Should we invest in Stellar instead then? 
I love most things about stellar, except for currently 95% of the supply is held by the foundation. So that market cap you have to multiply 20x. That explains why price is so low. - So their market cap is really around $250M if you take into account the undistributed supply.
Seems expensive, but at the same time, we see some serious players interested in them, and also really great team. The real question is, how likely is for Stellar to take over Bitcoin, even if it is valid in premise, there could be many other roadblocks down the road. (Same questions apply for Bitshares).
Really price is irrelevant for most of these alts, it's just a matter of "What's the likelyhood of its marketcap being $100B one day, or may be even $1T?"
And I think the answer to that also greatly depends on scalability. BitShares as is, is absolutely not scalable. Not saying Stellar is. But if you combine Stellar's consensus protocol with a scalable ledger, it could really spread like wildfire. (And who knows they may have a solution for that as well)