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Messages - kingslanding

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Obviously we should be pushing to get a sidechain implementation going ASAP.  But I think we're dramatically overcomplicating it in this thread and should probably leave the precise details to the devs (primarily @bytemaster). 

Beyond that, I think we should be concentrating on pushing to incentivize a) creation of the primary fiat BitAssets and b) participation in BitAsset liquidity pools, among other liquidity measures. 

Speaking of liquidity, I think we should be doing what we can to establish robust markets in any new cryptocurrencies that hit the market.  The Lisk ICO will go for another 3 weeks and then it will launch and trade on the open market.  I'll probably say this until I'm blue in the face.  But we should make sure we are among the first exchanges (if not THE first) to trade Lisk.  That would generate plenty of buzz and new users for the DEX.

We really need to get serious about making some of these pieces of the puzzle come together.

@bytemaster solution is just a bitcoin master wallet where the witnesses share the private keys and issue IOU tokens much like OPEN.BTC minus the multisig

Can we keep on topic with this thread. Please start a new thread if you want to discuss adding lisk.

I don't know the details of bytemaster's solution.  What are the pitfalls of it?  Sounds like a straightforward solution:  bring bitcoin in one-way via sidechain, treat it as a token to trade inside bitshares, redeem via a convert to BTS then to shapeshift.

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: March 01, 2016, 09:57:42 pm »
 +5% x 100 agreement w/ Erlich. 

The sidechain meme would be a total game changer for us.  Bitshares would have a clearly defined identity it badly needs.  Marketing would be a cake walk since the whole bitshares community would have something easy-to-understand to back. Imagine the bitcoin community support we would generate.  I think it would warrant the title Bitshares 3.0.  The bond market can wait.

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: February 29, 2016, 09:30:49 pm »
- I can see adding sidechains for other major cryptos such as litecoin and peercoin.  Wouldn't it be possible now to trade amongst them as well?  Huge liquidity.

this may not by true... so do not take my words as final... but I think we could integrate with everycoin which has multisig. But... it will require to run full node of that client by all witnesses. So it would be difficult to run 20 full nodes of different coins. So (in my opinion) we should focus on:

* DOGE :)

If BTS exploded w/ each coin added, I don't think witnesses would mind running more nodes.  :)

Seriously, though, if a worker proposal for sidechains gets approved, we could immediately send a press release to create a buzz around the bitcoin world.

Plus, we would be in the good graces of the bitcoin centric guys

Yes, excellent point.

I think we should market a BTS-BTC sidechain like a theatrical release.  Promote & hype it until the release date.  Hit the trollboxes, the news outlets, get bytemaster to do some interviews (Daily Decrypt to start?),  etc.  Then, as the product gets developed show screenshots, weekly updates, testnet videos.  I liked the fact that Eric Martindale of Blockstream was excited to help out.  He would totally validate a bitshares-bitcoin synergy on the bitcoin side.

What would be a good release date?  It should be something everyone can remember:  July 20ish, 2016, the bitcoin halving date!  Not sure how long development would take, but if it could be done sooner, the extra time could be used to fully test it.  If later, well let's get this sucker approved to get there!

I downloaded BitShares-light 2.0.160217 and tried to create a new account.  I input an account name and password, then when I hit "create account" I get the following:

Failed to create account:
kingslanding9999 - 0 exception:
unspecified 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception itr->get_balance() >= -delta:
Insufficient Balance: openledger's balance of 3.72320 BTS is less than required 95.31054 BTS

Is this a problem for Bitshares Light or openledger?

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: February 29, 2016, 04:09:51 pm »
- I can see adding sidechains for other major cryptos such as litecoin and peercoin.  Wouldn't it be possible now to trade amongst them as well?  Huge liquidity.

this may not by true... so do not take my words as final... but I think we could integrate with everycoin which has multisig. But... it will require to run full node of that client by all witnesses. So it would be difficult to run 20 full nodes of different coins. So (in my opinion) we should focus on:

* DOGE :)

If BTS exploded w/ each coin added, I don't think witnesses would mind running more nodes.  :)

Seriously, though, if a worker proposal for sidechains gets approved, we could immediately send a press release to create a buzz around the bitcoin world.

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: February 29, 2016, 03:14:02 pm »
Sidechains <-- OK, but i'm more a fan of supporting anything to do with the trading experience

@cylonmaker2053 this should be our priority. This will bring liquidity to all BTC:XYZ exchanges. Right now to trade with BTC you need 200% collateral, what makes, that less BTC circulate in the network... and people do not like that. With sidechain (first bitcoin, ethereum next) we will have exactly 100% collateral. This will give us very big boost... not mentioning about fame an all news services, because bitshares will be first cruptocurrency which is sidechain of bitcoin!

 +5% +5%
All the roadmap proposals are great once people are in the bitshares environment.  Sidechains is the only one that also actually gets people there.  These are the points (already made) that convinced me:

- Yes, sidechain 1st mover exposure would be huge.  Viral marketing without the cost.

- We'd be equivalent to any exchange out there but private (ie. stealth) and decentralized.  It would open up a market for whale traders who want to remain anonymous.

- I can see adding sidechains for other major cryptos such as litecoin and peercoin.  Wouldn't it be possible now to trade amongst them as well?  Huge liquidity.

General Discussion / Re: Why is BTS not available on
« on: February 27, 2016, 06:23:19 am »
So is it ok to purchase BTS on now?  Or does blocktrades have to upgrade to the new fork?  ie. Current release Bitshares 2.0.160223.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 19, 2015, 03:49:12 pm »
I agree with bytemaster 100%+5%.  The public accounts here feel even less private than my centralized brokerage account.  At least there, only the brokerage company knows my transactions.  Here it feels like someone took my bank statement from the mail, crossed my name/address out, and posted it on the internet.  That feeling alone holds me back.

The backbone of bitshares won't come from the general public initially.  Heck, I can't even get engineers I know to buy one bitcoin, let alone buying bts to trade here.  The fundamental driver of all cryptos has been freedom & privacy.  bitacer already pointed that out.  Bank institutions want privacy because it's part of doing business, traders need the privacy to perform the way they want.

Joe public will be the last group to use bitshares.  Ease of use, low fees, and stealth transactions will bring in the current users of crypto and the banks.  Let the public work through them to get here.

I'm trying to sync using 0.9.3c and I downloaded the chain file.  But when I bring up the gui it doesn't connect because it says Severe Network Problems at the bottom right.  When I hover over the message it says,
 "delegate participation rate is below 60%, please consider to postpone all transfers until the rate is back to 100%"

Is this to be expected now?  I was able to connect & download the chain previously in late Oct.

Technical Support / hiding transactions GUI
« on: November 06, 2015, 03:27:42 am »
Is there a way to hide my GUI transactions if someone clicks on my account name from the accounts section?  I'm using the bitshares light wallet.  On the website, the privacy feature states:

"Only those you authorize can see your accounts. We make our ledgers public for transparency, but you can keep yours private."

It seems to imply I can hide my transactions.

bytemaster mentioned in a recent hangout that bitshares is starting to get profitable (ie. more shares burned by fees than created).  Can someone should build an indicator & chart that measures how much bitshares is profitable  and post it on the website?  It could show both with and without referral fees if possible.  I know seeing that number go higher would motivate me as an investor.  It would be a great promotion for the referral program.  And if the number goes down.... well, we've got more work to do. :)

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE Light client Release
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:26:16 am »
I'm having the same problem as unsoindovo but with the bitshares light wallet:  when I import my bitcoin-qt private key I get the white/blank screen.  My key also begins with L and is 52 characters long.  Can someone verify that the the private key to be in WIF has to begin with 5?  xeroc seems to imply that it doesn't based on his steps below.

how to import NOTES buyed in IPO with BTC????
there isn't a function do do this!
You use the import key tool and put the wif private key for the address you used to buy NOTES in the pre-sale
hi xeroc!
i don't understand.
how to generate "wif private key" from my bitcoin QT-Wallet and then use it to import in my MUSE wallet.
can you explain better?

many thanx!
Can you figure out FROM WHICH address(es) you have donated to the MUSE pre-sale?
you should be able to figure that out from your transaction history in the QT-wallet.

once you know your addresses you can dump their corresponding private keys as described here:

That string of characters can be imported into muse with the key import tool and afterwards you can claim your pre-sale tokens

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:52:49 pm »
How do I import my keys from my AGS donations into Openledger? Doesn't seem to work for me. What's the best way to do this?
I guess you need to do it in two steps: first you need to import your AGS keys into the 0.9.3c GUI and then export the keys from there and import them to the 2.0 GUI as it's described here:
But I've never done it this way, so this is only me guessing.

Is this the "best practices" way of importing keys from AGS donations?  Or is there a way to import directly into the 2.0 GUI?

Depends ... if you are tech savvy enough to export the required WIF private keys (from the donation) from your BTC wallet yourself .. then you can also import them directly into the wallet ..

So if I start from 0.9.3c to get to 2.0, can I even register my new account in 0.9.3c?  My guess is no because of the blockchain fork.  Or should/can I migrate to 2.0 and then register?

And is there documentation on registering in 2.0?

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: October 29, 2015, 05:03:37 am »
How do I import my keys from my AGS donations into Openledger? Doesn't seem to work for me. What's the best way to do this?
I guess you need to do it in two steps: first you need to import your AGS keys into the 0.9.3c GUI and then export the keys from there and import them to the 2.0 GUI as it's described here:
But I've never done it this way, so this is only me guessing.

Is this the "best practices" way of importing keys from AGS donations?  Or is there a way to import directly into the 2.0 GUI?

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