热点。而究其实质,这些问题真正的核心是受托人的职责。
受托人节点:now.dacwin / future.dacwin
DAC WIN NOW and FUTURE!让我们一起:赢在当下,放眼未来!

DACWIN团队——coolspeed,logxing,yidaidaxia_郝晓曦 *




* 以ID首字母排序



KeyID / Re: wondering if toast has a go-live timeline for DNS?
« on: August 10, 2014, 12:28:55 am »
thanks Toast. I found all the doc below.

Keep in mind that is outdated, new site with updated docs is coming in 1 week or less.

Great!I am having below questions for DNS parameters and posted in another threat but have not got your response it. I think it will be covered in the docu. of the new site you metioned? Looking forward to all the details then.
 :D :D +5%

@toast, would you pls update/clarify what's Auction Specification you are going to implement when BTS DNS launch?

I actually translated the "DNS .p2p Auction Specification (" the day before yesterday then I found there is some errors in the content then I notice it's an early June article then I went through this thread just now and found what I just introduced to Chinese community is really totally out of date......

I know Agent86's proposal and I know it might use another DLS and get implemented when BitAssets available.

So you may help me on below quesions:

D will be 0 and no 1) The initial required bid is 0.
2) Your required_bid is equal to (previous_bid + (R*(previous_bid - previous_required_bid))
3) When you place a bid, (D*(your_bid - previous_bid)) goes to dividends and (previous+bid + (1 - D)*(your_bid - previous_bid)) goes to previous bidder.

The initial required_bid will not be 0 and will decided by Delegates? So it will vary by different Delegates and how?

Will R still be 1 or a bit lower than 1 or very small like 0.1 or 0.2?

D is likely to be 1 and you will not have kickbacks when you are outbid, correct? The original bid you put will be returned to you totally or just a fraction of it (like 90% )?

What's the condition for a auction to be end?  a specific time after it starts?(then how long?) A specific quantity of blocks produced after it starts(then how many?) or other condition set by Delegates or the sellor?

How renewal rate to be set?

And I think we will reserve top current famous domains for maximize system value by deliver/sell them to the related company in future, so what's the detailed plan? top 100? 1,000? 10,000?




KeyID / Re: .p2p auction parameter discussion
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:48:15 pm »
@toast, would you pls update/clarify what's Auction Specification you are going to implement when BTS DNS launch?

I actually translated the "DNS .p2p Auction Specification (" the day before yesterday then I found there is some errors in the content then I notice it's an early June article then I went through this thread just now and found what I just introduced to Chinese community is really totally out of date......

I know Agent86's proposal and I know it might use another DLS and get implemented when BitAssets available.

So you may help me on below quesions:

D will be 0 and no 1) The initial required bid is 0.
2) Your required_bid is equal to (previous_bid + (R*(previous_bid - previous_required_bid))
3) When you place a bid, (D*(your_bid - previous_bid)) goes to dividends and (previous+bid + (1 - D)*(your_bid - previous_bid)) goes to previous bidder.

The initial required_bid will not be 0 and will decided by Delegates? So it will vary by different Delegates and how?

Will R still be 1 or a bit lower than 1 or very small like 0.1 or 0.2?

D is likely to be 1 and you will not have kickbacks when you are outbid, correct? The original bid you put will be returned to you totally or just a fraction of it (like 90% )?

What's the condition for a auction to be end?  a specific time after it starts?(then how long?) A specific quantity of blocks produced after it starts(then how many?) or other condition set by Delegates or the sellor?

How renewal rate to be set?

And I think we will reserve top current famous domains for maximize system value by deliver/sell them to the related company in future, so what's the detailed plan? top 100? 1,000? 10,000?









二,尽快引入自动开除机制,从程序上设立代表硬指标,比如,连续miss 10个块就失去代表资格。uptime率下限。或者其他可以想到的指标。当然,这些硬指标不宜定得要求太高,重在识别代表发生变故或者蓄意作恶。因为投票机制响应速度有限,而有些特定的代表负面表现是需要系统自动采取行动应该不难在社区达成共识(我指肯定会有争议,但部分条件肯定不难达成共识)。当然不可能指望自动开除机制解决所有问题,否则也不用投票了,甚至有些潜在大问题也不是自动开除可以解决的,但是肯定能解决部分问题,提高系统效率。


中文 (Chinese) / [翻译]DNS .p2p 竞标说明书
« on: August 03, 2014, 04:07:24 pm »
edit8/4: 诸位,我再次检视这篇文章发现原文行文有描述不当的地方,造成原文和译文都比较难理解,准备明天白天调整下并加下详细例子。谢谢。


DNS .p2p 竞标说明书

作者:Nikolai Mushegian

•   新域名的初始最低加价额是0。如果你拥有一个域名,你可以用任意初始最低加价额开始一场投标。
•   之后,最低加价额将是前中标额减去前最低加价额(previous_bid - previous_required_bid)。
•   如果是一个新域名,所有的初始中标额将会作为系统红利。如果是某人出售的域名,那么初始中标额将会付给出售者。
•   之后,下一份中标额将会按以下方式分配:
o   前中标额(previous_bid)将退回给前投标胜出者。
o   当前中标额与前中标额之间差额的一半((current_bid - previous_bid) * 0.5)也将付给前投标胜出者。
o   当前中标额与前中标额之间差额的另一半((current_bid - previous_bid) * 0.5)将作为系统红利。
•   如果你是第一个投标某一域名的人,并且你确实想买下它使用,那么竞拍机制会激励你按你愿意出的最高价付款。
o   如果没人在这之后投标超越你,那么你就是按你愿意支付的价格买下了该域名。
o   如果你没有赢得该域名,那么你可以拿回你的投标额,以及外加你投标额的50%,因为你的投标额(your_bid)和初始最低加价额(initial_required_bid)的差额总是等于你的投标额(your_bid)。
•   如果看到一个在售域名明显被低估,竞拍机制会激励你投标并且因此赢得报酬。你可以使你的投标额不超过最低加价额太多,这将让其他人比较容易地超越你并开启一场域名争夺战,而这么做则使你能将你的风险控制在一定范围内。
•   如果你投机性地投标而没有人超越你,(现在已经确定高估了该域名)你确定损失的机会成本将是持有等值股份(domainshares)所带来的红利。
一笔委托交易简单地包含将公钥,投标,输出信息三者进行打包处理后的哈希值(H(pubkey, bid, output_ref)),这里的公钥(pubkey)就是用来生成委托交易花费地址的那个公钥——该公钥将在该委托被声明之后揭示(译注:即解密公开),然后可以作为钱包能重新产生的随机数(nonce)。




KeyID / Re: [ SNAPSHOT: 8/21 ] DNS
« on: August 02, 2014, 09:07:50 am »
Anyone here thing the 7bn delegate subsidy is too high ? Lots of people in Chinese community complain about it.

I feel it's ok, we need resource to secure the network, and we don't know what's the best proportion. But 5bn(or a little bit lower) for delegates, others for public distribution(including PTSer/AGSer) should be a better balance between net security and public communication now... Anyway, let the market itself to verify how good this proposal is  :P +5%

中文 (Chinese) / Re: vote dac会很有前途
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:23:53 am »

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L00 上的 Tapatalk






比如9.1~9.30之间的某一时间节点。 9.30后加密自动解锁,公布快照区块。




内部人士永远有机可乘,即使有快照提前宣布也还是可以提前布局,某种程度上,快照提前宣布带来的波动性对内部人士更有利。。我也觉得快照事后公布好,但是需要引入随机函数减少人为因素。建议: 每次等某dac做好了发布准备时,宣布取未来某一特定btsx区块链生成的随机数作为快照函数的输入,由此推算出一个过去的时间点作为快照时间,当然,该时间取值范围应该合理,比如一个月内。这样可以在减少快照波动的同时最小化人为因素。

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: July 26, 2014, 12:16:28 pm »

I'm a Keyhotee founder ID user and I'm sure that I registered it suscessfully with 0.7 version. Actually, my founder ID is "Mike HAO" which is listed in btsx genesis block acount list as "mikeh-hao".

My problem is, when I try to log in on my computer today for getting the private key to claim the ID in BTSX, I found I forget my Keyhotee login password, actually I think I remember it but anyway I tried hundreds times but failed.

So per my understanding of the mechanism of Keyhotee ID, I created a new acount w/ exactly same register profile info and brain key so that I believe I could re-generate my acount to get the into it and get the private key for BTSX. I think I succeed to get my acount re-generated since when I create a "new identity" w/ "Mike HAO", system remind me that I've created a similar ID before.. I notice that, both of mail network and btsx network status in right bottom concern of the client is both "disconnected". So maybe that's why my "Mike HAO" ID not shows in the client now...?

So in summary, my question is:

1. As I described above, did I re-generated my acount sucessfully? If not, how can I do?
2. If yes to first quesion, no ID in the re-generated account now is due to no network? If no, then why no ID in the list?
3. If yes to second question, when could we have the newwork available then I could access to my "Mike HAO" ID and get the private key for BTSX...

BTW, at that time, I posted my public key "5cU7QvmB7ZLxcVjm1bwmvSmgZxduqZGFBgMDh8TPhkdYMnjSgS" here and you confirmed it recorded, which is true because it's in BTSX genesis block now. And I'm using the last release windows verions(0.7.230-win32) now.

Appreciated if you could look it and provide me your advice..

Thanks a lot.
1) It sounds like you successfully regenerated your key. If the public key you got matches your old one, then you have regenerated your key sucessfully.
2) it's quite possible the mail server for KH is down right now, I've not been involved with mail server handling for a few months now. I logged on to the server just now, and it "appears" to not be running for some reason, don't know why.
3) You don't need the mail server to access your private key. Your private key is stored in your Keyhotee client itself along with your public key. You just need to export this key to your bitshares client. I haven't done this yet myself, but the procedure for it is here:

Thanks for quick response.

1. The new public key does not match the old one. But the client remind me that I've registered this ID(Mike HAO), and does not allow me to "save" it. The new public key is "76UX9KAnd4Au6d6EDqRSKQQjsLBDqvk8j6UpjaswatEreSVkMb", while the old one is "5cU7QvmB7ZLxcVjm1bwmvSmgZxduqZGFBgMDh8TPhkdYMnjSgS". I still think I've succeeded to re-generate mu account, otherwise how system could identify I(my acount) already had ID "Mike HAO" when the client not being sync to the newwork.

2. I know the process to claim my ID on BTSX, but I could not access to ID "Mike HAO" now, since there is no ID in my new re-generated account and I could not re-create "Mike HAO" in this account due to system identify it's as duplicated... and no private key could be exported...

Any further advice...? Thanks.
If you're getting a different public key, you haven't successfully regenerated your account. To get the correct public key regenerated, you need the exact profile data previously entered (and the exact same KeyhoteeId).

quesiont: is login password part of "profile data" ?

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: July 25, 2014, 04:27:38 pm »

I'm a Keyhotee founder ID user and I'm sure that I registered it suscessfully with 0.7 version. Actually, my founder ID is "Mike HAO" which is listed in btsx genesis block acount list as "mikeh-hao".

My problem is, when I try to log in on my computer today for getting the private key to claim the ID in BTSX, I found I forget my Keyhotee login password, actually I think I remember it but anyway I tried hundreds times but failed.

So per my understanding of the mechanism of Keyhotee ID, I created a new acount w/ exactly same register profile info and brain key so that I believe I could re-generate my acount to get the into it and get the private key for BTSX. I think I succeed to get my acount re-generated since when I create a "new identity" w/ "Mike HAO", system remind me that I've created a similar ID before.. I notice that, both of mail network and btsx network status in right bottom concern of the client is both "disconnected". So maybe that's why my "Mike HAO" ID not shows in the client now...?

So in summary, my question is:

1. As I described above, did I re-generated my acount sucessfully? If not, how can I do?
2. If yes to first quesion, no ID in the re-generated account now is due to no network? If no, then why no ID in the list?
3. If yes to second question, when could we have the newwork available then I could access to my "Mike HAO" ID and get the private key for BTSX...

BTW, at that time, I posted my public key "5cU7QvmB7ZLxcVjm1bwmvSmgZxduqZGFBgMDh8TPhkdYMnjSgS" here and you confirmed it recorded, which is true because it's in BTSX genesis block now. And I'm using the last release windows verions(0.7.230-win32) now.

Appreciated if you could look it and provide me your advice..

Thanks a lot.
1) It sounds like you successfully regenerated your key. If the public key you got matches your old one, then you have regenerated your key sucessfully.
2) it's quite possible the mail server for KH is down right now, I've not been involved with mail server handling for a few months now. I logged on to the server just now, and it "appears" to not be running for some reason, don't know why.
3) You don't need the mail server to access your private key. Your private key is stored in your Keyhotee client itself along with your public key. You just need to export this key to your bitshares client. I haven't done this yet myself, but the procedure for it is here:

Thanks for quick response.

1. The new public key does not match the old one. But the client remind me that I've registered this ID(Mike HAO), and does not allow me to "save" it. The new public key is "76UX9KAnd4Au6d6EDqRSKQQjsLBDqvk8j6UpjaswatEreSVkMb", while the old one is "5cU7QvmB7ZLxcVjm1bwmvSmgZxduqZGFBgMDh8TPhkdYMnjSgS". I still think I've succeeded to re-generate mu account, otherwise how system could identify I(my acount) already had ID "Mike HAO" when the client not being sync to the newwork.

2. I know the process to claim my ID on BTSX, but I could not access to ID "Mike HAO" now, since there is no ID in my new re-generated account and I could not re-create "Mike HAO" in this account due to system identify it's as duplicated... and no private key could be exported...

Any further advice...? Thanks.

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