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Messages - Riverhead

Pages: 1 ... 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 [218] 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 ... 227
General Discussion / Re: How & When to Backup Your Wallet
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:51:36 am »
How deterministic are we talking here?  I created two wallets on two machines (one to use and one delegate server) with the same pass phrase (strong).  Are these two machines effectively running the same wallet?

General Discussion / Re: BTSX Share Supply 10BB?
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:43:35 am »
"maximum share supply" is meaningless for BTSX since nobody can issue new shares. So it started at 2bb and will only go down, the 10bn is just internal bookkeeping (we should "fake" it for BTSX imo)

Perfect  Thank you :).

General Discussion / Re: User-issued assets == spam?
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:41:32 am »
Also perhaps a client side filter to restrict your list by issuer and perhaps a self maintained bad word filter.  This would allow the individual to decide what constitutes a spam asset and a bad word.  I really doubt my list would be the same as yours :).

General Discussion / Re: Hey, BTSX delegates, come here.
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:34:52 am »

I think bytemater already have a design of delegate p2p networks, for the delegates to directly connect to each other directly, only the delegate with the signature of active delegates can join this network.  That will make the DPOS more powerful.

Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong but wouldn't that get us closer to a centralized cabal of delegates?

Not any more than DPOS as designed now... DPOS does not prevent delegates from making direct connections to each other outside the main network

I was thinking about this bit "only the delegate with the signature of active delegates can join this network"

General Discussion / BTSX Share Supply 10BB?
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:32:27 am »

From the threads about BTSX being listed on the exchanges there was talk about the BTSX share supply going from 4MM to 2BB.  Looking at the asset tab of Bitshares X I see that the Share Supply for BTSX is 10BB.

However the current share supply is indeed 2BB (minus about 50k burned).

Can someone help me understand what's going on there?


General Discussion / Re: Hey, BTSX delegates, come here.
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:20:29 am »

I think bytemater already have a design of delegate p2p networks, for the delegates to directly connect to each other directly, only the delegate with the signature of active delegates can join this network.  That will make the DPOS more powerful.

Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong but wouldn't that get us closer to a centralized cabal of delegates?


Noob question - how do I change my %?  I'll go down to 5%.  I'm really more interested in supporting the network and seeing where this goes than making money off it.

Go to your account - click Edit.

Then select Delegate, and adjust the %. If you are already registered you should not be charged a fee for delegate registration, but you will still be charged a small transaction fee for the change.

I think you can only go down in % not up for a delegate.

So you're effectively re-registering?  I'm using a CLI on the delegate server via ssh:

UPDATE: This worked!  Now 5% :D

I'm thinking:
Code: [Select]
wallet_account_update_registration riverheaddelserv1 riverheaddelserv1 null 5


Noob question - how do I change my %?  I'll go down to 5%.  I'm really more interested in supporting the network and seeing where this goes than making money off it.


I have a a dedicated Ubuntu 14.04 server running a 5% delegate.  Please vote riverheaddelserv1 :)

I'm also going to task another server to be a seed.  I'll put the seed address in my sig when complete.

General Discussion / Re: Missing 30K - Help troubleshoot this.
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:31:07 pm »

Have you done a wallet_account_balance in the console to see if it's just a UI bug?

General Discussion / Re: BTS X is Live
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:28:31 pm »

2.1?  Is there a change log somewhere between 2.0 and 2.1?  Looks like only the seednode was updated?  Should we rebuild to this version?

General Discussion / Re: Delegate vote swaps
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:23:23 pm »

From what I've read the pay rate percentage isn't how much you keep vs return to the market it's how much you keep vs "destroy to reduce supply".  So it's not like if you're at 50% you're being less greedy (in the short term).  You're just reducing the number of BTSX by destroying half the transaction fees you earned.  This will likely increase the value of each BTSX in a classic supply/demand sense I guess.

Someone correct me if I've misunderstood this.

Corrected as requested!

What did you change?  It looks the same to me.  Or was I mid edit when you posted the quote?

General Discussion / Re: Delegate vote swaps
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:18:19 pm »

From what I've read the pay rate percentage isn't how much you keep vs return to the market it's how much you keep vs "destroy to reduce supply".  So it's not like if you're at 50% you're being less greedy (in the short term).  You're just reducing the number of BTSX by destroying half the transaction fees you earned.  This will likely increase the value of each BTSX in a classic supply/demand sense I guess.

Someone correct me if I've misunderstood this.

General Discussion / Re: How to claim Keyhotee founder ID?
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:22:21 pm »
I think Stan is maintaining a spreadsheet of founders.  You should be OK once the dust settles from the BitsharesX release.

I have a Keyhotee founder ID. I successfully regsited earlier this year but missed the May re-register. I just found out that my ID is not reserved in Bitshares X's genesis block.

Is there any way to claim my ID?

General Discussion / Re: BTS X is Live
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:00:17 am »
Very cool start. I like the default timeout on the wallet,  "1776" in seconds

Hah!  I missed that.  That's awesome.  +5%

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