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Messages - bitmeat

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DAC PLAY / Re: 【Announcement】DAC PLAY
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:28:15 am »
Any screenshots available?

DAC PLAY / Re: Play Released?
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:24:21 pm »
Will they make it so people can claim their stake without having to reveal their private key? (e.g. by signing a specific message)

General Discussion / Re: What can I do with my bitUSD?
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:21:18 am »
With a real USD you can at least wipe your ass. LOL

Great job xeroc!

I think its now significantly underpriced now.  Unless bitcoin is headed for $100.

That's not entirely out of question. No matter how good BTC may be for remittance in various countries, it is only used temporary. i.e. user A wants to send to user B in another country. User A buys BTC with USD/etc, sends it to B, then user B sells the BTC for USD. So this lasts less than a day, but surely no longer than 3 days. So even if $400B is sent per year, that's like a bit over $1B. In other words, Bitcoin could drop to $100 and still cover all the demand with respect to remittance. Of course there are other use cases, but those are likely to take many years to materialize, and by then something could replace BTC.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares - Safer than a Swiss Bank
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:40:32 am »
a dose of realism and validation from others is exactly what you need to lack to hatch the plans we have seen here. perhaps you can find some other words to describe your misgivings.

CLains I always admire your PR skills. You are a great community member.

I'll admit that I'm not providing a constructive criticism. But tough criticism is an important ingredient of success. Sorry if I don't feel like joining your circle jerk.

Trust me when I say no serious financial group is ever going to consider using BitShares unless it changes fundamentally.

Quality lacks - in the beginning that was fine and well understood, but seeing the progress so far I am not impressed.
Documentation & integration with other products lacks.
Stability and security lacks.
Connectivity issues suck.
Forking sucks.
Liquidity sucks.
I could go on and on, what's worse is - I don't see a good plan in place that will address these issues.

So, to go and compare with a bank and proclaim you are more stable than a bank is ludicrous. Your BitUSD liquidity is less than $10K. Software has constant hard forks and often requires people to re-download entire blockchain. I recently thought - OK I'm gonna execute a trade inside BTS. Guess what I had to wait a day to download the blockchain. Some stability right there. I mean really if you expect hard-forks to happen often - build a system that supports that well. NXT updates the client all the time, but it has never affected the functionality.

As far as joining the efforts, it's just really not worth my time, I get better dividends in the projects I'm currently involved in.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares - Safer than a Swiss Bank
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:13:23 pm »
Wow, delusion has no limits. I love the enthusiasm, but man... I would have had much more respect for this community if it had a does of realism. Starting with Stan.

You still have no good validation from "strangers". How the heck do you expect to grow this at all?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Price discussion
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:04:22 pm »
I would be in an amazingly better position if I had saved my funds back then and was able to buy BTS and NOTES at current levels.

True. However I am comforted by the fact that I couldnt see into the future then, and I cant now.
Just gotta ride this baby until the wheels come of. Or we can start affording expensive cars.

I think that's how ostriches play the market. :) They put the money in, and then put the head in the sand until they retire. :)

The coders here are absolute genius.
The professionalism in the community, the mumbles, bitshares tv, just the language used here in the forum is so refreshing.
I'm luvin it. ™

 +5% well said. These are also the reasons that, regardless of the price or the market cap, keep me excited to no end about this project and why I'm here for the long haul, too

And your claims are backed by... "wishful thinking"? I would have to disagree on the quality of development. Toast is the only one on the Dev team I have really high respect for. Dan comes a close second, but I think his stubbornness has actually impacted the growth of this ecosystem negatively.

Dude, I wish you good luck, but I've seen people with your level of enthusiasm when the price was almost 5 times the current level, and they are not happy campers now.

Just word of advice - don't go crazy all in, you may regret it more, than regretting not going all in.

Let me ask you this. Has anyone tested doing 10M user accounts and 100M trades in DevShares? If not, why not?

What is the hard limit Bitshares can handle before it all falls apart?

How can you say this is the best investment without knowing the real limits of what you are investing in?!

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Price discussion
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:44:30 pm »
Or its the awesome "community support" of AGS/PTS holders who are dumping since they effectively got it for free. (Kind of)

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Price Analysis
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:19:06 am »
So how is that even traded? For BTS on the platform?

General Discussion / Re: QORA
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:28:14 am »
No thank you.  :)

In my biased opinion, anyone buying anything else than bts right now must be crazy!

How's that working out for you? :)

General Discussion / Re: QORA
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:24:28 am »
If I may add - BURST has a totally cool mining algorithm, and the best distribution I've ever seen, since the difference of hard drive space across users is not that big.

General Discussion / Re: QORA
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:23:03 am »
Hey Ander, I'm spending ALL of my time and my own money to help BitShares in every way I can. And here you are on our forum trying to get readers to invest spare cash in a competing project?

How about putting at least a modicum of effort into promoting BTS to the world?

Yeah, I know that you are claiming that we can use profits from your "opportunity" to reinvest in bitshares in the near future - but I call bullshit. Dividing the community's attention and efforts is no way to further this project.

This is a trading discussion. Totally legit place for it.

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